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This book provides a comprehensive exploration of training and recovery techniques for elite athletes. Dr. Karel Pardaens discusses long-term and short-term recovery strategies, the concept of supercompensation, and the impact of fatigue on performance. The book also delves into the science behind recovery and the importance of rest in optimizing athletic performance.
TRAINING & RECOVERYfor elite athletesIllus(trat)ions of the quest to speed up nature Karel PARDAENS, PhD Bloemfontein, 03-10-2009
TRAINING & RECOVERY • PART 1. Recovery: what’s in a name? • PART 2. Long-term recovery- periodisation- relative rest periods- absolute rest periods • PART 3. Short-term recovery- modalities - sleep • PART 4. Concluding remarks: is it possible to expedite a natural process other than with rest?
REST EFFORT Supercompensation: the most fundamental training principle (Busso et al 2002) Training (session or period) Homeostasis Supercompensation FatigueMuscle damageMetabolic acidosisMuscle crampsPain ‘RECOVERY’
Supercompensation: the most fundamental training principle (Busso et al 2002) Training Supercompensation ‘RECOVERY’
Supercompensation: the most fundamental training principle • Most fundamental, but most difficult to quantify !! • ‘Sport is an art’ • Fatigue, pain, muscle soreness, thirst, hunger,… at the end of exercise: - how far do you need to go?- when is the time for another training session?- how much time for tapering-off?- when will the athlete be at its best?
Fatigue “Common to everyone, a mystery to science”
Fatigue: what’s in a name? • Central vs. peripheral fatigue • General vs. local fatigue:- decline of overallperformance- decline of a certain system’s function: - cardiorespiratory system - neurological system (peripheral nerves, CNS, ANS) - endocrinological system (hormonal) - metabolic system (substrate availability) - gastrointestinal system (e.g. stomach problems) - musculoskeletal system (muscle damage, soreness,…)
Muscular ‘fatigue’ • Metabolic acidosis • Lactate accumulation • (Mechanical) muscular damage (CKs) • Cytokine production • Oxidative stress (reactive oxygen species, ROS) • Release of ‘heat-shock proteins’ (HSP) • Delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS)
Fatigue & Recovery • ‘Recovery’ = much more than ‘recovery from muscular fatigue’! • Cfr. all bodily systems • Cfr. chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), overtraining syndrome (OTS): ‘fatigue’ can ‘accumulate’! • Distinction (for the purpose of this presentation): → ‘chronic fatigue’ vs. ‘acute fatigue’→ ‘long-term recovery’ vs. ‘short-term recovery’
Long-term recovery1 • Empirical necessity (cfr. performance declines / ameliorates)cfr. nature, e.g. seasons (relative) rest periods are bio-logical • All biological beings are subject to diurnal and circannual variation • Impossible to be ‘in shape’ whole year long
Long-term recovery2 • Periodisation= dividing training process into periods & mesocycles - preparation period, competition period, transition period - mesocycles of 2-6 weeks, incl.: (1) a load & rest phase (physical training) (2) a certain training ‘content’= variation of the training frequency & intensity & time (volume) (F.I.T.) over the year = (relative) rest of (a part of) the body= variation of the physical demand by manipulating: - the (physical) F.I.T.-variables - the technical skills training - the tactical training
Long-term recovery3 (Fry et al 1992) Note:Overtraining vs. overreaching !
Long-term recovery4 • Relative rest period =- stress other metabolic systems (e.g. aerobic vs. anaerobic // FT- vs. ST-fibers) (e.g. resistance training for a cyclist)- stress other muscles (e.g. tennis for a soccer player)- other coördination (e.g. MTB for a skater)- less stress on the body (training less & less intensive)(e.g. swimming 3 x/wk instead of 2 x/day) • Absolute rest period = no sport activities • Mental & physical:‘recharging batteries’
Short-term recovery1 • Barnett A, Using recovery modalities between training sessions in elite athletes: does it help?, Sports Med 36: 781-796: 2006 • Most studies are based on (almost) untrained subjects↔ elite athletes !e.g. ‘repeated-bout effect’: prior training attenuates DOMS, muscle injury (CK), and loss of strength up to 6 (!!) months later • “Biochemical, physiological or immunological markers that consistently detect an imbalance between training and recovery resulting in future performance decrements have yet to be indentified” (p.786) • Main question = “is any the modalities more effective than rest?”(by enabling to tolerate greater training loads, or by augmenting the performance-enhancing effect of training at a given load?)
