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Digital Signature. Sheng Zhong. Digital Signature (1). Public-key-based technique for data integrity. A digital signature scheme is a tuple (PK, SK, M, S, KG, Sign, Verify). PK: Public key space (the set of all possible keys). SK: Private key space. M: Message space. S: Signature space.
Digital Signature Sheng Zhong
Digital Signature (1) • Public-key-based technique for data integrity. • A digital signature scheme is a tuple (PK, SK, M, S, KG, Sign, Verify). • PK: Public key space (the set of all possible keys). • SK: Private key space. • M: Message space. • S: Signature space.
Digital Signature (2) • KG: {Positive Integer} → PK × SK. An efficient algorithm for key generation. • Sign: SK × M → S. An efficient algorithm for signing. • Verify: PK × M × S → {accept, reject}. An efficient algorithm for verifying signature on message.
Correctness Requirement • We require that the signature generated by a private key can definitely be verified by the corresponding public key. • For all output (pk, sk) of the key generation algorithm, for all message m, Verify(pk, m, Sign(sk, m))=accept.
Unforgeability Requirement • We require that any adversary should not be able to forge a signature on any message. • For all efficient algorithm A, for all message m, for public key pk distributed as in the output of the key generation algorithm, Pr[Verify(pk, m, A(pk, m))=accept]=negligible
RSA Signature (1) • Key generation: Same as in the RSA cryptosystem. • N=pq is an RSA modulus. • ed=1 (mod Φ(N)). • Public key: (N, e). • Private key: (N, d). • Signing: s=md mod N. • Note this looks like decryption in RSA cryptosystem.
RSA Signature (2) • Verification: return accept if and only if m=se mod N. • This looks like encryption in RSA cryptosystem, right? • Why is the scheme correct? • Because se = (md)e = mde=m (mod N).
Unforgeability • Recall RSA is a trapdoor one-way function. • Without knowing trapdoor d, it should be infeasible to find s such that se=m (mod N). • The above is equivalent to that it is hard to find s=md (mod N). • So the RSA signature is unforgeable in the very weak sense as we described.
Inadequacy of Simple Unforgeability • The above unforgeability property only ensures that adversary can’t generate valid signature on any given message. • Bad guy can’t show to people that you “have borrowed $1 million from him”. • But it does not ensure that adversary can’t generate valid signature on random message. • Bad guy might be able to show that you “have done something” (which you did not really do).
Attack on RSA • Adversary picks a random element s of the signature space. • Adversary computes m=se (mod N). • Clearly, s is a valid signature on message m. • Adversary can claim signer has done random things!
Countermeasure to the Attack • We can modify the signing procedure by adding a hash: • Signing: s=(H(m))d mod N. • Verification: Return accept if and only if se=H(m) (mod N). • Clearly, the scheme remains correct.
Random attack is no longer feasible. • Suppose the hash function is one-way. • Then the adversary can compute se; but can’t compute m=H-1(se). • So the attack is no longer feasible. • This is called existent unforgeability. • For all efficient algorithm A, for public key pk distributed as in the output of the key generation algorithm, Pr[Verify(pk, A(pk))=accept]=negligible
Rabin Signature • Another signature scheme; very similar to RSA signature. • Key generation: Choose RSA modulus N=pq; N is public key; (p, q) is the private key. • Signing: s= m1/2 (mod N). • Verification: return accept if and only if m=s2 (mod N).
Rabin Signature vs. RSA Signature • Difference: • Rabin signature uses 2 as verification exponent. • RSA signature uses e as verification exponent, where e is in Z*Φ(N) • Advantage of Rabin signature: • Faster in verification.
Unforgeability of Rabin Signature • Rabin signature is unforgeable (in the naïve sense) if factorization is hard. • Suppose adversary can forge signature s on given message m. • Then we choose s’ randomly, computes m=(s’)2, and ask adversary to forge s=m1/2. • Note that s and s’ are two square roots of m. • With probability of ½, we are able to factor N.
