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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. Johali CHS282JOHALI_PriHE2nd32_39_2012_2019 PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH EDUCATION. Don’t teach me – Help Promote Me. Welcome PHE. QHE C-P Centered. Ready + Willing 1 St Step - ZD HE Happiness. EISA ALI JOHALI عيسى بن علي الجوحلي.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Johali CHS282JOHALI_PriHE2nd32_39_2012_2019PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH EDUCATION Don’t teach me – Help \ Promote Me Welcome PHE QHE C-P Centered Ready + Willing 1St Step - ZD HE Happiness EISA ALI JOHALI عيسى بن علي الجوحلي http://fac.ksu.edu.sa/ejohali/courses NEW https://wiki.answers.com/Q/User:Johaliask
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم EISA ALI JOHALI عيسى بن علي الجوحلي A Lecturer Bachelor A. M. Sc. Heath Education, KSU 1407 /1987 Short Fellowship Planning Health Professions Education, UIC, USA 199 MA (Ed.) Philosophies and Sciences of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum in Nursing, UK 1995 PhD Health Sciences By Accrediting Prior Experiences, Hill University Sept. 2012 Author of Two Published Books & 3 Projected http://fac.ksu.edu.sa/ejohali Johali59@hotmail.com http://sa.linkedin.com/pub/eisa-johali/31/3a6/896 https://twitter.com/TheNature2011 Dr. EisaJohali Face book Group https://www.facebook.com/group !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! اانطلقوااااااااااا LinkedIn Group: Jhttps://www.linkedin.com/group !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Researchgate: ??????????? !!! ? Twitter: @JohaliPriHE2nd3839 !!!!! انطلقواااااا
PHE Promotion • لأن الجودة من الحرص والاجتهاد ولآن ”الاحساس والشعور بمرض ومشكلات ومتاعب الاخرين“هي غاية مقررنا هذا طلبا للحسنيين، وهي في ”التقوى“، نستهل مقدمتنا هده بآيات من الذكر الحكيم في التقوى: • وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مَخْرَجًا * وَيَرْزُقْهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لاَ يَحْتَسِبُ[الطلاق/2، 3] • إِنْ تَتَّقُوا اللهَ يَجْعَلْ لَكُمْ فُرْقَانًا[الأنفال/29]. • وقول رسوله الكريم نبينا ”محمد“ عليه أفضل الصلاة والسلام، عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه: (لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه)أخرجه البخاري • وقوله صلى الله علية وسلم(كان الله في عون العبد ما كان العبد في عون أخيه)رواه مسلم وأبو داود والترمذي These Islamic Calls are our Evidences to assure Quality of Profession; Quality of HEPT & Quality of Life today and for the Day after. Meanwhile, do not forget the most common Arab Proverb: “Nothing Itching Your Skin Like Your Nail” “ ما يحك جلدك مثل ظفرك” So; Who can itch your skin! Effectively? You or other eg. teacher When you will feel better & Who can understand better: the Passive student who taught or filled by other the teacher? Or the active student who learn by himself or at least participate /share learning with teacher?. Thus, what do you prefer /recommend: Be Passive Student & Patient? Or Be Active ? JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
PHE Introductory As an introductory to this probing “Lectures’ Note”, I would like to send a progressive educational message to my dear “Adult Learners”. My dear learner remember that you are not a primary school pupil neither a an elementary nor even, a secondary student. You are an adult learner that in order to success in this progressive course and in your life as well, you have to “Think, Participate, Practice & Reflect on and in, you have to react actively and voluntarily at every session. This is not a traditional lectures’ note that you can just read, store and recall. it is a “Lifelong Learning Guide (LLG)” to help you to think around, back, about, over and up. It is prepared to promote you to search about the most appropriate knowledge, attitude that can lead to the right behavior for you, your patients and community as well. This LLG consists of nine major learning units. Before briefing the history of medical laboratory science & education, it starts probing the reasons why you are studying this course (HE;CN; HEPT; HERT; HEMLT; HEHA). The second and third units promote you to determine the boundaries of the quality of H & E through the modern philosophical and scientific concepts of education and health that can guide you to, the Fourth by which you will distinguish the appropriate methodologies and technologies that can enable you to plan and develop effective health education activities to increase the quality of Patients’ Healthful Life. In order to learn the course well, you have to use "Your All Senses" and "Abilities", as well; You have to attend, see, listen, ask, discuss and participate actively in teaching, learning and assessing your self, your colleague, your teaching and learning process and materials, your curriculum, and your teacher, as well. Finally, if you do so, do not worry, you