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Bonding Class #4

Bonding Class #4. OB: become masterful with both the Double and the Triple Covalent Bonds, plus some excessive practice drawing structural diagrams for larger molecules. O 2 Oxygen How does it stay together (bond)?.

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Bonding Class #4

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  1. Bonding Class #4 OB: become masterful with both the Double and the Triple Covalent Bonds, plus some excessive practice drawing structural diagrams for larger molecules

  2. O2 Oxygen How does it stay together (bond)? Each oxygen needs to gain 2 electrons to fill it’s octet orbital. Each oxygen can lend 2 electrons to the other partner. O O

  3. O O Will become… O=O O O Drawn structurally… this way: Each oxygen has a 3.4 electronegativity value, so this is called a Double, Non-Polar, Covalent Bond

  4. Looking at the HONClBrIF twins, in order, let’s figure out the kinds of bonds that they all have… (draw dots or structural's to think) H2 O2 N2 Cl2 Br2 I2 F2

  5. Looking at the HONClBrIF twins, in order, let’s figure out the kinds of bonds that they all have… H2 O2 N2 Cl2 Br2 I2 F2 Single non-polar covalent H―H Double non-polar covalent O=O ??? Single non-polar covalent Cl―Cl Single non-polar covalent Br―Br Single non-polar covalent I―I Single non-polar covalent F―F Time for someThinking!

  6. N N We’ll need two nitrogen atoms, which both need to follow the octet rule. How many electrons do they need to borrow from each other? To do that, we’ll have to rearrange the electrons so that they can share them with each other.

  7. N N Will shift to… N N And structurally this will become: N N Nitrogen shares 3 pairs of electrons, it makes a triple, non-polar, covalent bond

  8. Covalent bonds are between 2 or more nonmetals, and usually follow the octet rule. Covalent bonds can be: SINGLE, DOUBLE, or TRIPLE They can also be: POLAR, or NON-POLAR

  9. Let’s draw electron dot diagrams and then STRUCTURAL diagrams for these compounds. DOTS Structural C2H6 C2H4

  10. Let’s draw electron dot diagrams and then STRUCTURAL diagrams for these compounds. DOTS Structural C2H6 H H H H C C H―C―C―H H H H H H H C2H4 H H H H C C C C H H H H

  11. Let’s draw electron dot diagrams and then STRUCTURAL diagrams for these compounds. DOTS Structural C2H2 C3H8

  12. Let’s draw electron dot diagrams and then STRUCTURAL diagrams for these compounds. DOTS Structural C2H2 H―C C―H C C H H C3H8 H H H H H H H―C―C―C―H C C C H H H H H H H H

  13. 13

  14. Let’s draw electron dot diagrams and then STRUCTURAL diagrams for these compounds. DOTS Structural CO2 AsCl3

  15. Let’s draw electron dot diagrams and then STRUCTURAL diagrams for these compounds. DOTS Structural CO2 O O C O=C=O Carbon dioxide is a STRAIGHT molecule AsCl3 Cl―As―Cl Cl As Cl Cl Cl

  16. Octane goes in your gas tank. It’s a repeating type molecule, a chain really. The formula is C8H18. Do the DOT and the Structural Diagrams now. (dots here)

  17. Octane goes in your gas tank. It’s a repeating type molecule, a chain really. The formula is C8H18. Structural diagram: H H H H H H H H H―C―C―C―C―C―C―C―C―H H H H H H H H H Name the 2 kinds of bonds here, the C―C bond, and the C―H bond.

  18. The C―C bonds are: And the C―H bonds are:

  19. Draw Dot diagrams and structural diagrams for oxygen dibromide. Describe the bonds between bromine and oxygen.

  20. Dot diagrams and structural diagrams for oxygen dibromide Structurally, this becomes… O Br O Br Br Br These bonds are SINGLE, POLAR, COVALENT bonds. EN diff of 3.4 and 3.0 is 0.4 NOT ZERO, so polar. This molecule does not exhibit radial symmetry? So?

  21. Draw Dot diagrams and structural diagrams for carbon tetrachloride. Describe the bonds between carbon and chlorine.

  22. Draw Dot diagrams and structural diagrams for carbon tetrachloride. The Electronegativity of C is 2.6, while chlorine has a 3.2, so these are four single polar covalent bonds. Cl Cl C Cl Cl Cl Cl―C―Cl Cl

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