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SIPPS. LESSON 34. rain sun tune dry sigh. mown (2) tun rin tigh roov (2). Mixed Lists. spry snow sleep spray thigh. slout slep brun drood (2) stight. Irregular Words. I don’t want to go to school! don’t I won’t like you if you pull my hair. won’t. I ate the whole pizza.
rain sun tune dry sigh mown (2) tun rin tigh roov (2) Mixed Lists
spry snow sleep spray thigh slout slep brun drood (2) stight
Irregular Words I don’t want to go to school! don’t I won’t like you if you pull my hair. won’t
I ate the whole pizza. whole Please change you clothes after school. change
act active actively activity action react reaction fracture fractured fractures fracturing Morphemic Transformations
capture captured recapture captive captivity captor divide divided undivided divider division divisible indivisible
se.cure.ly cop.y re.ply.ing mon.key lum.ber use.ful.ly an.ces.tor tur.key is.land ther.mom.e.ter ma.jor.I.ty hun.gri.ly sup.ply.ing of.fer Reading Syllables
nec.es.sar.y cor.rect mol.e.cule com.bi.na.tion pho.tog.raph.y fed.er.al.ly op.er.a sim.pli.fy mi.nor dif.fer.ent.ly plan.e.tar.y ex.pen.sive.ly me.chan.ic tri.an.gu.lar
slippers cartoon shaggy porcupine chatter copy baggage decorate scary alligator retire stubborn molasses sharpen recently visible Words
panic vibration comet preventable terrain vaccine selection principle organize cavern agency shortage evidence exhibit