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Public/Engaged Scholarship, Publishing, and Tenure and Promotion. Definitions, Approaches, Processes, Resources, Venues Dr. Gregory Jay, Professor of English University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee Download this presentation at: http ://www.pantherfile.uwm.edu/gjay/www/ces2013pptx. What is CES?.
Public/Engaged Scholarship, Publishing, and Tenure and Promotion Definitions, Approaches, Processes, Resources, Venues Dr. Gregory Jay, Professor of English University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee Download this presentation at:http://www.pantherfile.uwm.edu/gjay/www/ces2013pptx
What is CES? Community engaged scholarship can be found in teaching, research and/or service. It is academically relevant work that simultaneously addresses disciplinary concerns and fulfills campus and community objectives. It involves sharing authority with community partners in the development of goals and approaches, as well as the conduct of work and its dissemination. It should involve critical review by discipline specific peers, community partners and the public. – Engaged Scholarship Advisory Committee to Connecticut Campus Compact (2012)
Definitions • “Scholarship of Engagement” • “Engaged Scholarship” • “Public Scholarship” • “Scholarship of Teaching and Learning”
The term "scholarship of engagement" is an emergent concept first used by Ernest Boyer in a 1996 article by that title. The term redefines faculty scholarly work from application of academic expertise to community engaged scholarship that involves the faculty member in a reciprocal partnership with the community, is interdisciplinary, and integrates faculty roles of teaching, research, and service. While there is variation in current terminology (public scholarship, scholarship of engagement, community-engaged scholarship), engaged scholarship is defined by the collaboration between academics and individuals outside the academy - knowledge professionals and the lay public (local, regional/state, national, global) - for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity. The scholarship of engagement includes explicitly democratic dimensions of encouraging the participation of non-academics in ways that enhance and broaden engagement and deliberation about major social issues inside and outside the university. It seeks to facilitate a more active and engaged democracy by bringing affected publics into problem-solving work in ways that advance the public good with and not merely for the public. from the New England Resource Center for Higher Educationhttp://www.nerche.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=265&catid=28&Itemid=87
Public scholarship can be described as scholarly and creative work in the public interest, scholarship planned and carried out with community or public partners, and scholarship that produces a "public good" such as exhibits, performances, and broadly accessible research results. The Public Scholarship Program provides funding, support, and visibility for projects from a variety of disciplines that enable the university to better serve its public purpose by contributing to public debate, solving public problems, and strengthening communities. Through public scholarship, faculty will be able to become more actively engaged in society, while communities will develop their capacity to address their own needs and improve the quality of life for their residents. The University of North Dakota Public Scholarship Program http://und.edu/centers/community-engagement/programs/publicscholarship.cfm
The Question To what extent have higher education institutions that are committed to community engagement reshaped institutional reward policies in ways that create explicit incentives for faculty to undertake community engaged scholarship ? Saltmarsh, J. Giles, D. E. Jr., O’Meara, K. Sandmann, L. R., Ward, E. & Buglione, S. (2009) “Community Engagement and Institutional Culture in Higher Education: An Investigation of Faculty Reward Policies at Engaged Campuses.” In B. Moely, Ed. Advances in Service Learning Research, Volume 9.
Syracuse University T&P Language • Syracuse University is committed to longstanding traditions of scholarship as well as evolving perspectives on scholarship. Syracuse University recognizes that the role of academia is not static and that methodologies, topics of interest, and boundaries within and between disciplines change over time. The University will continue to support scholars in all of these traditions, including faculty who choose to participate in publicly engaged scholarship. Publicly engaged scholarship may involve partnerships of University knowledge and resources with those of the public and private sectors to enrich scholarship, research, creative activity, and public knowledge; enhance curriculum, teaching and learning; prepare educated, engaged citizens; strengthen democratic values and civic responsibility; address and help solve critical social problems; and contribute to the public good.
University of Memphis Engaged scholarship now subsumes the scholarship of application. It adds to existing knowledge in the process of applying intellectual expertise to collaborative problem-solving with urban, regional, state, national and/or global communities and results in a written work shared with others in the discipline or field of study. Engaged scholarship conceptualizes "community groups" as all those outside of academe and requires shared authority at all stages of the research process from defining the research problem, choosing theoretical and methodological approaches, conducting the research, developing the final product(s), to participating in peer evaluation. Departments should refine the definition as appropriate for their disciplines and incorporate evaluation guidelines in departmental tenure and promotion criteria. (2011 Faculty handbook, chapter 4. p 42.)
