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- Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28 th , 2011

Status of HiRadMat Safety File. Outline Safety file Descriptive part Hazard inventory Demonstrative part Operational part Feedbacks Other recommendations from safety review. - Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28 th , 2011. Status of Hiradmat safety file .

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- Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28 th , 2011

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  1. Status of HiRadMatSafety File • Outline • Safety file • Descriptive part • Hazard inventory • Demonstrative part • Operational part • Feedbacks • Other recommendations from safety review - Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28th, 2011

  2. Status of Hiradmatsafety file • I - Descriptive part • II – HazardsInventory • 1.Methodology • 2.List of Hazards - Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28th, 2011

  3. Hiradmatsafety fileI - Descriptive Part • TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1.MOTIVATIONs and goals 2.LOCATION AND VICINITY 3.TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 3.1 Beam line 3.2 Experimental area 3.3 Infrastructure 4.OPERATION Life cycle 4.1 Assembly in BA7 lab 4.2 Lab to test zone 4.3 Test zone to cool-down zone 4.4 Cool-down zone removal 4.5 Irradiated experimental equipments 5.DISMANTLING PHASE & DISPOSAL 6.HAZARD INVENTORY - Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28th, 2011

  4. Hiradmatsafety fileI - Descriptive Part • 35-page content • Safetyoriented description • 7 weekly meetings with DSO from BE and EN • HiRadMat_descriptive_part_v2.0 in EDMS: 1145711 - Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28th, 2011

  5. Hiradmatsafety fileII – Hazardsinventory • Methodology: • Scope of analysis: processes identification in HiRadMat - Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28th, 2011

  6. II – Hazardsinventory 1.a.Processes identification - Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28th, 2011

  7. II – Hazardsinventory 1.a.Processes identification Subprocess: Test table transport to cool down zone … 2.2.3 Basic Activity 1:Access in controlled area … • Definedwithoperators … … - Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28th, 2011 Basic Activity 7:Preparation crane for remoteuse … … Basic Activity8:Remote use of crane …

  8. II – Hazardsinventory 1.a.Processes identification - Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28th, 2011 • HiRadMatprocedures on processes during operation: EDMS 1154782 • HiRadMat procedures on maintenance: EDMS 1154793 • Creation of HiRadMat_Maintenance_Plan: EDMS 1154793

  9. II – Hazardsinventory 1.a.Processes identification • HiRadMat_Maintenance_Plan: • Summarizes on whichequipments, how often, who and how - Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28th, 2011

  10. II – Hazardsinventory 1.B.Hazards identification Subprocess: Test table transport to cool down zone … 2.2.3 Basic Activity 1:Access in controlled area • Methodology: • Scope of analysis: processes identification in HiRadMat … • Hazards identification onprocesses - Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28th, 2011 Basic Activity 7:Preparation crane for remoteuse … Basic Activity8:Remote use of crane …

  11. II – Hazardsinventory 1.B.Hazards identification - Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28th, 2011

  12. II – Hazardsinventory 2. List of Hazards • HiRadMat_Hazards_Inventoryin EDMS: 1145836 • Explains the methodology • Summarizes the hazardson activities • List of hazards in EDMS (sub-docs of Hazards_Inventory): • Associatedwithoperation: 1154929 • Associatedwith maintenance: 1154930 • Hazards on basic activities: 1154932 - Hearing Session - Marion Picard - July 28th, 2011

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