will success in your course and your life as well. With this Concise & its T&L Plan and Process “All the Learners will success; Except the one Who DO NOT Like” Don’t Be Ready & Welling to Success – Don’t Attend – Be Active JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Johali Course Syllabus – Objectives & Plan 1819 All the Learners will success; Except the one Who DO NOT Like” Don’t Be Ready & Welling to Success – Don’t Attend – Be Active…… OLD Health Education Definition, philosophy, need of health education. Principles of teaching and learning process, domains of learning, scope of teaching: teaching knowledge, attitudes, different types of skills. Application of education principles for improving health education, task analysis, curriculum & lesson plan development, improving learning environment Johali 2014 This in an introductory course to all yours' (Health Education) specialty courses. If you are ready you will probe the historical and philosophical roots of "Education – Health" and define the related terms. You have to know scopes and aims of health education, and investigate its basic principles. Then you will know, indentify and write health education aims, goals, the teaching and learning objectives using the meaningful leaning domains cognitive, affect-attitudes, thinking, and the psychomotor action skills. After task and community analysis, you will have a trial how to use these bases and principles to develop and improving health education programs, lessons and plan. organizational paradigms, cost containment, and continuous quality improvement JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Johali Course Syllabus – Objectives & Plan 1819 All the Learners will success; Except the one Who DO NOT Like” Don’t Be Ready & Welling to Success – Don’t Attend – Be Active…… JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Johali Self Smart Assignment _ Smart Research _ Activity All the Learners will success; Except the one Who DO NOT Like” Don’t Be Ready & Welling to Success – Don’t Attend – Be Active…… خطة وخيارات المشاركة البحثية الذاتية الذكية وهناك فرص مشاركات بحثية مميزة كثيرة أهمها : • مقال صحفي بأي صحيفة او برسالة الجامعة وساعد من يرغب ويبدأ • فتح حساب مجاني وطرح موضوع نقاش او سؤال أو أكثر مع متابعة للحصول على تفاعل مشاركات من الآخرين لا تقل عن عشر مشاركات وذلك في: • LinkedIn : all should learn by " LinkedIn; Twitter; Face book with minimum standard below • بوابة البحثغالبا يطلب بريد رسمي بريدك الجامعي * https://www.researchgate.net/application.Login.html- • قووووقل _ ياهو • منتديات الجامعة او أي منتدى حول المقرر • فتح قروبواطساااب – تيليقرام –انستقرام .._سنابشات...يوتيوب... مع تفاعل الجميع وصور وكل الوسائط حول المقرر • فتح مجموعة تعلم الكتروني في مسنجر وتنسيق مراجعة وتعلم وتفاعل لا يقل عن ثلاث محاضرات مع تقارير • فتح صفحة أو قروب فيسبوك وتويتر صفحة اوهشتاق..... مع ضم الجميع ونشاط من المقرر شرط • فتح قناة فيديو باسم المقرر في موقع يوتيوب و تسجيل واعدا فيديوهات على الأقل خمسة • تنظم لقاءات دردشة ومراجعة للجميع لا يقل عن 3 لقاءات في أي موقع • استطلاعات حول مفاهيم المقرر متفق عليها ... يتطلب نموذج استطلاع مصغر بالتشاور او احد نماذج المحملة في موقعي • بحث الكتروني إحصائي حول مكانة مفاهيم المقرر في القرآن الكريم (بحث ذاتي إحصائي) • اعداد ذاتي فيدوهاتات • أخرى وفق الخطة وتعليماتها بدقة و وفق مفاهيم المقرر اللتي تم التركيز عليها (بالتشاور اولا) (جميع المشاركات يشترط أن تكون مبتكره وتسلم تقاريرها في الأسبوع 11 قبل التقييم 2 بأسبوع ) ضوابط وتعليمات تنفيذ الاستطلاعات كخيار مشاركة بحثية • اختيار استطلاع المتفق عليه وفق عنوانه وعلاقته بالمقرر (أقصى حد لاختيار واتفاق الأسبوع الحادي عشر) بعد لا استطلاع • ارتباط الاستطلاع بمفاهيم المقرر • الاتفاق على كان التنفيذ عام لعامة الناس اواكاديمي لجهات تعليمية هيئة تدريس فقط او هيئة تدريس و طلاب او طلاب فقط أو مهني في مرافق صحية • تحديد عينة المجتمع المستهدف عام لاي عمر في أي مجتمع او حي او مدينة او أصدقاء .. • ممكن عبر مواقع التواصل مثل واطساباو فيس ووتويتر ولينكدان أو أي موقع تواصل مع تجديد إجمالي العدد و عدد المستهدفين وعدد النماذج المرسلة والمعادة لا تقل عن 60 من الإجمالي مثال امن كان معك 100 متصل او صديق لابد تغطية 60 منهم JohaliPriHE2012_2017
Johali Self Smart Assignment _ Smart Research _ Activity All the Learners will success; Except the one Who DO NOT Like” Don’t Be Ready & Welling to Success – Don’t Attend – Be Active…… الحد الأدنى لنشاط Guideline For Full Mark LinkedIn_Facebook_Twitter EisaJohal • More connections at least 25 new _ 50 with old • Join others related groups in LinkedIn at least 5new groups in health and education plus ' health education and promotion' Minimum 10 Groups • At least 10 discussions from the course • Follow at least 10 pioneers people, companies, organizations include 3 health education and promotion • Like 50 at least • Twitter: 50 New Twits from the course with 25 retwitte with short survey • Facebook:عشر مواضيع من المقرر/ التخصص بما لا يقل عن 50 متابع مشارك و معجب لكل موضوع الحد الأدنى تويتر_فيس: لازم 10 منشور من المقرر، 50 مشارك _متابع_صديق نشيط معك، 50 تعليق، 50 تفضيل_إعجاب، و 25 رتويت مع استطلاع الكتروني مصغر هنا في تويتر ,وفيس سهل ومتاح( JohaliPriHE2012_2017
