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JeeHyun Hwang 1 , Tao Xie 1 , Vincent Hu 2 and Mine Altunay 3 North Carolina State University 1 National Institute of Standards and Technology 2 Fermi National Laboratory 3 (DBSec 2010). Mining Likely Properties of Access Control Policies via Association Rule Mining.
JeeHyun Hwang1, Tao Xie1, Vincent Hu2 and Mine Altunay 3 North Carolina State University1 National Institute of Standards and Technology2 Fermi National Laboratory3 (DBSec 2010) Mining Likely Properties of Access Control Policies via Association Rule Mining
Access Control Mechanism • Access control mechanisms control which subjects (such as users or processes) have access to which resources. Policy Request Response (Permit, Deny, or Not-applicable)
Motivation • Access control policies often include a large number of rules • Misconfiguration and mistakes in access control policies lead to security problems • Need to ensure the correct behaviours of policies • Property verification: check whether properties are satisfied by a policy • Violations of a property expose policy faults • Confidence on policy correctness is dependent on the quality of specified properties
Problem • Properties are often not written in practice • Writing properties is not trivial Our proposed solution: Mine likely properties automatically based on correlations of attribute values.
Solution: Mining Likely Properties • Policy often has similar policy behaviors across attribute values (e.g., faculty and lecturer roles) • Our approach mines likely properties via association rule mining • Lecturer is permitted to conduct actions Faculty member is likely to be permitted to conduct the same actions • Violations of likely properties are deviations of normal policy behaviors • Policy authors need to inspect violations
Outline • Background and Motivation • Likely-Property Templates • Example • Framework • Relation Table Generation • Association Rule Mining • Likely-Property Verification • Evaluation Results • Conclusion
Likely-Property Templates • Implication relation: Likely properties correlate decision (Permit or Deny) dec1 for an attribute value v1with decision dec2 for another attribute value v2 • {Item (v1, dec1)} ) -> {Item (v2, dec2)} • Implication relation types • Subject attribute item sets{Item1 ({TA}, Permit)} ) -> {Item2 ({Faculty}, Permit)} • Action attribute item sets {Item ({Assign}, Permit)}) -> {Item ({View}, Permit)} • Subject-action attribute item sets{Item1 ({TA, Assign}, Permit)} ) -> {Item2 ({Faculty, Assign}, Permit)}
WWW 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada Example If role = Faculty and resource = (ExternalGrade or InternalGrade) and action = (View or Assign) then Permit If role = TA and resource = (InternalGrade) and action = (View or Assign) then Permit If role = Student and resource = (ExternalGrade) and action = (Receive) then Permit If role = Family and resource = (ExternalGrade) and action = (Receive) then Permit If role = Lecturer and resource = (ExternalGrade or InternalGrade)) and action = (Assign or View) then Permit Deny Faulty Rule = (View or Assign) then Permit Receive is used instead
WWW 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada Example - cont. Implication relations R2 with at least 65% confidence Implication relations R1 with 100% confidence
Relation Table Generation • Find all possible request-response pairs in a policy • Generate relation tables (including all request-response pairs) of interest • Input for an association rule mining tool • Example:Relation table for implication relations of action attribute:Row: Subject X ResourceColumn: Action
Association Rule Mining • Given a relation table, find implication relations of attributes via association rule mining • Find three types of implication relations • Report implication relations with confidence values over a given threshold • confidence (X Y)= supp(X ∪ Y)/supp(X) • supp (X) = D / T • - T is #total rows- D is #rows that includes attribute-decision X
Likely Property Verification • Verify a policy with given likely properties and find counterexamples • Inspect to determine whether counterexamples expose a fault • Rationale: counterexamples (which do not satisfy the likely properties) deviate from the policy’s normal behaviors and are special cases for inspection
Basic and Prioritization Techniques • Basic technique: inspect counterexamples in no particular order • Prioritization technique: inspect counterexamples by the order of their fault-detection likelihood • Inspect duplicate counterexamples first • Inspect counterexamples produced from likely properties with fewer counterexamples Prioritization technique designed to reduce inspection effort
Evaluation • RQ1: How higher percentage of faults are detected by our approach compared to an existing related approach [Martin&Xie Policy 2006]? • RQ2: How lower percentage of distinct counterexamples are generated by our approach compared to the existing approach? • RQ3: For cases where a fault in a faulty policy is detected by our approach, how high percentage of distinct counterexamples (for inspection) are reduced by our prioritization?
Metrics • Fault-detection ratio (FR) • Counterexample count (CC) • Counterexample-reduction ratio (CRB) for our approach over the existing approach • Counterexample-reduction ratio (CRP) for the prioritization technique over the basic technique
Evaluation Setup • Seed a policy with faults for synthesizing faulty policies • One fault in each faulty policy for ease of evaluation • Four fault types • Change-Rule Effect (CRE) • Rule-Target True (RTT) • Rule-Target False (RTF) • Removal Rule (RMR) • Compare results of our approach with those of the previous DT approach based on decision tree [Martin&Xie Policy 2006]
4 XACML Policy Subjects • Real-life access control policies • The number of rules ranges 12-306 rules
Evaluation Results (1/2) FR: Fault-detection ratio CC: Counterexample count CRB: Counterexample-reduction ratio for our approach over DT approach CRP: Counterexample-reduction ratio for the prioritization technique over the basic technique • DT, Basic and Prioritization show averagely 25.9%, 62.3%, and 62.3% fault detection ratios, respectively • Our approach (including Basic and Prioritization techniques) outperform DT in terms of fault-detection capability • Our approach reduced the number of counterexamples by 55.5% over DT • Our approach significantly reduced the number of counterexamples while our approach detected a higher percentage of faults (addressed in RQ1) • Prioritization reduced averagely 38.5% of counterexamples (for inspection) (in Column “% CRP”) over Basic
Evaluation Results (2/2) Fault-detection ratios of faulty policies • Prioritization and Basic achieve the highest fault-detection capability for policies with RTT, RTF, or RMR faults
Conclusion • A new approach that mines likely properties characterizing correlations of policy behaviors w.r.t. attribute values • Verification of the policy against likely properties to inspect whether the policy includes a fault • An evaluation on 4 real-world XACML policies • Our approach achieved >30% higher fault-detection capability than that of the previous related approach based on decision tree • Our approach helped reduce >50% counterexamples for inspection compared to the previous approach
Related Work • Assessing quality of policy properties in verification of access control policies [Martin et al. ACSAC 2008] • Inferring access-control policy properties via machine learning [Martin&Xie Policy 2006] • Detecting and resolving policy misconfigurations in access-control systems [Bauer et al. SACMAT 2008]