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Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure. A Supervisor’s Step by Step Guide to Navigating the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure Web Site. Acknowledgements. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure A Supervisor’s Step by Step Guide to Navigating the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure Web Site
Acknowledgements • ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth gratefully acknowledges the contributions of Darlene Devlin, Interlake Regional Health Authority and Jacynth Lamoureux in the development of the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure Web Guide: A Supervisor's Step by Step Guide to Navigating the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure Web Site.
Introduction • The Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure Web Guide • The following guide has been prepared to assist you in using the web site of the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure. • This PowerPoint guide may be used: • To train first time users of the web site. • To reference specific sections of the web site. • For troubleshooting when entering data onto the web site.
Navigating the Guide Navigating the GuideTable of Contents The Table of Contents lists each of the topics covered within the guide by title. The directions provided for that topic are listed below the title. In the Table of Contents, clicking on a title will take you directly to that section of the guide. For example: Clicking on the title “REGISTRATION & RETURNING USERS” will take you directly to that section in the guide. The section will provide directions on how to register and how to log in as a returning user. TABLE OF CONTENTS REGISTRATION & RETURNING USERS Register as a First Time User Log In as a Returning User
Guide pages Guide pages • Each page of the guide contains an image of an actual page from the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure web site. Click on the page and instructions for completing the entries on that page will appear. Remember:The guide pages contain instructions on how to use the web site but you must return to the actual web site to complete entries. Helpful hints are provided whenever possible. They are included on the pages as a NOTE. At the left of each page are action buttons which you may use at any time to move between pages in the guide. Move your cursor on to the button. Your cursor will change to a hand and then you click. Click on this button to return to the Table of Contents. Click on this button to return to the first page of the section you are viewing. Click on this button to return to previous page. Click on this button to move forward to next page. .
Registration & Returning Users Registration & Returning Users In order to enter and view data on the web site you must be a registered clinician or supervisor. If you have already registered on this web site, you may proceed to log in as a returning user. This section provides directions for: - Registration as a First Time User - Log In as a Returning User
Registration as a First Time User A First Time User is someone who has not registered as a supervisor. You must submit your registration information, including a user name and password, before viewing data on the website. Once your registration is confirmed, you may then enter the site to view information as a Returning User. Click here if you areregistering as a New Supervisor
Enter Login Informationand Contact Information All supervisors must enter Division/Districts or Health/FamilyServices facility/region information. If a facility/region is notincluded in the drop down menu, it may be added by clicking New Facility/Region Login & Contact Information The username is a unique name you give yourself for the purpose of this web site only. Please use only letters, numbers, or spaces. Usernames are CaSe SeNsItIvE. Your password must be at least six (6) characters long. Passwords are CaSe SeNsItIvE. You cannot enter both a school division and a health/family services facility / region. If you supervise clinicians providing pre-school and school aged individuals, you must register under different user names.
Registration Submitted At this point you will QUIT. The administrator of the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure will notify you of your successful registration. Once you have received notification of successful registration, you may log back on as a ReturningUser and begin using the web site.
Click here if you area Returning User Log In as a Returning User A Returning User is someone who has registered as a clinician or supervisor and received confirmation that they are accepted. You may now enter the site to view information. Click on: Log In.
Reports Reports
You are able to generate a number of standard reportsusing the navigation bar. You are able to generate a number of specific reportsregarding your clinician’s caseload using the navigation bar. Generating Reports Standard Reports: Generated automatically based on your clinician’s caseload data entry.Additional Reports: Generated by selecting specific report criteria. For all reports: -“Totals forSpeech-Language Pathologist” refers to the total number of FCM areas scored. -“Clinician Caseload” refers to the number of individuals on your clinician’s caseload.-“Totals for Manitoba” refers to the total number of FCM areas scored provincially. -“Manitoba Caseload” refers to the number of individuals on the provincial caseload.