Johali Course Syllabus – Objectives & Plan 1819 Major Text Book & References • Your Smart Note in this Class • This Lecture: The Principles of Health Education – The First Step Towards ZDHE – JohaliCHS282PriHE2013_2016 http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/JOHALI/JOHALI%20NEW%20ACADEMIC%20YEAR%202014/default.aspx?RootFolde %2FJOHALI%2FJOHALI%20NEW%20ACADEMIC%20YEAR%202014%2FShared%20Documents%2F2ND%20SEMESTER%202014%2FCHS282JOHALI2014PHE1&FolderCTID=0x0120006D152863CDF1824C914A4BF8E26A3E2D&View={0EF7A9A2-D995-48E7-9F44-24481332655A • Johali, E. A ( 2019) Introduction to the Meaningful Health Education and Promotion HEPAHP( In Press soon) Reading Text: • Health Education Goals & Philosophies by ByBonni C. Hodges, Professor, Health Department, SUNY College at Cortland • Welle, H., Russell, R., & Kittleson, M. (1995). Philosophical trends in health education: Implications for the 21st century.Journal of Health Education, 26(6), 326-332 • http://www.preservearticles.com/201105156674/principles-of-health-education.html • Define – Roles: • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_roles_of_health_education_in_pulic_health?#slide=2 • WHO (2012) Health education: theoretical concepts, effective strategies and core competencies: a foundation document to guide capacity development of health. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Now Let Us Start Small Group Brainstorming Reasoning WHY PHE ? Why you are study this course Let us Start with: These Educational Videos Health Education Specialists: Promoting a Healthy World http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErBECLCWNOk What is a Health Educator? By Amy McCauley, eHow Presenter Read more: Video: What is a Health Educator? | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/video_4872867_health-educator_.html#ixzz2IkxDv9cB An Introduction To Health Education By Ms. Ria Gandhi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9Xk350kN98 Conclude ; PHE is the first step to all HE Courses It is Part of My Job Description (HEJD) Assure Quality of HE JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Johali PHE Reasoning …WHY ? Health Educator Job Description Job Title : Health Education Specialist Scientific Degree : Bachelor Degree AMS . Job requirements : A Competent Graduate Bachelor in his / her Profession’s Specific Knowledge & Skills: • Knowledge of health and educational issues, • Effective teaching methods and technologies • Effective Communication and Counseling Reported to: the Health Education Consultant Master\PhD Job Definition (Summary) : Health Education and Promotion job is a focal point for all allied health professions and health issues. Thus, HE have to work effectively with health teams, with community and organization representatives, they have to facilitate,help ( not teach) and promote clients to learn how to improve and maintain healthy behaviors. Major Job Duties: As a part of the Health team and under the above “Reported” health personnel; HE will be in charge in the following “Duties and Responsibilities”: • Assessing patients, school and community health education needs • Managing and organizing health education activities. • Participate in providing health education in the local community (Inside Health Services and outside organizations such schools and industries..); • Select health education methodology appropriate to the target clients taken in consideration cultural interests and needs. • Prepare and participate in designing, evaluation and development of health education materials • Supervise and participate in process of designing and implementing health education plans. • Give Special Patients Counseling eg; diabetic patient education • Improve his/her personal and professional knowledge and skills. JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Johali HISTO_PHILOSOPHICAL DEVELOPMENT PROBE to DEFINE TERMS Looking for The E; H & HE that can Assure the Quality of Healthfully Life ? JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Johali HISTO_PHILOSOPHICAL DEVELOPMENT What Is the Education That We Have To Look For Historically As health and education; HE is not a new science, it is traced back to early ancient era; • Place of Health & HE in the Holy Quran & Prophet Medicine ? (Ego Reflective Assignment) Worldwide, the literature of both health and education neglected health education and its facts including the Islamic concepts until the early of this century. However, professionally ; • It was only in the late 1919that the term “Health Education” was recognized in the Western literature by: The term “Health Education” was proposed first about 1919 at a conference in New York of leaders of