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When Using DOPPS Slides. DOPPS Slide Use Guidelines. Enhanced Training in Vascular Access Creation Predicts Arteriovenous Fistula Placement and Patency in Hemodialysis Patients: Results from the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study. Introduction. DOPPS Background. Methods (1).
Enhanced Training in Vascular Access Creation Predicts Arteriovenous Fistula Placement and Patency in Hemodialysis Patients: Results from the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study
Table 1: Questions about surgical training and practice patterns answered by the primary vascular access surgeon at each facility
Table 2: Odds of fistula versus graftplacement among HD patients as a function of the type/number of vascular accesses (VA) placed during training and the degree of emphasis on VA during training
Figure 1a. Variation across countries in permanent vascular access use in a prevalent cross-section of hemodialysis patients
Figure 1b. Variation across countries in permanent vascular access use in incident hemodialysis patients (within seven days of starting dialysis; at study start (2002-2003)
Figure 2a. Major domains of vascular accesssurgical training. Mean estimated number of accesses placed by vascular access surgeonsduring training, by country
Figure 2b. Major domains of vascular accesssurgical training. Wide variability in the degree of emphasis on vascular access creation during training, by country
Figure 3. Time to primary fistula failure in hemodialysis patients for tertiles of the number of AVF created by the facility’s primary surgeon during surgical training