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Unit 5 The Battle Against AIDS. Devices for developing the main idea:. The writer of this article tries to argue for the main idea in a problem-solution-evaluation way. problem. The battle against AIDS. solution. evaluation. Structure of the Text.
Unit 5 The Battle Against AIDS
Devices for developing the main idea: The writer of this article tries to argue for the main idea in a problem-solution-evaluation way. problem The battle against AIDS solution evaluation
Structure of the Text Divide the whole text into the following parts: Problem Solution Evaluation Paragraphs 1-3 Paragraphs 4-12 Paragraphs 13-14
Paragraph 1 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was diagnosed in the United States in the late 1970s. Since then, AIDS has killed more than 204,000 Americans - half in the past few years alone. Another 185,000 of the one million infected with the HIV virus are also expected to die. • Identify the words that express the basic meaning of each sentence. Change wording if it is necessary. AIDS was diagnosed in the 1970s. AIDS killed many people. Many more people are expected to die.
Paragraph 1 AIDS was diagnosed in the 1970s. AIDS has killed many people. Many more people are expected to die. 2. Sum up the above into one sentence. AIDS, diagnosed not long ago, has killed and is going to kill many people.
Paragraph 2 Nearly half of those diagnosed with the virus are blacks and Latinos. Women and youth in rural Southern communities now constitute the fastest growing segment of people with AIDS. • Identify the words that express the basic meaning of each sentence. Change wording if it is necessary. Half with the virus are blacks and Latinos.. Women and youth constitute fastest growing segment with AIDS.
Paragraph 2 Half with the virus are blacks and Latinos.. Women and youth constitute fastest growing segment with AIDS. 2. Sum up the above into one sentence. Blacks, Latinos, women and youth (Weaker groups) are easiest to be infected with AIDS.
Paragraph 3 Despite such alarming numbers, the federal and state governments have been slow in implementing programs to stop the spread of AIDS. In place of government inactivity, a number of local organizations have emerged. • Identify the words that express the basic meaning of each sentence. Change wording if it is necessary. Governments are slow in taking actions. Local organizations replace governments.
Paragraph 3 Governments are slow in taking actions. Local organizations replace governments. 2. Sum up the above into one sentence. Local organizations, but not governments, take actions to stop the spread of AIDS.
Summary Here are the three topic sentences for the three paragraphs: AIDS, diagnosed not long ago, has killed and is going to kill many people. Blacks, Latinos, women and youth (Weaker groups) are easiest to be infected with AIDS. Local organizations, but not governments, take actions to stop the spread of AIDS. Are you able to sum up these ideas into a few words? Seriousness of the situation.
Solution Paragraph 4 Read Paragraph 4 through Paragraph 12 and sum up each paragraph with a sentence. A local organization, though with difficulty, carried out AIDS educational programs in a beauty shop. Paragraph 5 The owner hands out information and let customers read books on AIDS. Paragraph 6 Many hair stylists follow the example.
Solution Paragraph 7 The network has some lessons. Paragraph 8 Lesson 1: Speak to the community in a way they can hear. Paragraph 9 The information should be easy to understand. Paragraph 10 Lesson 2: Train teenagers to educate their peers. Paragraph 11 Lesson 3: Redefine “at risk” to include women from different background and marriage status. Paragraph 12 They emphasize everyone is at risk.
Summary Write a sentence to sum up all the ideas in the following: A local organization, though with difficulty, carried out AIDS educational programs in a beauty shop. The owner hands out information and let customers read books on AIDS. Many hair stylists follow the example. The network has some lessons. Lesson 1: Speak to the community in a way they can hear. The information should be easy to understand. Lesson 2: Train teenagers to educate their peers. Lesson 3: Redefine “at risk” to include women from different background and marriage status. They emphasize everyone is at risk.
Write a sentence to sum up all the ideas in the following: A local organization, though with difficulty, carried out AIDS educational programs in a beauty shop. The owner hands out information and let customers read books on AIDS. Many hair stylists follow the example. The network has some lessons. Lesson 1: Speak to the community in a way they can hear. The information should be easy to understand. Lesson 2: Train teenagers to educate their peers. Lesson 3: Redefine “at risk” to include women from different background and marriage status. They emphasize everyone is at risk. Local organizations, though with difficulty, have been creative in giving people education on AIDS in various places such as beauty shops and have learned some valuable lessons.
1. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was diagnosedin the United States in the late 1970s. 2. Another 185,000 of the one million infected with the HIV virus are also expected to die. 3. Despite such alarming numbers, the federal and state governments have been slow in implementing programs to stop the spread of AIDS.
4. In place of government inactivity, a number of local organizations have emerged. 5.The owner hands out AIDS information to all her clients when they enter the shop and… 6. Many communities have a low literacy rate, making impossible passing out AIDS literature and expecting people to read it. 7. These books use simple, hand-drawn pictures of “sad faces” and “happy faces” to illustrate ways people can prevent AIDS.
