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A Brief History of ELT. LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TIME 1: ?. - Меnd . - Mend. - Chini nern kemb ? - Mini nern Kermen. Chini nern kemb ? - Mini nern Anton. - Tanla tanldkhdan bairldzhanav ! - Tanla tanldkhdan bairldzhanav !. REPUBLIC OF KALMYKIA. POLAND. YOU.
A Brief History of ELT Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TIME 1: ? - Меnd. - Mend.- Chininernkemb? - Mini nern Kermen. Chininernkemb? - Mini nern Anton.- Tanlatanldkhdanbairldzhanav!- Tanlatanldkhdanbairldzhanav! Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
REPUBLIC OF KALMYKIA Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
POLAND Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
YOU • Find someone who was born in the same month as you. • Find someone who likes the same food. • Find someone who likes your favourite movie. • Find someone who likes your favourite book. • Find someone who has similar hobbies as yourself. Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
YOU AS A TEACHER • What does your classroom look like? • What’s the most important thing about your lessons? • What’s necessary for students to be successful? • What are your favourite activities? • How do you feel about using technology in the classroom? • How do you and your students feel in class, before and after? Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
YOUR TEACHING ASSOCIATIONS? , Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
YOUR ELT GURUS Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TIME 2: LATIN Errare humanum est. Veritas vos liberabit. Vox populi vox dei. Amor vincit omnia. Facta non verba.In vino veritas.Memento mori.Tempus fugit. Nil desperandum.Docendo discimus. Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
METHODS, APPROACHES, PROCEDURES, TECHNIQUES ? Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
METHODS, APPROACHES, PROCEDURES, TECHNIQUES • Approach – theories about the nature of language and language learning; it describes how people learn languages and conditions for successful learning • Method – practical realization of the approach; a set of procedures and techniques • Technique – e.g. running dictation or silent viewing • Procedure – an ordered sequence of technique Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
What is a BLT sandwich? Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
What is a BLT sandwich? Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
ELT BLTs PPP, TTT, ARC, DOGME, TPR, CLL, TBL, ESA, CLIL, 121, LAD Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
ELT METHODS TIMELINE 1800 1900 1930 1945 1950 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
ELT METHODS TIMELINE 1800 Grammar Translation1900 Direct Method 1930 The Oral Approach/Situational Language Learning1945 The Audio-Lingual Method1950 Silent Way Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
ELT METHODS TIMELINE 1970 Suggestopedia1970 Total Physical Response1970 Neuro Linguistic Programming1977 The Natural Approach1980 Communicative Approach 1983 Multiple Intelligences 1987 Task Based Learning 1990 Lexical Approach 2002 Dogme Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TIME 3: GERMAN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOF0UIk1YBM Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
Ein Mann geht ins Lokal,sucht die Dame seiner Wahl.Und mit Worten oed und schalbringt dieselbe er zu Fall.Und das geht so:Dideldum didieldei,ist da noch ein Platzerl frei?So allein, schoene Frau?Mei san ihre Augen blau!Tirili, irgendwie,tirilo,kenn' ich Sie von irgendwo.Schalali, schalala,Herr Ober, bringen's uns no zwa!!Pommery, Pommeru,stoss' ma an und sog'n ma Du!Und weil wir so einsam san,trink' ma aus und geh'n ma ham. Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
DIRECT METHOD • the Natural Method (Saveur) leading to the Direct Method (Berlitz) 1900s • revolutionary, encouraging direct and spontaneous use of language • classroom instructions only in target language • only every day vocabulary and sentences taught • oral progression through systematic question-answer exchanges between teacher and students • use of demonstration, objects, pictures Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
THE ORAL APPROACH / SITUATIONAL LANGUAGE LEARNING • movement lead by Palmer and Hornby in 1930s • vocabulary control (frequency studies) • focus on grammar content selection (spoken language grammar) • principles of selection, gradation, presentation • new language practisedsituationally Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TIME 4: FRENCH Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpoLxEN54ho Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
AUDIO- LINGUALISM • 1945 • stems from behaviourist models of learning • stimulus – response – reinforcement • drills used to form habits • language de-contextualised Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85P7dmPHtso Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
THE SILENT WAY • by Caleb Gategno, 1950s • teacher says as little as possible • learner discovers and creates language • learner in the driving seat, teacher facilitates • Cuisenaire rods, pointing at objects Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
NOAM CHOMSKY ON LANGUAGE ACQUISITION CARTOON 1950-1970s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVfrrGOnFJk&feature=related What are the main points? Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
NOAM CHOMSKY THEORY OF ACQUISITION • 1950s – 1970s • principle of innateness • children have natural pre-condition for language learning • babies are born with the innate knowledge of language structure • LAD is a mental model of how languages work Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
STEPHEN KRAHSEN ON LANGUAGE ACQUISITION 1970-80s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiTsduRreug Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TIME 6: ENGLISH an outrageous statementthe age of individual variationdigest foodto point out counter examplescomprehensible inputcome as a bit of surpriseemerge graduallybreak into component partssilent periodteacher’s fault affective filter hypothesis Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
THE NATURAL APPROACH • By Steven Krashen, 1970s • all students learn in the same way • comprehensible input in a low anxiety environment • speaking does not help learning • the quiet listening stage • motivation / self-esteem / zero anxiety Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
OVER TO YOU NLPMI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeyQ9Rk9Zvk Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRJG7fLpm1c&feature=related Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yX4JFEUgqlg Lonny Gold 1/5 • Lonny loves teaching and baroque music Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
SUGGESTOPAEDIA • by GeorgiLozanov, 1970s • physical surroundings and atmosphere in the classroom • ‘infantilisation’, parent-teacher relationship • part 1: oral review, previously learnt material used for discussion • part 2: presentation and discussion of new dialogue material • part 3: ‘concert’ – baroque music and listening to teacher reading the dialogue • music frequently used in class Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TIME 8 MAYBE Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE • by James Asher • foreign language learning similar to first language acquisition • actions, physical response • language processing matched with physical response • pre-speaking stage important • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkMQXFOqyQA [Gerngross] Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012
Nim Chimpsky The story of Nim, the chimpanzee who in the 1970s became the focus of a landmark experiment which aimed to show that an ape could learn to communicate with language if raised and nurtured like a human child. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=-qXJMFxiEyU Magdalena Fijalkowska, Warsaw Summer School 2012