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AIOS Integrated Land Solution has everything you require to start generating land revenues. Get all the info on our global navigation satellite system, systematic land inventory, land tenure security, and land administration services in this presentation. In case of queries or questions, just reach out to us via call or email. https://aios.global/
WhoWeAre Withover40yearsofcombinedexperience, acrossfivecontinents, in-the-fieldandinthe back-office, AIOSstate-of-the-artsolutions andservicesprovideanintegrated implementationthatcoverseverythingfrom thefirstlandmeasurementtoelectronicland taxationandmore
OurSolutions We offer turn-key solutions for all your land management requirements. These include: Global Navigation Satellite System Field Data Collector Land Administration Electronic Taxation
LandAdministration AIOSLAisthebackbone ofpubliclandadministration. Designed toimprovethelandmanagement systems, itisusedbypublicinstitutions andotherorganizationsformoving thecadasterofficefullyonline. AIOSLA buildsaconnectionbetweencitizens, businesses, governments, and properties, basedontheirlegal ownership.
GLOBALNAVIGATIONSATELLITESYSTEM TheAIOSGNSSisaEuropean globalnavigationsatellitesystem. It oneofthegreatestwhenitcomesto thevarioustypesofglobalnavigation satellitesystemsavailablethroughout theworld, producingaccurateresults upto1cmaccuracyusingRTK.
Systematic LandInventory We have a solid reputation for being the best land service providers for systematic land inventory, land administration, base mapping, land tenure security, satellite imaging, and more. We are committed to gaining the trust of our clients by supporting them at every step.
LandTenure Security As the finest land service providers for land tenure security, we also help governments of different countries understand their requirements and identify the best land management systems that can serve those needs.
AIOSINTEGRATEDLAND SYSTEMS Podravska1331000OSIJEK Croatia EMAILADDRESS Contactus kuzo@aios.global PHONENUMBER +41786441490 https://aios.global/