8. Redefine “at risk” to include women from different backgrounds and marriage status. 9. Such misinformationplagues the medical establishment. 10. The stylists also emphasize that everyone is at risk and that all of us have a right to protect ourselves——regardless of marriage status.
vt. decide what illness a person has; discover the nature (of a disease)by making a careful examination diagnose sth. e.g. 这个工人很有经验,可以通过听来诊断出发动机的毛病。 The worker is quite experienced and can diagnose the motor problem by listening.
电脑被广泛地用于医院中,以帮助医生诊 断病情。 The computer is widely used in hospitals to help doctors to diagnose illnesses. diagnose sth. as… e.g. 医生诊断这个病是非典。 The doctor diagnosed the illness as SARS. 我被诊断得了一种罕见的皮肤病。 I was diagnosed as a rare skin disease.
Note: When we decide what illness a person has, we say “diagnose as”; but when we are talking about a doctor’s finding someone ill with a certain disease, we say “diagnose with” e.g. 她曾经帮助过一个感染艾滋病病毒的老人。 She once helped an old man diagnosed with HIV. 被诊断患有精神病的病人占全村人口的80%。 Those diagnosed with mental problems make up 80% of the total population of this village. diagnose v. diagnosis n. (pl. diagnoses)
infect vt. infect sb.(sth.)/ infect sb.(sth.) with… (1) to give someone a disease e.g.携带这种病毒的人自身可能感觉良好,但 他门仍然可能传染他人。 People with the virus may feel perfectly well, but they can still infect others. 电脑病毒会感染电脑的数据文件。 A computer virus may infect a computer’s data files.
任何重感冒患者都可能会传染他人。 Anyone with a bad cold may infect the people around him. 几乎所有感染艾滋病毒的人都会死。 Nearly all the people infected with AIDS virus will die. infect vt. infection n.
(2)If your excitement, eagerness etc infects other people, it makes them began to feel the same way e.g. 约翰的热情很快感染了全班同学。 John’s enthusiasm soon infected the rest of the class. = John infected the rest of the class with his enthusiasm. 他认为父母们的想法很可能对孩子有潜移默 化的影响。 He thought that parents might infect children with their ideas.
be expected to… means: to think that something will happen because it seems likely or has been planned. e.g. 政府的新决定预计将能促进两城市间的 贸易发展。 The new decision made by the government is expected to facilitate the trade between two cities.
金融危机将会成为本次会议最重要的议题。 Financial crisis is expected to be the most important issue at this conference. 今年的GDP增长率可望突破7%。 The GDP increase rate of this year is expected to top 7%.
alarm n.[u] a feeling of fear or anxiety because sth. dangerous might happen e.g. 听到一声尖叫,她惊恐地坐了起来。 Hearing a scream, she sat up in alarm. 市政府对工人罢工十分忧虑。 The municipal government felt alarm a the workers’ strike. 地震引起人们的巨大恐慌。 The earthquake caused great alarm among the people.
火警 a fire alarm 闹钟 an alarm clock (set the alarm clockfor6 o’clock) 空袭警报 an air-raid alarm 汽车报警器 a car alarm 烟雾报警器 a smoke alarm n. [c] sth. such as a bell or a light that warns people of danger sound / raise the alarm means: to warn everyone about sth. bad or dangerous that is already happening.
e.g. 火警的警报声一响起,人们便立刻 冲向紧急出口处。 As soon as the fire alarm was sounded, people rushed to the emergency exit. 红十字会对艾滋病的威胁已经敲响了警钟。 The Red Cross has raised the alarm about the threat of AIDS. 烟雾报警器能在火灾最早阶段拉响警报。 The smoke alarm can sound a warning alarm at the earliest stage of the fire.
alarming embarrassing alarmed embarrassed frightening disappointing frightened disappointed Fill in the blanks A 1.The rainforest is disappearing at an _______ rate. (A.alarming B. alarmed)
Everyone was_____at the news that a war might break out. (A. alarming B. alarmed) B A She was____ when the people laughed at her mistake. (A. embarrassed B. embarrassing) B This was an ______ situation for the gentleman for he could not afford the dinner. (A. embarrassed B. embarrassing) A They don’t look happy, ______ or depressed. (A. frightened B. frightening) B Following him are the three ______ men wearing the horrible masks and carrying guns. (A. frightened B. frightening)
in place of = instead of 中国人使用筷子,不使用刀叉。 The Chinese use chopsticks in place of knives and forks. 我们应该做点什么,而不只是说说而已。 We should do something in place of talking about it.
e.g. 最终真相大白。 Finally, the truth emerged. emerge vt.(1) come or appear e.g. 反兴奋剂已成为国际体育界关注 的一个重要问题。 Anti-doping has emerged as a major concern of the international sports community. 随着中国加入WTO, 许多新的商机将会出现。 With China’s entrance into WTO, a lot of business opportunities will emerge. (2) become known
Note: emerge vt. emergence n. NOTemergency 最终还是水落石出,是销售经理泄露了机密。 Finally it emerged that the sales manager let out the secret. (3) To come to the end of a difficult experience e.g. 要摆脱这件丑闻是很难的。 It is difficult to emerge from this scandal. 她成功地走出了丧子之痛的阴影。 She successfully emerged from the great sadness of losing her son.