Attack and Countermeasure • Just like RSA signature scheme, Rabin signature scheme is existentally forgeable. • Pick s and compute m=s2 mod N. • s is a valid signature on m. • To prevent such attack, we can also use hash function.
ElGamal Signature (1) • Yet another popular signature scheme. • Key generation: like in ElGamal cryptosystem. • Pick a large prime p; pick generator g in Z*p; y=gx mod p. • Public key: (p, g, y) • Private key: (p, g, x)
ElGamal Signature (2) • Signing: r=gl mod p; s=l-1(m-xr) mod (p-1). (r,s) is signature on message m. • Verification: return accept if and only if rs=gm/yr (mod p)
Verified signature should be valid • Intuitively (not rigorously): Can compute valid s=l-1(m-xr) → Can compute valid m-xr → Knows x
“Looks” Secure • The signature looks not giving knowledge about x. • Since in s=l-1(m-xr), x-mr is protected by l-1. • And in r=xl, l is protected by hardness of discrete logarithm.
Attack on ElGamal Signature (1) • Can the signer reuse l in signing? • This leads to breaking of the signature scheme. • Suppose r=gl mod p; s=l-1(m-xr) mod (p-1); s’=l-1(m’-xr) mod (p-1). • Then s-s’=l-1(m-m’) (mod (p-1)) • Adversary can figure out l from m, m’, s, s’. • Next, adversary computes x from l, m, r, s.
Attack on ElGamal Signature (2) • Even if signer does not reuse l, adversary can forge a signature. • Attacks discovered by Bleichenbacher in 1996. • One example: suppose (r,s) is a signature on message m. • u=m’/m (mod p-1); s’=su (mod p-1). • Compute r’ s.t. r’=ru (mod p-1) and r’=r (mod p).
Attack on ElGamal Signature (3) • (r’,s’) is a valid signature on message m’.
Attack on ElGamal Signature (4) • If g is chosen by adversary, Bleichenbacher showed a way to forge signatures. • Details in textbook. Read if you are interested.
Countermeasures • Do NOT reuse l. • Make sure 0<r<p. • This prevents the example attack because r’=ru (mod p-1) and r’=r (mod p) can’t be satisfied by any r between 0 and p. • Make sure g is generated randomly.
Existent Forgery (1) • Choose u,v in Z*p-1. • r=guyv mod p. • s=-rv-1 mod (p-1). • m=-ruv-1 mod (p-1). • Claim: (r,s) is a valid signature on message m.
Existent Forgery (2) • Why does the attack work? • Countermeasure: Use hash function.
ElGamal Signature Family (1) • There are a number of ElGamal-like signature schemes. They are different in details, but have the same basic idea: • Signature is to “prove” sender of message m has knowledge of private x. • So it is enough to “prove” sender knows a function of x and m. • Note the above function of x and m binds the signature to message m.
ElGamal Signature Family (2) • However, function of x and mcannot be the signature because adversary may compute x from it. • So, the signer protect function of x and musing a random factor, to get a part of the signature. • gThe random factor is the other part of the signature; the random factor is now protected by hardness of discrete logarithm. • All signature schemes using the above idea belong to the ElGamal signature family.
ElGamal signature belongs to the ElGamal signature family • Look at the ElGamal signature: • function of x and m : m-xr. • Protect the above using a random factor: s=l-1(m-xr) • Protect the random factor using discrete logarithm: r=gl
Schnorr Signature • Another member of ElGamal signature family: • function of x and m : H(m,r)x. • Protect the above using a random factor: s=H(m,r)x+l • Protect the random factor using discrete logarithm: r=gl
Digital Signature Standard (DSS) • Yet another member of ElGamal signature family: • function of x and m : H(m)+xr. • Protect the above using a random factor: s=l-1(H(m)+xr) • Protect the random factor using discrete logarithm: r=gl
Security of ElGamal Signature Family • There are many other members of ElGamal signature family. • Each has a lot of details that require attention. • But note that ElGamal signature family is a general method of designing signature schemes. • NOT a method for security proof. • So the security of each member has to be analyzed case by case.
