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Experimental tests of the SM (3): non- collider particle physics

Experimental tests of the SM (3): non- collider particle physics. FK8022, Lecture 7. Core text: Further reading :. C ollider vs non- collider physics (1). There is life beyond the large collaborations . New physics often found at the high energy / high precision frontiers .

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Experimental tests of the SM (3): non- collider particle physics

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  1. Experimental tests of the SM (3):non-colliderparticlephysics FK8022, Lecture7 Core text: Furtherreading:

  2. Collider vs non-colliderphysics (1) There is lifebeyond the largecollaborations. New physicsoftenfound at the highenergy/high precision frontiers. Colliders and non-colliders offer complementarity .

  3. Collider vis non-colliderphysics (2) Non-collidersalsoperform studies for specific scenarios or (mad  ) speculativeideaswhichareimpossible for colliderstoprobe. Impossibleto cover all in onelecture. Neutrinoless double b-decaycovered by Thomas. Dipole moment measurements/searchesamong the mosthighprofileof non-collider research (thislecture) Give a flavourof the typeofworkwhich is done and howitsdone. Major neutrino expts not listed (see Thomas’ lectures)

  4. Dipole moments

  5. Electric dipole moments violateT-invariance OR OR A non-zero permanent electricdipole moment violates T-invariance! T

  6. Electric dipole moment • Similar argument can be made for Parity. • A permanent EDM violates P and T. • CPalso violated (CPTinvariance) • Standard Mode CPVpredictstinyEDMs • Searches for EDMs test strong CPsectorof the SM • Sensitive tomanyexotics scenarios

  7. SM and BSM contributionstoelectron-EDM Standard Model Supersymmetry Electroweak 4 loops + cancellationneeded. 1 loop sufficient CP-violating phase

  8. A simple genericEDM experiment (1) z y x

  9. A simple generic EDM experiment (2) x’ y’ z’

  10. Experimental sensitivity

  11. Worldwide EDM Community

  12. Limits on particleEDMs

  13. e-EDMpredictions and limits ACME (2013) (D. DeMille)

  14. Neutron EDM searches 7 orders ofmagnitude in precision gained. Eatinginto SUSY/exotic parameter space.

  15. Gyromagneticratio in classicalphysics

  16. Gyromagneticratio in quantum mechanics

  17. Gyromagneticratio in quantum fieldtheory + infinitenumberof diagrams = + =

  18. SomemoreFeynman diagrams… Subsetof the SM processes whichneedto be calculated. Sensitivityto a rangeof TeV-scale BSM scenarios Eg SUSY

  19. Measurementsofg

  20. Measuringthe muongyromagneticratio E821 Experiment (Brookhaven)

  21. Measurementsofmuong-2

  22. Theoreticaluncertainties Hadronic EW QED

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