health and education called the Child Health Organization. The word “Hygiene” has become some popular in schools with both teachers and pupils that it was believed a new and more definitive term would be helpful in popularizing health practice. “Health Education” as a term to replace “Hygiene” was advanced by the director of the organization and after much discussion adopted. (Kime et al 1977) JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Johali HISTO_PHILOSOPHICAL DEVELOPMENT • In the 1940s, quality assurance and standards for professional, then accreditation introduced. • In the 1970s, health education started to evolve as a profession in the sociological perspective. Efforts to create a health education code of ethics • The above historical statement clarify the nature of modern HE, it indicates that Hygiene (Germ-free, Pure, and Healthful) was the previous term of health education in the Western literature. • It confirms the Integrated Relationship between the two Sciences “Education - Health” that can simplified by the following formula: EDUCATION HEALTH Healthful Life SO, What is the “EDUCATION”that leads to HEALTH?" & Go ahead to promote the Quality of HE JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Johali HISTO_PHILOSOPHICAL DEVELOPMENT • How did the Old Greece and Muslims Philosophers and Scientists educate (Socrates; Aristotle; Plato & IbnKhaldon, Al Ghazali; Avicenna & Bin Bazz?) (Ego Reflective Assignment) • The term “Education” came from: • theLatin words “Educo =To lead out” the & "Educare = Training the mind; • the English term "Educe = To draw out". • In Islam and Arabic language “Education” means: Breeding & Perfection; reform تربية، تهذيب، وإصلاح • The latest ًWestern educational philosophies such as“the progressivism & the reconstructionism”connect "Education" to the “Freedom = the Democracy”. In the late 17 Century, "Rousseau" a French teacher addressed the following advice: Give your scholar no verbal lessons, he should be taught by experience alone...Put the problems before him and let him solve them himself. Let him know nothing because you have told him, but because he has learnt it for himself. Let him not be taught science, let him discover it.(Johali 1995). JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Johali HISTO_PHILOSOPHICAL DEVELOPMENT • Also, Albert Einstein" (1878-1955) the German/US Physicist said: "I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the condition in which they can Learn“(Valcin 2001) These advices formed the foundation of the progressive, freedom or democratic education that produced many modern educational theories and strategies such as: Problem-Solving & Problem Based Learning; Learning by Experience or Experiential Learning ; Learning by Discovery, and finally, "Andragogy” the"Student/Patient CentredLeaning. Eventhough, the Western Philosophers still looking the education that assure the quality.. JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Johali HISTO_PHILOSOPHICAL DEVELOPMENT • The Optimists (Idealists) of the above philosophies and theories believe in the“Ideal Education”that“: APerfect Education will Produce a Perfect Society or Heaven on the Earth” As A Muslim; Do you believe ? (If you don’t?!, Your Religion Do) • This believe was strongly criticized by many educational philosophies such as, the Realism who reject the terms “perfect or idealist”; the Behaviorism who see “education in their behaviors” and, the Experientialism who connects “education to the experience only”. • Reflecting on the above educational concepts with health considerations, the logical definition of “General Education”can be concluded as: “A Lifelong Process of Growth and Development” JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Johali HISTO_PHILOSOPHICAL DEVELOPMENT Self thinking “EGO QUESTION: Modify the above definition of “general education” into an Islamic definition?” ==== “A Growth and Development Process for …….. ?& the …… …. ” • The Ideal Islamic Definition of “GE” is A Growth and Development Process TODAY & for the DAY AFTER OR A Process of Meaningful Learning for Today & the Day After • The appropriate “Education” تعليم/تثقيفthat can be defined as: An intellectual & behavioral process of “Teaching and Learning” activities that influence the growth & development and promote healthful life. Still, “What Teaching تدريس & What is Learning تعلم ” that can promote the QHEHِ? JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Johali HISTO_PHILOSOPHICAL DEVELOPMENT What Is the Education That We Have To Look For While the traditional “Teaching” is understood as: • “A teacher basedprocess of providing and injecting knowledge, attitudes and skills” to inflate memory. • The“TEACHING” that we are looking is “a process of promoting and helping other to LEARN. • The traditional behaviorism “Learning” is realized as “a process of gaining deep and wide knowledge, attitudes and skills that can control and shape behaviors. Such learning is a form of training rather than education. • While, The Millennium “LEARNING” that we are lookingfor is: “An Independent Process of Growth and Development within the personal science, technology,experience, & behavior JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Common Philosophies (Systems) of Education JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Probing HE to reach Holistic – Wellness _ Happiness http://thesaurus.com/browse/education JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Probing HE to reach Holistic – Wellness _ Happiness JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
