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Farmers’ Adoption of Improved Technological Knowledge on Soybean Production in Northern Shan State Area, Myanmar. Mr. CHHEN CHIN. http://taunggyistar.blogspot.com/. English for Agricultural Science. Presentation Out-line. Introduction Methodology Experimental design Result Conclusion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Farmers’ Adoption of Improved Technological Knowledge on Soybean Production in Northern Shan State Area, Myanmar Mr. CHHEN CHIN http://taunggyistar.blogspot.com/ English for Agricultural Science

  2. Presentation Out-line • Introduction • Methodology • Experimental design • Result • Conclusion • Reference http://www.buffalobow.com/sakda17FollowUpSoybeanMyanmar.html

  3. Introduction • Soybean was grown in Myanmar for local consumption in former times. In the 1970s, there was low production and also low yield due to the growing of a local cultivar which was thermo-and photo-sensitive. http://www.buffalobow.com/sakda17FollowUpSoybeanMyanmar.html

  4. Methodology • Six target areas out of 34 were selected with a population of 6,436 soybean farmers, and resulting in 377 samples. http://www.buffalobow.com/sakda17FollowUpSoybeanMyanmar.html

  5. Experimental design Data collection procedure - Stratified random sampling - was calculated using the method of Yamane (1973). http://www.brecorder.com/markets/commodities/america/23426-us-soybeans-rise-second-day-on-production-jitters.html

  6. Result http://www.buffalobow.com/sakda16DemonstrateSoybeanMyanmar.html

  7. Table 1 Adoption of improved soybean production technologies of the sample farmers

  8. CONCLUSION Farmer’s adoption of improved soybean production technologies was less than 50 percent except for improved varieties. http://www.buffalobow.com/sakda16DemonstrateSoybeanMyanmar.html

  9. Reference NaingKyi Win, and Praderm Chumjai, Farmersu Adoption of Improved Technological Knowledge on Soybean Production in Northern Shan State Area, Myanmar Kasetsart J. (Soc. Sci) 30 : 227 - 238 (2009). peg 327-339.

  10. Thank you for your attention

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