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Chapter 3 Data Issues. What is a Data Set?. Attributes (describe objects) Variable, field, characteristic, feature or observation Objects (have attributes) Record, point, case, sample, entity or item Data Set Collection of objects. Type of an Attributes.
What is a Data Set? • Attributes (describe objects) • Variable, field, characteristic, feature or observation • Objects (have attributes) • Record, point, case, sample, entity or item • Data Set • Collection of objects
Type of an Attributes • Depends on the following properties: • Distinctness: =, • Order: <, >, = • Addition: +, - • Multiplication: *, /
Attribute Type Description Examples Operations Nominal Each value represents a label. (Typical comparisons between two values are limited to “equal” or “not equal”) Flower color, gender, sip code Mode, entropy, contingency correlation, 2 test Ordinal The values can be ordered. (Typical comparisons between two values are “equal” or “greater” or “less” Hardness of minerals, (good, better, best), grades, street numbers, rank, age Median, percentiles, rank correlation, run tests, sign tests Interval The differences between values are meaningful i.e., a unit of measurement exist. (+, -) Calendar dates, temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit Mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation, t anf F test Ratio Differences and ratios are meaningful. (*, /) Monetary quantities, count, age, mass, length, electrical current Geometric mean, harmonic mean, percent variation Types of Attributes
Discrete attributes A discrete attributes has only a finite or countably infinite set of values. Eg. Zip codes, counts or the set of words in a document Discrete attributes are often represented as integer variables Binary attributes are a special case of discrete attributes and assume only two values Eg. Yes/no, true/false, male/female Binary attributes are often represented as Boolean variables, or as integer variables that take on the values 0 or 1 Continuous attributes A continuous attribute has real number values. Eg. Temperature, height or weight (Practically real values can only be measured and represented to finite number of digits) Continuous attributes are typically represented as floating point variables Discrete and Continuous Attributes
Structured Data Sets • Common types • Record • Graph • Ordered • Three important characteristics • Dimensionality • Sparsity • resolution
Most of the existing data mining work is focused around data sets that consist of a collection of records (data objects), each of which consists of fixed set of data fields (attributes) Name Gender Height Output Kristina F 1.6 m Medium Jim M 2 m Medium Maggie F 1.9 m Tall Martha F 1.88 m Tall Stephanie F 1.7 m Medium Bob M 1.85 m Medium Kathy F 1.6 m Medium Dave M 1.7 m Medium Worth M 2.2 m Tall Steven M 2.1 m Tall Debbie F 1.8 m Medium Todd M 1.95 m Medium Kim F 1.9 m Tall Amy F 1.8 m Medium Lynette F 1.75 m Medium Record Data
Projection of X load Projection of Y load Distance Load Thickness 10.23 5.27 15.22 2.7 1.2 12.65 6.25 16.22 2.2 1.1 Data Matrix • If all objects in data set have the same set of numeric attributes, then each object represents a point (vector) in multi-dimensional space. • Each attribute of the object corresponds to a dimension
Document Data • Each document becomes a ‘term’ vector, where each term is a component (attribute) of the vector, and where the value of each component of the vector is the number of times the corresponding term occurs in the document
Transaction data is a special type of record data, where each record (transaction) involves a set of items. For example, consider a grocery store. The set of product purchased by a customer during one shopping trip constitute a transaction, while the individual products that were purchased are items Transaction Data
Data with relationships among objects Likes OO modeling where node represents object and the link representing relationship. Eg. Linked web pages Data with object that are graphs Object contains another objects known as subobjects, e.g., the structure of chemical compounds, where the nodes are atoms and the links between nodes are chemical bonds. Graph Data
Ordered Data: • The attributes have relationships that involve order in time or space. • Fig. 2.4 variations of ordered data Sequential data Sequence data Time series data Spatial data
Data Quality • The following are some well known issues • Noise and outliers • Missing values • Duplicate data • Inconsistent values
Noise and Outliers • Typographical errors lead to incorrect values • Nominal attribute is misspelled • Extra possible value for that attribute • Different names for the same thing (eg: Pepsi / Pepsi Cola • Noise – modification of original value • Random error • Non-random error • Noise can be • Temporal • Spatial
Cont’d • Signal processing can reduce (generally not eliminate) noise • Outliers – small number of points with characteristics different from rest of the data
Missing Values: Eliminate Data Objects with Missing Values • Out-of-range entries • Negative number in a field that is normally only positive • Zero in a field that can never normally be zero • The reason: • Malfunctional measurement equipment • Changes in experimental design during data collection • Collection of several similar but not identical datasets • Respondents in a survey may refuse to answer certain questions as age or income
Cont’d • A simple and effective strategy is to eliminate those records which have missing values. A related strategy is to eliminate attribute that have missing values • Drawback: you may end up removing a large number of objects
Missing values: Estimating them • Price of the IBM stock changes in a reasonably smooth fashion. The missing values can be estimated by interpolation • For a data set that has many similar data points, a nearest neighbor approach can be used to estimate the missing values. If the attribute is continuous, then the average attribute value of the nearest neighbors can be used. While if the attribute is categorical, then the most commonly occurring attribute value can be taken
Missing values: Using the missing value as another value • Many data mining approaches can be modified to operate by ignoring missing values. • E.g. Clustering – similarity between pairs of data objects need to be calculated. If one or both objects of a pair have missing values for some attributes, then the similarity can be calculated by using only other attributes.
Inconsistent/ Duplicate Data • Most machine learning tools will produce different results if data files are duplicated – repetition influence on the result. • Errors made at data entry – spelling errors • Can corrected manually • Data integration • Different names of an attribute in different databases • Also having duplication