What Is “HEALTH” That You Are Looking For ?! Johali HISTO_PHILOSOPHICAL DEVELOPMENT What is the Heallth That You Are Looking For ? What Does Health Means to You ? Health has a long history with huge philosophical concepts, may be the first health meaning raised before billions of years, the early .. The Philosophy Network 1) Hold a Small Group Discussion What “HEALTH” Means to You \ What is Health \ HC that you are looking for ?! 2) Visit: Welcome visit my e_Sites\ My groups: http://www.linkedin.com/groupItem?view=&gid=78660&type=member&item=199928773&qid=58db8a86-f861-4c3b-89e9-3eaecfc98fdc&trk=group_search_item_list-0-b-ttl&goback=%2Egmr_78660 http://www.linkedin.com/groupItem?view=&gid=78660&type=member&item=207981338&qid=ffd428bb-f5f5-4541-9445-acf0889173df&trk=group_most_recent_rich-0-b-ttl&goback=%2Egmr_78660 JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
COMMON PHILOSOPHIES OF HEALTH WHAT IS HEALTH? that we are look for:? Behaviorist also come under Realism = Pragmatic JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Johali HISTO_PHILOSOPHICAL DEVELOPMENT What Health Means to You \ Health That You Are Looking For ? Remember Health in CHS232 Johali HeSHE ! ; What “HEALTH” Means to You \ What is Health \ HC that you are looking for ?! • To be appropriate for all nation; the “WHO Constitution 1946”, “Health” is defined as: A STATE OF COMPLETE PHYSICAL, MENTAL AND SOCIAL WELLBEING AND NOT MERELY THE ABSENCE OF DISEASE AND INFIRMITY. --------------- Infirmity = any health problem or defect Complete = Total; Whole; Absolute & Perfect ----------------------- Ego Reflective Thinking & Assignment As an ideal religious centred society, how we can create an accepted “Health” Definition with Evidences from Holy Quran & Sunnah ”? ------------------------ Now, think what is next…? Defining HE that can assure\ grantee the Quality of healthful Life JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Johali HISTO_PHILOSOPHICAL DEVELOPMENT What HE Means to You\ HE That You Are Looking For ? WHAT IS HEALTH EDUCATION? As health + education, “HEALTH EDUCATION” has different meanings. Based on the scientific principles of the “Learning and Behavioral Theories & Models” and “the Diagnostic Approach of Planning H. E.”, the most appropriate definition can be a combination of these two definitions: WHO” DEFINITION A PROCESS WITH INTELLECTUAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, & SOCIAL DIMENTIONS RELATING TO ACTIVITIES THAT INCREASE THE ABILITIES OF PEOPLE TO MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS AFFECTING THIER PERSONAL, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY WELL-BEING. & BEHAVIORIST DEFINITION ANY COMBINATION OF LEARNING EXPERIENCES DESIGNED TO FACILITATE VOLUNTARY ADAPTATIONS OF BEHAVIOR CONDUCTIVE TO HEALTH. ------------------------- Ego Exercise ( who you can extract \create meaningful HE goals\ objectives (Later) Now ….Think which is the HE that you are looking ? \ Are dim JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Thus, let us hold a “Learning Debate” • Based on these literature, the nature of the Saudi community and culture, the nature and fortitude future of HE, the ideal definition of a “National Health; & National HE” that the whole people can understand, accept and react with it positively, is: JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
What is theNational HE that We have to look for A NATIONAL DEFINITION OF HEALTH & HE The history of health, education and health education show that health education has many definitions and understanding. These definitions and understanding are varied from generation to other and from nation to nation according to their cultural and social background. To motivate people to accept and react positively with health education message and activities, the early and the religious based definitions were considering the terms "Moral; Spiritual & Emotional"... As an outcome of the Western Age of Reasoning, these morality terms were neglected. At the early of 20 century, there were worldwide debates regarding the most appropriate definitions for health, education, and health education. As a result of these philosophical and scientific debates, the early terms and many other such as “physical and / or intellectual, mental and / or psychological, cultural/environmental and or social….” were discussed for the best health education definition. Beside "Politics" the administrator factor, there are many other factors such as "economical, scientific and technological" factors such as poverty, hunger, hazards that can affect the quality of health full life of people (-ve/+ve). • Ego (self) Reflective Learning: JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