University of North Carolina-Greensboro • Incentive and rewards integrated across the categories of research, teaching, and service • Examples of appropriate engaged work in each category given
Syracuse cont. • One can contribute to these goals in many ways —individually through each of teaching, service and scholarship or in an integrated form—all highly valued by Syracuse University. Such activity counts as scholarship, however, only when it makes a contribution to knowledge in specific field(s) or relevant disciplines. Such scholarship is to be evaluated with the same rigor and standards as all scholarship. • http://www.syr.edu/academics/office_of_academic_admin/faculty/manual/pdf/Section2FM.pdf
Tenure and Promotion • Michigan State T&P Revisions and Their Results: http://ncsue.msu.edu/files/OutreachEngagementPromotionTenure.pdf • Julie Ellison and Timothy Eatman, Scholarship in Public: Knowledge Creation and Tenure Policy in the Engaged Universityhttp://imaginingamerica.org/publications/reports-essays/ • KerryAnn O’Meara, “Supporting Community Engagement in Promotion and Tenure.” Prezi Presentation: http://prezi.com/ii3mr5aum5rp/setting-the-table-supporting-community-engagement-in-promotion-and-tenure/
“As proponents of community engaged scholarship (CES), we must distinguish service learning or community engagement from CES and avoid conflation at all costs. Whether by accident or by design, the very act of conflation by advocates of CES shoulders significant blame for resistance to its integration. Students majoring in early childhood education, for example, who are taught to tutor kids and reflect on its academic relevance is NOT community engaged scholarship because tutoring is NOT scholarship and, therefore, cannot be reviewed as scholarship. Performing a literacy intervention and assessing its significance without community peer consultation and review of effectiveness is scholarship but is NOT community engaged and is, therefore, not in adherence to commonly articulated standards of community engaged scholarship. The challenge faced is to reflect best practices in both scholarship and community engagement in faculty guidelines for promotion and tenure, thereby enabling CES to be evaluated for rigor and effectiveness by both discipline- and community-specific peers. Just as the very boundaries of knowledge are constantly shifting, so too are the boundaries of scholarship.” from A Framework for Community Engaged Scholarship, by Connecticut Campus Compact: http://blog.fairfield.edu/campuscompact/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/ESAC-Framework-Community-Engaged-Scholarship_WEB.pdf
Journals • Humanity and Society: Journal of Humanist Sociology: http://www.ccsu.edu/page.cfm?p=10135 • Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship: http://jces.ua.edu/ • Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement: http://openjournals.libs.uga.edu/index.php/jheoe/index • Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education: http://jpshe.missouristate.edu/ • Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning: http://ginsberg.umich.edu/mjcsl/ • New Directions for Teaching and Learning: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1536-0768 • Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture: http://pedagogy.dukejournals.org/ • Public: A Journal of Imagining America: http://public.imaginingamerica.org/
General Resources • Campus Compact: http://www.compact.org/ • Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life (national consortium; conferences, reports, journal, etc.): http://imaginingamerica.org/ • TRUCEN (Campus Compact): The Research University Civic Engagement Network (reports, toolkits, models, etc.): http://www.compact.org/initiatives/trucen/ • Community-Campus Partnerships for Health • http://www.ccph.info/ • A Crucible Moment: College Learning and Democracy’s Future, by the National Task Force on Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement: http://www.aacu.org/civic_learning/crucible/documents/crucible_508F.pdf • A Framework for Community Engaged Scholarship, by Connecticut Campus Compact: http://blog.fairfield.edu/campuscompact/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/ESAC-Framework-Community-Engaged-Scholarship_WEB.pdf • New Times Demand New Scholarship: Research Universities and Civic Engagement: http://www.compact.org/wp-content/uploads/initiatives/research_universities/conference_report.pdf
Bibliography • Download the bibliography and list of resources at: • http://pantherfile.uwm.edu/gjay/www/biblio.pdf