When talking about ‘recovery’… Recovery of performance(clinical)vs. Recovery of underlying parameters(subclinical)e.g. blood lactate, CKs,…
Short-term recovery2: massage • According to studies:- no effect on muscle blood flow- no effect on blood lactate removal- no effect on muscle strength recovery- slight effect on DOMSsensation → risk of overdoing ! • May even cause further trauma (upon tissue damage from exercise) • Massage sessions may have important mental effects (cfr. e.g. cyclists during TdF)
Short-term recovery3: active recovery • I.e. ‘cool-down’ • Well-established effect on blood lactate removal (cfr. ‘lactate shuttle’) • HOWEVER: lactate is not a valid indicator of recovery quality ! • Might reduce muscle damage (cfr. CKs) • No significant effect on performanceafter 4h • May even be detrimental to rapid glycogen resynthesis
<Niveau> <Sporttak> <Discipline> <Module> <Vak> NOTE: ‘regeneration training’ • Bodybuilders: “feeder workouts” (Croskery 1995) • Very light AND very short training sessions may promote recovery from heavy training sessions→ cfr. hormonal response to exercisee.g. walking day after a marathon
Short-term recovery4: cryotherapy • I.e. cold water immersion • Might be appropriate after activities that cause some level of traumatic injurye.g. team contact sports or martial arts • However: only analgesic effect, no effect on DOMS • Most recent research: “probably negative effects on training adaptation”(suppression of supercompensation) (Busso 2003)
Short-term recovery5: contrast T° water immersion • i.e. alternating immersion in warm-to-hot and cold water • Might enhance post-match CK clearance (study in rugby) • However: mechanism=??? • Popular but probably no effect on performance after 4h
Short-term recovery6: hyperbaric oxygen therapy • i.e. exposure to whole-body pressure >1 atmosphere while breathing 100% oxygen • Might increase rate of recovery from soft tissue injury by several mechanisms • However: no (consistent) results both with regard to tissue injury markers and to performance measures • Additional barriers:- cost of equipment & qualified personnel- risk of oxygen toxicity
Short-term recovery7: NSAID • NSAID= non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs • Inhibiting cyclo-oxygenase (COX) , enzyme involved in synthesis of prostaglandins, modulators of inflammation • Bio-logicalrole of inflammation in muscle repair !!!!!!! • Use of NSAIDs over extended periods might have detrimental effect on adaptation to training !!
Short-term recovery8: compression garments • 3 varieties:1) for prevention/treatment of deep vein thrombosis2) sleeves worn over limbs/joints to provide support or reduce swelling3) elastic tights and tops worn as exercise clothing • Very popular • Mechanisms:- recovery blood lactate removal- less increase in plasma CK- decreased perceived soreness- reduced swelling- faster recovery of force production • However: no evidence of improved recovery on performance to date!(cfr. also Duffield et al 2008 & 2009, Davies et al 2009)
Short-term recovery9: stretching • Possible functions:1) increase ROM around joints: +(by various modes of stretching) (Mahieu et al 2007)2) performance-enhancing effect: +/-(dependent on mode of exercise & stretching) (e.g. Kokkonen et al 2007: +)3) injury prevention: ?/+ (Woods et al 2007: +)4) facilitating recovery: ?/- • Possible mechanism: dispersion of oedema? may not be a desirable goal! also no preventative effect on DOMS (Herbert & de Noronha 2007) • Conclusion: no apparent short- or long-term benefit from stretching as a recovery modality
NOTE: muscle cramps & fasciculations • I.e. unvoluntary contractions of (part of) the muscle • Fasciculations: may be a sign of recovery • In those times: muscles more prone to cramps • Muscle cramps: - associated with (physical) fatigue -additionalinfluence of: - training status - caffeine - Mg2+ - mental stress - sleep • Balance stress/recovery !→ AND: both stress and recovery: determined by body and mind • TRAINING = continuoussearch for an optimal equilibrium
Short-term recovery10: electromyostimulation • involves transmission of electrical impulses via surface electrodes to peripherally stimulated motor neurons eliciting muscular contractions • Mechanism: increased blood flow → ‘muscle pump effect’ → enhance tissue repair • Few studies: no improvement of recovery process
Short-term recovery11: sleep • Most explicit mode of rest • Better than e.g. shopping !“A good athlete is a lazy one” • Better than e.g. watching TV?Cfr. neurogenesis during sleep • Practice of elite/professional athletes (whether or not on training camp): - napping during afternoon- extensive nighttime sleep (cfr. study in Belgian female elite runners)
Short-term recovery12: rehydration & glycogen resynthesis • If appropriate volume & sodium content → fluid balance & plasma volume can be restored <4 hrs • Unlikely that currently used recovery modalities would compromise rehydration • Rapid glycogen resynthesis: especially important if >1 training sessions/day ! • CHO stores can be restored <24 hrs ↔ between sessions • 1.2 g/kg/hr at regular intervals up to 5 hrs post-exercise !
<Niveau> <Sporttak> <Discipline> <Module> <Vak> NOTE: antioxidant supplementation • Unaccostumed (eccentric) exercise → inflammatory response → ROS (free radical production) → oxidative stress upon tissue → secondary damage • NB: exact nature of relationship between ROS production, exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) & soreness is unclear • “Vitamin C & E (as well as HMB & proteins) before & after exercise appears to provide a prophylactic effect in reducing EIMD” (Howatson & van Someren 2008) • “Effects are only exhibited when nutritional status is deficient. There are no convincing effects of supplementation in well-trained athletes.” (Margaritis & Rousseau 2008)
To conclude…1 • The most effective recovery ‘method’ is:1) eating NSAIDs like candy2) sleeping 10 hrs a day3) a relative rest period4) a massage by a beautiful masseuse5) chatting on Facebook6) going on holiday for 3 weeks without sports equipment
To conclude…2 • You know that recovery is complete when:1) muscle cramps disappear2) the interest in training arises3) blood lactate levels fall to zero4) fasciculations appear5) the coach says so6) DOMS no longer exists