Click Caseload Summary by FCM and Severity Caseload Summary by FCM & Severity
Caseload by FCM & Severity 2 The report, Caseload Summary by FCM and Severity, is a chart describing your clinician’s caseload based on FCM Ratings they have entered. - Severity levels are listed on the left margin. - FCM categories are listed across the top. Your clinician’s specific caseload totals are provided along with data for the entire province.
Caseload by FCM & Severity 3 This report indicates that, for the Statistical Report Year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, your clinician has a total caseload of 1. The report will show only those individuals for whom they have entered at least Initial Treatment Period Data. The individual is receiving intervention in Articulation/ Phonology and at the time of the report the severity recorded is 3 or Moderate.
Caseload by FCM & Severity 4 Total number of individuals on your clinician’s caseload for each Functional Communication Measure will be indicated across the row titled “Totals for (Your Clinician's Name)”. Total number of individuals on your clinician’s caseload for each Severity Level will be indicated down the column titled “Totals”.
Caseload by FCM & Severity 5 The report indicates that, for the Statistical Report Year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, the “Manitoba Caseload” is 309 individuals. 309 individuals have been entered on the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure web site. The 309 individuals are receiving intervention in a total of 677 different Functional Communication areas. The number of individuals receiving intervention in each Functional Communication area is indicated across the line titled “Totals for Manitoba”.
Click Caseload Summary by Age Caseload Summary by Age
Caseload Summary by Age 2 The report, Caseload Summary by Age, is a chart describing your clinician’s caseload based on Identifying Information and FCM Ratings they have entered. - Ages are listed on the left margin. - FCM categories are listed across the top. Your clinician’s specific caseload totals are provided along with data for the entire province.
Caseload Summary by Age 3 This report indicates that, for the Statistical Report year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, your clinician has a total caseload of 1. The report will show only those individuals for whom your clinician has entered at least Initial Treatment Period Data. The individual is receiving intervention in Articulation/ Phonology and at the time of the report the individual is 10 years of age.
Caseload Summary by Age 4 Total number of individuals on your clinician’s caseload for each Functional Communication Measure will be indicated across the row titled “Totals for (Your Clinician’s Name)”. Total number of individuals on your clinician’s caseload for each Age group will be indicated down the column titled “Totals”.
Caseload Summary by Age 5 The report indicates that, for the Statistical Report Year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, the “Manitoba Caseload” is 309 individuals. 309 individuals have been entered on the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure web site. The 309 individuals are receiving intervention in a total of 677 different Functional Communication areas. The number of individuals receiving intervention in each Functional Communication area is indicated across the line titled “Totals for Manitoba”.
Click Outcomes Summaryby FCM Outcomes Summary by FCM
Outcomes Summary by FCM 2 The report, Outcomes Summary by FCM, is a chart describing your clinician’s Outcomes calculated from the Initial and Final FCM Ratings they have entered. - FCM categories are listed on the left margin. - Outcomes are listed across the top. Outcomes are presented in terms of the percentage of individuals who have demonstrated change in their FCM Rating. - Improved – The FCM rating has improved one or more levels. - Deteriorated – The FCM Rating has deteriorated one or more levels. - Same – There has not been sufficient functional change to alter FCM rating. Your clinician’s specific caseload totals are provided along with data for the entire province.
Outcomes Summary by FCM 3 This report indicates that, for the Statistical Report year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, your clinician has a total caseload of 1. The report will show only those individuals for whom your clinician has entered Initial and Final FCM Ratings. The individual received intervention in Articulation/ Phonology and at the time of the report the individual had improved by at least one Functional Communication Level. 100% of the individuals receiving intervention in Articulation/ Phonology Improved.
Outcomes Summary by FCM 4 The Outcomes for your clinician’s total caseload will be presented in percentages Improved, Deteriorated or Same across the row titled “Totals for (Your Clinician’s Name)”. Total number of individuals on your clinician’s caseload for each Functional Communication area will be indicated down the column titled “Totals”.
