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Dynamic Family Values in Taiwan

Dynamic Family Values in Taiwan. Family Organization. Central in Chinese Society Characterized by Respect for parents and elders by youth Undeviating obedience to patriarch in family Founded on teaching of Confucius Rigid moral code Defined roles of family members.

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Dynamic Family Values in Taiwan

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  1. Dynamic Family Values in Taiwan

  2. Family Organization • Central in Chinese Society • Characterized by • Respect for parents and elders by youth • Undeviating obedience to patriarch in family • Founded on teaching of Confucius • Rigid moral code • Defined roles of family members

  3. The Family in Taiwanese Society • Large and well-connected (3-4 generations) • Parents often work in the city, home a few days each week • Children commonly live with grandparents • Family hierarchy based on genderand age • Father’s authority unquestioned • Obedience, devotion, respect of elders expected of children

  4. Family Relationships • Discipline results from a sense of responsibility to the family unit • Anger is considered a weakness • Family members are uncomfortable seeking outside help for emotional or physical reasons • Maintaining the reputation of the family is extremely important • Individual feelings may be suppressed when conflict arises within the family

  5. Changing Role of Taiwanese Women • An increasing number of women are working outside the home to support the family • Increasing economic power has changed the relationship between men and women in the family • Women are insisting on a the same level of gender-equality within the home as they have in the workplace

  6. Results of Women’s Changing Role • More women postpone their marriage while seeking higher education • Lower birth rate as a result of lower marriage rate • Increasingly “grey” society as fewer children born and life span extended for older population

  7. References • Wang, A., (2008). Modern women, traditional men. Taiwan Review, 58 (April, 2008). Retrieved June 25, 2009, from http://taiwanreview.nat.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=30734&CtNode=128. • Her, K., (2006). The graying of Taiwan. Taiwan Review, 56 (October, 2006). Retrieved June 25, 2009, from http://taiwanreview.nat.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=23375&CtNode=119. • Chi, P S and Wu, T. Changing family structure in Taiwan: a two generational approach. Ithaca, New York, Cornell University, Bronfenbrenner Life Course Center, 1997. [22] p. (BLCC Working Paper No. 97-05)

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