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The Alaska Marine Science and Fisheries Career Coalition

The Alaska Marine Science and Fisheries Career Coalition. Asia Beder and Paula Cullenberg *Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program. – Networking to Enhance Opportunity. Who makes up the Coalition?. Who are we? Employers, educators, and community groups Our Mission

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The Alaska Marine Science and Fisheries Career Coalition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Alaska Marine Science and Fisheries Career Coalition Asia Beder and Paula Cullenberg *Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program – Networking to Enhance Opportunity

  2. Who makes up the Coalition? • Who are we? • Employers, educators, and community groups • Our Mission • ~support Alaska Natives and rural Alaskans seeking careers in fisheries and marine sciences

  3. Why is there a Coalition? • Rural Alaskans and Alaska Natives are underrepresented in the fisheries and marine sciences workforce • Alaska is very vast • Communication issues • Math and science education in rural Alaska is limited

  4. What the Coalition is doing:

  5. Future Alaskans website - www.sfos.uaf.edu/future

  6. Social networking ~ www.facebook.com/FutureAlaskans ~ http://twitter.com/#!/FutureAlaskans

  7. Future Alaskans blog ~ www.future-alaskans.blogspot.com

  8. AMSFCC Newsletters

  9. North Pacific Marine Education and Training Program Workshop • October 14-15th, 2010 • NOAA funded • Outcome • ~ Allied Fish

  10. K-12 Events • Interns

  11. Positive steps • ANSEP • Undergrad program at UAF • Internships • Development of Allied Fish

  12. Summary • Mission • Resources • Partnerships • Opportunities statewide

  13. Program Partners • Alaska Department of Education, Career and Technical Education • Alaska Department of Fish and Game • Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program • Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program • Alaska SeaLife Center • Bristol Bay Campus, UAF • Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation • Bristol Bay High School, Naknek • Chugach Regional Resources Commission • College of Rural and Community Development, UAF • Cooperative Extension Service, UAF • Gulf of Alaska Coastal Communities Coalition • Icicle Seafoods • Interior Aleutian Campus, UAF • Kawerak, Inc. • Ketchikan Fisheries Technology Program, UAS • Kuskokwim Native Association • Lower Kuskokwim School District • NOAA Fisheries Alaska Region • NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science • Northwest Campus, UAF • North Pacific Fishery Management Council • The Rasmuson Foundation • School of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences, UAF • STEM AK • Tanana Chiefs Conference • Tribal Management Program, UAF • US Fish and Wildlife Service • Yukon River Drainage Fishermen’s Association

  14. Steering Committee Barbara Morgan - Allen Marine Beth Spangler - ANSEP Bonita Nelson - NOAA Fisheries David Tallmon – UAS Ginny Eckert - SFOS/UAF Glenn Seamen - graduate student Ida Hilderbrand - CRRC Katie Straub - SFOS/UAF Keith Van Den Broek - Native Village of Eyak Lisa Busch - Sitka Sound Science Center Mike Miller - Sitka Tribe Mike Thalhauser – Kuskokwim Native Association Rose Fosdick - Kawerak, Inc Robin Dublin – COSEE Alaska Todd Radenbaugh - UAF Bristol Bay Campus Sheila Cameron - ADF&G Paula Cullenberg - Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program

  15. Questions

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