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Preterite of ER/IR verbs. Avancemos 2 Unidad 1 Lección 2. Preterite Verbs - a quick review…. Preterite means “past tense” The preterite tense in Spanish is used to tell what happened at a particular moment in the past. Preterit e verbs deal with “completed past action”
Preterite of ER/IR verbs Avancemos 2 Unidad 1 Lección 2
Preterite Verbs - a quickreview… • Preterite means “past tense” • The preterite tense in Spanish is used to tell what happened at a particular moment in the past. • Preteriteverbs deal with “completed past action” • Like present tense verbs, you form the preterite tense of regular verbs by crossing off the ar/er/ir and adding on a new ending.
“AR” Preterite Endings • We have already covered the “AR” preterite endings. • Do you remember them? • Need a review?? • They are:
“AR” Preterite Endings é aste ó amos asteis aron
AR Preterite EndingsLet’s do a regular “AR” verb COMPRAR – to buy Yocompré Túcompraste Él Ella compró Usted Nosotros/as compramos Vosotros/as comprasteis Ellos Ellascompraron Ustedes
ER/IR Endings…Now let’s look at the ER/IR verb endings (Both have the samepreterite endings –YAY!!!!) í iste ió imos isteis ieron
ER/IR Preterite Endings…Now let’s do a regular ER/IR verb.APRENDER – to learn Yoaprendí I learned Túaprendiste You learned Élhe learned Ella she learnedaprendió Ustedyou learned Nosotros/as aprendimos We learned Vosotros/as aprendisteis You guys learned Ellosthey learned Ellasthey learnedaprendieron Ustedesyou guys learned
BEBER – to drink Yobebí I drank Túbebiste You (friendly) drank Él Ella bebió Usted He/she/ you (formal) drank Nosotros/as bebimos We drank Vosotros/as bebisteis You guys drank Ellos Ellasbebieron Ustedes They/you guys drank
SACUDIR – to dust Yosacudí I dusted Túsacudiste You (friendly) dusted Él Ella sacudió Usted He/she/ you (formal) usted Nosotros/as sacudimos We dusted Vosotros/as sacudisteis You guys dusted Ellos Ellassacudieron Ustedes They/you guys dusted
ESCRIBIR – to write Yoescribí I wrote Túescribiste You (friendly) wrote Él Ella escribió Usted He/she/ you (formal) wrote Nosotros/as escribimos We wrote Vosotros/as escribisteis You guys wrote Ellos Ellasescribieron Ustedes They/you guys wrote
Remember…Once you have memorized “The Preterite Song” you will know all the regular AR/ER/IR preterite endings as well as knowing where the accents go…(Need to know to communicate and get good grades.) La Canción del Pretérito é acentoaste ó acentoamosaron í acentoisteióacentoimosieron Yankee Doodle went to town learning all his verbos. When he went to Mendoza’s class he showed her his cuaderno.
Práctica del paquete • La familia _____ (abrir) susregalosayer. • Yo ____ (dormir) tardeestamañana. • Tú ______ (beber) la lecheanteayer. • La semanapasadamis amigos y yo ___ (perder) lasfotos. • La familiaabriósusregalosayer. • Yodormítardeestámañana. • Túbebiste la lecheanteayer. • La semanapasadamis amigos y yoperdimoslasfotos.