What is theNational HE that We have to look for An Ideal dynamic process of (1) Moral, (2) Spiritual, (3) Physical, (4) Intellectual, (5) Mental, (6) Emotional (7) Psychological, (8) Social, (9) Cultural, (10) Environmental, (11) Economical, with (12) Professional Ethics, that can help people/customers to “grow; develop”, and make informal decisions affecting their personal, family and community well being. “An outcome of NUR/MLT Student Group Work 21/2/1427” An Ideal dynamic educational process of (1) Moral, (2) Spiritual, (3) Physical, (4) Intellectual, (5) Mental, (6) Emotional (7) Psychological, (8) Social, (9) Cultural, (10) Environmental including Climate, (11) Economical, (12) Political with (13) Professional Ethics and (14) appropriate “Technological mean” that can help people/customers to “grow; develop”, and make informal decisions within a specific “Time” affecting their personal, family and community well being. “An outcome of “Has’ Student-Lecturer Dialogue NurHE 1423; HEHA 28/2/1427”modified 1428 ; CN 2011; HE 2013 Do you have any addition .. New dimension / factor can affect your health … ?! THINK & DRAW IN A PHILOSOPICAL MODEL “Diagram” JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
WELLNESS Model Health- Illness – Sickness - Disease Scale A purposeful, enjoyable, and deliberate lifestyle choice characterized by personal responsibility and optimal enhancement of physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health. ( to maximum all 15 dimensions ) Severe, disabling, and life-threatening illness effecting physical, mental and social health WELLNESS Health Disease Complete • Physical • Mental • Social • Emotional • Spiritual health • … etc JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
JohaliPriHEWellness Model Draw Education - Health – HE Integrated Integrated Self Creative Conceptual diagrams Conclude Later after understanding philosophical and scientific models JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
JohaliWellness_Happiness Health Model = TQ Perfect HealthProject العافية مشروح نموذج الجوحلي Moral Spiritual Ethical Occupational Technological Physical JohaliWellness_Happiness Model Social Environmental Economical Intellectual Psychological Mental Redraw like this or more attractive Emotional Cultural Political JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019 Who Can Draw A Best
Direction Guidance Consistency Profession Ethical Definition HE Philosophical Bases HE Philosophy-Why? the PEDDPGC The 5 Historical Philosophies Johali FCSDB • Freeing/Functioning = free people to make the best health decisions • Cognitive Based = Focus on content and information, increase in knowledge to help in making decisions • Social Change = Focus on the role of health education in creating social, economic, and political change that benefit all. • Decision Making/Skills-based = Concern with simulated problems, case studies, scenarios, create and analyze potential solutions, critical thinking skills developed • Behavior Change = Focus on modifying unhealthy habits JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
HE Philosophical Bases Some philosophical questions you might have • Should I develop my own philosophy? • Will my philosophy “work” in all situations? • What if I don’t “fit” into one of the existing philosophical positions? • What is the difference between a “goal” of HE and a philosophy? What is the difference between a “goal; vision, mission of HE and “ philosophy “ ? One way to think about it • Goal = result, outcome, long(er) term • Philosophy = how to get to the result JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
HE Philosophical Bases Philosophy is • A Greek comes from the Greekφιλοσοφία (philosophia), which literally means "love of wisdom", and was originally a word referring to the special way of life of early Greek philosophers.[4][5][6] • The study of general and fundamental problems, such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.[1][2] • It is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational argument.[3] • HE Philosophy reflects: • The way in which you consistently act toward other people is often a reflection of your philosophy concerning the importance of people in general: • The profession of Health Education is considered a helping profession. • Those who work in the profession should value helping others. JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