Outcomes Summary by FCM 5 The report indicates that, for the Statistical Report Year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, the “Manitoba Caseload” is 24 individuals. 24 individuals have Initial and Final FCM Ratings entered on the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure web site. The 24 individuals are receiving intervention in a total of 24 different Functional Communication areas. The Outcomes for the Manitoba Caseload will be presented in percentages Improved, Deteriorated or Same across the row titled “Totals for Manitoba”.
Click Outcomes and PrioritySummary Outcomes and Priority Summary
Outcomes and Priority Summary 2 The report, Outcomes and Priority Summary, is a chart describing the Outcomes calculated from the Initial and Final FCM Ratings your clinician’s have entered and the Priority Classifications based on the Final Priority Ratings entered. -Ages are listed on the left margin. . -Outcomes and Priority Classifications are listed across the top. Outcomes are presented in terms of the percentage of individuals who have demonstrated change in their FCM Rating. - Improved – The FCM rating has improved one or more levels. - Deteriorated – The FCM Rating has deteriorated one or more levels. - Same – There has not been sufficient functional change to alter FCM rating. Your clinician’s specific caseload totals are provided along with data for the entire province.
Outcomes and Priority Summary 3 This report indicates that, for the Statistical Report year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, your clinician has a total caseload of 1. The report will show only those individuals for whom your clinician has entered Initial and Final FCM and Priority Ratings.
Outcomes and Priority Summary 4 This individual, aged 10 years, at the time of this report, had improved at least one Functional Communication Level. The individual has a Priority Classification of 3rd.
Outcomes and Priority Summary 5 100% of the individuals aged 10 years Improved. 100% of the individuals aged 10 years have a Priority Classification of 3rd. Total number of individuals on your clinician’s caseload for each Age Group will be indicated down the column titled “Total Cases”.
Outcomes and Priority Summary 6 The Outcomes for your clinician’s total caseload will be presented in percentages Improved, Deteriorated or Same across the row titled “Totals for (Your Clinician’s Name)”. The Priority Classifications for your clinician’s total caseload will be presented in percentages 1st, 2nd, or 3rd across the row titled “Totals for (Your Clinician’s Name)”.
Outcomes and Priority Summary 7 The report indicates that, for the Statistical Report Year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, the “Manitoba Caseload” is 24 individuals. 24 individuals have Initial and Final FCM and Priority Ratings entered on the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure web site. The 24 individuals are receiving intervention in a total of 24 different Functional Communication areas. The Outcomes for the Manitoba Caseload will be presented in percentages Improved, Deteriorated or Same across the row titled “Totals for Manitoba”. The Priority Classifications for the Manitoba Caseload will be presented in percentages 1st, 2nd, or 3rd across the row titled “Totals for Manitoba”.
Click Additional Reports Additional Reports
Additional Reports 2 Additional Reports allows you to generate customized reports regarding your clinician’s caseload. Reports can be generated by any data entry field such as provider, mode, motivation, age, sex, concomitant condition, school, etc... as well as by clinician. Results can also be customized for specific time periods. For additional information on these reports, please contact Leslie Goerzen by telephone at 945-0943 or by email at lgoerzen@gov.mb.ca.
Implementation Manual Implementation Manual
ClickImplementation Manual Implementation Manual 2
Implementation Manual 3 You may view or print the entire manual or sections of the manual. The documents on theManitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure Web Site require Adobe Acrobat to open. If you require a recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader click on the image on theweb site. For easy reference, you can minimize a section of the manual and access this informationwhile you are entering treatment data.
Personal Profile Personal Profile
ClickPersonal Profile Personal Profile 2
Click Change Profile to change your login information or contactinformation. Click Change Password to change your password. Personal Profile 3 Your personal profile will appear here.
Click Change Profile Changing Profile Your personal profile will appear here.
Change necessary informationand Click Save Personal Details Changing Profile 2
Click here to review your new Personal Profile. Changing Profile 3
Click Change Password. Changing Password Your personal profile will appear here. NOTE:If you can’t remember you password, please contact Lydia Loboda by telephone at 945-8904 or by email at llobada@gov.mb.ca.
Enter Old Password, New Password and Verify New Password.Click Save Password. Changing Password 2