Optional Topic: Unforgeability and Chosen Message Attack • Chosen Message Attack: a strong adversary model for digital signature • Analogous to CCA2 for encryption • Assumes adversary can obtain signatures from an oracle for any messages he chooses • Then ask whether adversary is able to figure out a new pair of (message, signature).
Oracle Machine • An oracle machine is associated with a functionality. • It maps an input sequence (called queries) to a probability distribution of output sequence (called answers) . • A query/answer can depend on earlier queries/answers. • But it can’t depend on later queries/answers. • Note that the functionality does NOT need to be (efficiently) computable.
Use of Oracle Machine • We can let an algorithm A have access to an oracle machine M. • Whenever needed, A can send queries of his choices to M and get answers. • This can help A to complete a lot of computational tasks. • A can’t look inside M. In other words, A does not know what’s happening in M.
Unforgeability against Chosen Message Attack (CMA) Suppose M is an oracle machine that returns signatures for any query messages. A digital signature is (existentally) unforgeable against Chosen Message Attack if for all efficient algorithm A that has access to M, for signing key ks and verification key kv distributed as specified in the scheme, for all polynomial p(), for all sufficiently large k, Pr[Verify(kv, AM(kv))=accept and the message in AM(kv) is not a query of A to M]<1/p(k)
Unforgeable Signature against CMA • Suppose {fi} is a family of trapdoor one-way permutations. Then we can construct a signature scheme that is unforgeable against CMA. • Recall {fi} should have efficient algorithms I, D, F for initialization, domain sampling, function evaluation, respectively. • We start by giving a secure signature scheme for a single bit; then we extend this signature scheme to longer messages.
Secure Signature for a Single Bit (1) • For key generation, we first run I to get index i and trapdoor d. • We then use D to sample two points a, b from the domain of fi, uniformly and independently. • We next use F to compute fi(a) and fi(b). • The public key is (i, fi(a) , fi(b) ). • The private key is (a, b).
Secure Signature for a Single Bit (2) • Signing: • The signature of 0 is a; • The signature of 1 is b. • Verification: • If the message is 0, check fi(signature)= fi(a); • If the message is 1, check fi(signature)= fi(b).
Security Analysis • Even if adversary sees signature of 0, he can’t find out signature of 1. • Because {fi} is trapdoor one-way and thus without knowing the trapdoor the adversary can’t compute b from fi(b). • Similarly, even if adversary sees signature of 1, he can’t find out signature of 0. • Random message attack is not feasible. • Because the domain of fi is large and thus it is infeasible to find a random signature.
Extension to Longer Messages • A longer message consists of multiple bits. • So we only need to use the signature scheme for single bit for multiple times. • For each bit of the message we have a different instance of the signature scheme for single bit. • The signatures of all bits constitute the signature of the entire message.
Problem with Extension • The above simple extension works for a single message of multiple bits. • But it is subject to attack when there are multiple messages. • Consider for example m1=1011, m2=0100, m3=1111. • When you have signatures of m1 and m2, you can actually derive the signature of m3. • The signatures of 1st, 3rd, and 4th bits of m3 come from the signature of m1. • The signatures of 2nd bit of m3 comes from the signature of m2.
Fixing the Problem • To fix the problem, we need to make sure that the signatures of different messages use different instances of the signature scheme for single bit. • This can be done by having the signer re-choose the instances after signing each message. • To notify verifier of the new instances, the signer must sign them and include them in the signature. • In fact, a complete history of message signing and instance changing must be included in the signature. • Fixed as above, the scheme can be proved to be existentally unforgeable against CMA.
Authentication of Fresh Message • In the above, we introduced MAC and digital signature for message authentication. • They guarantee a message was indeed sent by a specific entity. • However, the message might actually be a replay of a very old message. • To guarantee the message is fresh, when we use MAC or digital signature, we should • Include time stamp as part of message, or • Include a fresh nonce chosen by the receiver as part of message