The family of “hand” hand sb. sth./ hand sth. to sb. means: to pass sth. to someone else hand sth. back means: to pass sth. back to someone hand sth. down means: to give or leave sth. back to people who are younger than you or live after you hand sth. in means: give sth. to a person in authority
hand sth. out means: to give sth. to each member of a group of people hand over sth. means: to give someone or sth. to someone else to take care of or to control Exercises • Kate is doing the homework which she • must __________ for class tomorrow. hand in
2. I haven’t managed to mark your paper yet. I will _______ all the papers next week. hand out 3. The thief was immediately _________ to the police. handed over 4. The bed has been ___________ in the family. It was my grandmother’s originally. handed down 5. I ___________ the magazine and gave him a bundle of mail. handed back
literacy n. the state of being able to read and write e.g. 据报道,农村地区的受教育比例非常低。 It is reported that the literacy rate is very low in rural areas. 教育部发起了全国范围内的扫盲运动。 The Ministry of Education has launched a nationwide literacy campaign.
literacy illiteracy n. literate illiterate adj. computer literacy (the ability to understand and use computers) computer illiteracy sb. is computer/politically /scientifically/ musically/… literate/illiteratemeans: sb. knows much or little about computer, politics, etc.
e.g. English literature 英国文学 modern African literature 当代非洲文学 e.g. literature on the history of science 有关科 学史的文献资料 historical literature 历史文献 [U] literature n. (1)written works which are of artistic value (2) all the books, articles, etc on a particular subject
e.g. product literature 产品说明 campaign literature 竞选宣传品 (3) printed information produced by organizations that want to sell sth. or tell people about sth.
Try to put the following sentences into Chinese (1) Have you got any literature on the car? 资料 (2)Here is Professor Johnson’s handout on Englishliterature in the 1920s. 英国文学 (3) I have gone through the medicalliterature on walking. 医学文献 (4) Do you have any salesliterature available? 销售说明 (5) Professor Lei recently published an article on reviewing the scientificliterature on activity’s effect on the brain. 科学文献
illustrate vt. • to make the meaning of sth. clearer by • giving examples e.g. 我想引用莎士比亚的一句话来说明 我的观点。 I would like to illustrate my points with a quotation from Shakespeare.
让我再举个例子来说明这个难点。 Let me give another example to illustrate the difficult point. (2) To put pictures in a book, article etc. The writer tried to illustrate the book so as to make it more attractive and vivid.
(3) To be an example which shows that sth. is true or that a fact exists e.g. 尼克松的下台证明了媒体的巨大影响力。 Nixon’s downfall illustrates the great power of the media. 西方人不喜欢被问及薪水和年龄很好地 说明了中西方文化存在着差异。 That the westerners do not like being asked about their salary and age illustrates the differences between Chinese and the western cultures.
illustrate vt. illustration n. (1) The act or process of illustrating sth. e.g. 你可以到网上查找克隆过程的详细说明。 You can search for the detailed illustration of cloning process on the Internet. 你能否解释一下你说的是什么意思? Can you give me an illustration of what you mean?
(2)a picture in a book, article etc, especially one that helps you to understand it. e.g. 如果有图片或图表之类,可先看插图。 通常插图能帮你提前了解你要阅读的内容。 Look at pictures, chart or drawings if there are any. Often an illustration helps you figure out ahead of time what your reading will deal with.
e.g. 这张照片可以看出秀兰邓波儿从小就是个漂亮的明星。 (3) a story, event, action etc that shows the truth or existence of sth. very clearly This picture is an illustration that Shirley Temple had been a beautiful star since her childhood.
recollect recreate reunite reelect reemploy reestablish Redefine vt. define again “re-” prefix : again; back to a former state Guess the meaning
at risk / be at risk of… be in a situation where you may be harmed. e.g. 这个疾病正在蔓延,孩子们十分危险。 The disease is spreading and the children are at risk. 烟瘾很大的人有患心脏病的危险。 A heavy smoker is at risk of heart disease.
take/runa risk (risks) to decide to do sth. even though you know it may have bad results e.g. 他冒险启用一位年轻人担任总经理。 He took a risk to appoint a young man as the general manager.