HE Philosophical Bases Thinking – Play with thinking Conclude from above probing –your philosophy of ‘E – H or H – E ‘ ?! Let’s Play – define Let’s Play – define Should I develop my own philosophy ? Will my philosophy “work” in all situations? YES NO JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Determining your philosophy • Goal of HE is focused on behavior • Parts/steps/strategies to promoting and maintaining behavior • Deciding where to stop HE Behavior ? Knowledge DM & PS Related skills behavior- Related skills knowledge application knowledge JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Sample 1 School Community HE Philosophy http://www.healthpromotion.cywhs.sa.gov.au/content.aspx?p=154 JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Sample 2 Johali 1995 Nursing _HE Philosophyin the UK Advanced Nursing P 2000 Source: http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/JOHALI/Publications/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2FJOHALI%2FPublications%2FMy%20Publishing%20Books&FolderCTID=0x0120009493C311010EAF4994AA8F69DDB1DF8E&View={8B47BFA9-043E-4834-8EC5-5A724A4AA026} JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Sample Johali 2013 Andragogy _LinkedIn JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
HE Scopes \ Goals\ Basic Principles JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Ego Exercise • Go back to the probe historical and philosophical bases , the WHO & Behavioral Definitions of Health & HE • How you can extract \create meaningful HE goals\ objectives : • As an ideal modern religious centered society, how we can create HE Overall Goals _ Objectives that you and others like…can attract others • An ideal “accepted & promoting goal\objective • A Persuasive HE goal \ objective JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Aims – Objective of Health education Aims • Health promotion and disease prevention. • Early diagnosis and management. • Utilization of available health services. Objectives • To make health an assets valued by the community. • To help people to increase knowledge of the factors that affect health. • To encourage behavior which promotes and maintains health. • To enlist support for public health measures, and when necessary, to press for appropriate institutional and national action. • To encourage appropriate use of health services especially preventive services. • To inform the public about medical advances, their uses and their limitations JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Nature\ Bases & Components of Health Education PrinciplesHEP JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Three Bases of HE Principles • B1: Health education is an essential component of any programme to improve the health of communities. • B2: Effective planning of any health education programme depends on identifying the problems/ needs of the people (PcHEP) • B3:The introduction of new practices may fail if they are incompatible with “local beliefs and practices “ (Islam). JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Principles (Cont.) • B4:Any proposal for a change of practice should: • meet a felt need of the community • be simple to put into practice with the existing knowledge and skills in the community; • fit in with existing life style and culture and not conflict with local beliefs (Islam); • be locally affordable (money, materials, and time) • B5: Flexible and fit in with people’s circumstances-For example, education about nutrition should be based on foods that are available locally, aids for the disabled made from local materials, latrines built with traditional methods. JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
Principles (Cont.) • B6: Require continuous dialogue with the community to find acceptable solutions to meet their needs. • B7: Local taboos may be obstacles to implementing health education but many of them actually support the health education programme. JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
B8. Psychological Shadow HEPs • Learning by doing: “ If I hear, I forget If I see, I remember If I do, I know”. • Motivation, i.e. awakening the desire to know and learn: - Primary motives; e.g. internal the inborn desires , hunger, sex. - Secondary motives; i.e. desires created by incentives such as praise, love, recognition, competition. JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019
The 10thHEPrinciplesJohaliIPMCPRGPFM_KAA • Interest • Participation • Motivation • Comprehension • Proceeding from the known to the unknown • Reinforcement through repetition • Good human relations • People, 9 Factsand 10 Media: 8. knowledgeable, 9. attractive, 10 acceptable “. 10th PHE Model JohaliPriHE32_39_2012_2019