Synopsis FracasateConmigo (or Fail In Love With Me) is the latest play by TiTO. In this adventure, TiTO explores his universe of love. Navegating through illusions, games, lonliness, fury, struggles and romance, TiTO discovers his own path towards understanding something about love.
Fail In LoveWith Me: TheStory FracasateConmigo (Fail in Love with Me) is the second play created and performed by TiTO. The play was created in The Thinking Mountain, Itagui, Colombia and premiered in the III International Theatre Festival in Zarzal, Colombia in September 2011. Since then the play has been finely tuned in TiTO´s apartment and in the park next to his apartment, before being toured through Bolivia at the World Gathering of Youth and Children´s Theatre in Oruro and later performed as part of the International Clown Series in La Paz. The play does not use text and is suitable for all ages!
Fail In LoveWith Me: Festivals III International Theatre Festival in Zarzal, Colombia 2011 I Festival in theForest, Neltume, Chile 2011 WorldGathering of Youth and ChildrenTheatre (EMTIJ) Oruro, Bolivia 2012 International Clown Series, La Paz, Bolivia 2012
Biography Robert James Cartwright (TiTO) bornNovember 2nd 1981 in Melbourne, Australia. I currently reside in Chile since 2008. I hadneverenjoyed drama classesnortheatre, untiloneday in publicsquare in Mexico, a mime chose me fromtheaudience and used me as a volunteer. Withoutknowingwhy, I caused a lot of laughter and the mime invited me totravelwithhim. I decidednottotravelwiththe mime, however I wasleftwiththe taste of makingpeoplelaugh in publicspaces. My formation as a clown has beenhelpedalongbymanyteachers, amongstthem, Lerchundi and Escobar, Victor “Tomate” Avalos (Argentina), Luisa Gaillard(France), Johnny Melville(Scotland), Eric de Bont(Holland) y SueMorrison (Canada). I havealsotrained in Suzuki Theatre, Viewpointsand ButohwithZen ZenZo (Australia), DonnieMaher (USA) and with Carla Lobos, AndresGuttierezand Lobsang Palacios (Chile). Duringthisprocess, I beganplayingwith clown and slackrope at traffic light intersections, where I learnedalotaboutbuildingrapportwithanaudience and countingcoins.
Biography In 2009 I wasinvitedtoperform in a StreetTheatre Festival, but I didnothave a play. And justlikethat “FallingTowardstheSky” wasborn. Created in a parkon a sunnyafternoon, and finelytuned in thefollowingyears in Chile´spublicsquares, theplayreached a qualitywhichalloweditto tour Colombia, Perú, Chile and Argentina. Theplaywastheninvitedto International TheatreFestivalssuch as MIMAME and The International Theatre Festival in Manizales 2011. And itwasalsoperformed in CommunityTheatreFestivalsallowingthe show tobesharedwithmanydifferenthumanbeings. I haveperformed in differentpublicspaceinterventionswith Johnny Melvilleand basedonthiswork, I havedeveloped my owninterventionssuch as theSlackAttack(SlackRope in publicspaces) and StupidStatue (A humanstatueperformed in clown). In 2012 I performedwiththeAguaSakracompany (directedbyNikolaBahna), winner of theIberescenaproject, thatpremieredtheplay UMA in July 2012 in Santiago, Chile and wasinvitedtoThe International Theatre Festival in Manizales 2012. In my free time I continueperforming at trafficlights and in differentpublicspaces in Chile.
Contact Robert Cartwright Telephone: (+56) 09 75 41 76 56 Email: myfriendtito@mymadcat.com Web: http//myfriendtito.mymadcat.com Facebook: facebook.com/myfriendtito Skype: robert.t.toe
TechnicalStuff Company: TiTO Play: Fail In LoveWith Me Author: RobCartwright Director: RobCartwright Cast: RobCartwright TechnicalAssistant: Renata Abara Music: iPod Nano Duration: 35 minutes Audience: Everybody Costume: Irina Gallardo Management: RobCartwright Telephone: (+56) 09 75 41 76 56 E-mail: robert.cartwright@gmail.com Set Up Time: 1 hora Pack Up Time: 15 minutos Stage: 6 metres x 4 metres. Flat floorwithtwofixedpointstowhich I can tie my structureeg. Stakes, a loopedscrew… Sound: No microphone