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CS420 lecture four Recurrence Relations. wim bohm, cs.colostate. Complexity. Divide a program in basic blocks and count the order of magnitude number of basic block executions basic block : code fragment that takes constant time to execute
CS420 lecture fourRecurrence Relations wim bohm, cs.colostate
Complexity • Divide a program in basic blocks and count the order of magnitude number of basic block executions • basic block: code fragment that takes constant time to execute • careful: some language constructs may take more than constant time • contains in Java • + in APL / C++ • pattern matching in SNOBOL / Python
Recurrence Relations • The complexity of an algorithm can often be expressed in a recurrence relation with the input size as parameter. Eg (merge sort) T(n) = 2T(n/2)+n T(1) = 1
Repeated substitution • Simple recurrence relations (one recurrent term in the rhs) can sometimes be solved using repeated substitution • Two types: Linear and DivCo • Linear F(n) = aF(n-d)+g(n), base: F(1)=v1 • DivcoF(n)= aF(n/d)+g(n), base: F(1)=v1 • Two question: • what is the pattern • how often is it applied until we hit the base case
Linear Example Hanoi: M(n)=2M(n-1)+1, M(1)=1 M(n) = 2M(n-1)+1 = 2(2M(n-2)+1)+1 = 4M(n-2)+2+1 = 4(2M(n-3)+1)+2+1= 8M(n-3)+4+2+1= ... 2kM(n-k)+2k-1+2k-2+...+2+1= hit base for k = n-1: = 2n-1M(1)+2n-1+2n-2+...+2+1 = 2n-1
DivCo example Merge sort: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n, T(1)=1 n = 2k T(n)=2(2(T(n/4)+n/2)+n = 4T(n/4) + 2n = 8T(n/8) + 3n ... = 2kT(n/2k)+kn hit base for k = logn = 2kT(n/2k)+kn =n+kn = O(nlogn)
Another one: binary search Let n = 2k and f(1)=1 and f(n) = f(n/2)+c f(n)=f(n/2)+c = f(n/4)+2c = f(n/8)+3c = f(n/2k)+kc = hit base for k=lgn: f(1)+lgn.c = O(lgn)
DivCo repeated substitution pattern n = bk f(n)= af(n/b)+g(n) = a(af(n/b2)+g(n/b))+g(n) = a2f(n/b2)+ag(n)+g(n) = a2(af(n/b2)+g(n)+ag(n)+g(n) = a3f(n/b3)+a2g(n/b2)+ag(n/b)+g(n) = ...
Linear repeated substitution pattern n = kb+1 f(n)= af(n-b)+g(n) = a(f(n-2b)+g(n-b)+g(n)= a2f(n-2b)+ag(n-b)+g(n) =a2(af(n-3b)+g(n))+ag(n-b)+g(n)= a3f(n-3b)+a2g(n-2b)+ag(n-b)+g(n) = ...
Master Method Cookbook approach to solution, recognizing the form. Cormenet.al.'s method is more complex than Rosen: An = CAn/d+knp • An = O(np) if C < dpeg An = 3An/2+n2 • An = O(nplog(n)) if C = dpeg An = 2An/2+n • An = O(nlogdc) if C > dpeg An = 3An/2+n Proof based on repeated substitution plus induction
Let's prove a simpler version Let f(n)=af(n/b)+c, n=bk, then proof:
App: multiplying two n digit numbers A x B = an-1an-2..a1a0 X bn-1bn-2..b1b0 • high school method: O(n2) • divide and conquer approach A = A110n/2+A2 B = B110n/2+B2 AxB = A1B110n+(A1B2+A2B1)10n/2+ A2B2 A1B2+A2B1 = (A1+A2)(B1+B2)-A1B1-A2B2 so we only need 3 n/2 digit multiplications: A1B2, A2B1 and (A1+A2)(B1+B2)
Complexity of DivCon digit multiply Tn=3Tn/2+O(n) Look up in master table:
Complexity of DivCon digit multiply Tn=3Tn/2+O(n) Look up in master table: Tn=O(nlg3)~O(n1.6)
Similar trick for matrix multiply C = AxB, simple O(n3) code for i=1 to n for j = 1 to n C[i,j]=0 for k = 1 to nC[i,j]+=A[i,k]*B[k,j]
Block matrix multiply A1,1 A1,2 B1,1 B1,2 * = A2,1 A2,2 B2,1 B2,2 A1,1 B1,1 + A1,2 B2,1 A1,1 B1,2 + A1,2 B2,2 A2,1 B1,1 + A2,2 B2,1 A2,1 B1,2 + A2,2 B2,2
naive block matmult T(n) = 8T(n/2) + O(n2) master table:
naive block matrix multiply T(n) = 8T(n/2) + O(n2) master table: T(n) = O(nlog8)=O(n3)
Strassen Strassen shows that we only need 7 block multiplies (plus O(n2) work: matrix adds/subtracts ) see notes T(n) = 7T(n/2) + O(n2) master table: T(n) = O(nlg7)~O(n2.81)
Linear homogeneous recurrence relations (source: Rosen chapter 7) • an = c1.an-1 + c2.an-2 + .. + cr.an-r a0 = v0, .. , ar-1 = vr-1 : initial values • Guess individual solutions of form n • give rise to characteristic equation • solve to obtain characteristic roots • General solution • linear combination of roots • Specific solution • find coefficients of general solution using initial values
Example: Fibonacci Fn=Fn-1+Fn-2, F0=F1=1 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, ... Exponential growth, guess nand substitute n =n-1 +n-2 2 = +1 characteristic eq: 2 - - 1 = 0 quadratic equation: ax2+bx+c = 0 solution: x1,2=(-b±sqrt(b2-4ac))/2a
General Solution • Roots of 2 - - 1 = 0 1,2= (1±sqrt(1+4))/2 = (1±sqrt(5))/2 general solution: linear combination of the roots
A1 and A2 forspecific Solution • Specific solution uses the initial values F0=F1=1 • two equations two unknowns, solve to find As
Does it always work? Characteristic equation roots r1 and r2. The general solution: A1r1n+A2r2n Initial values: f0=C0 and f1=C1 specific solution: f0= C0 = A1+A2 A2=C0-A1 f1= C1 = A1r1+A2r2 C1=A1r1+(C0-A1)r2=A1(r1-r2)+C0r2 only works if r1 ≠ r2
Is it a problem? Not really. Equal roots r come from characteristic equation: (x-r)(x-r)=x2-2rx+r2=0 come from recurrence relation: fn=2rfn-1-r2fn-2 If our recurrence relation has only positive coefficients we cannot get equal roots. For Analysis of Algorithms we can restrict the recurrences to having only positive coefficients. We ADD the complexity of sub solutions together
First order Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relations Simple form Fn=cFn-1 F0=a Use repeated substitution to solve
First order Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relations Simple form Fn=cFn-1 F0=a Use repeated substitution to solve Fn=cFn-1 =c2Fn-2=c3Fn-3= ... = cnF0=cna
20% yearly interest on $1000 What is the value in year n Vn=1.2Vn-1 V0=1000
20% yearly interest on $1000 What is the value in year n Vn=1.2Vn-1 V0=1000 Vn=(1.2)n.1000
Exercise • Determine the general and specific solution of Fn= Fn-1+2Fn-2 with F0=2 and F1=7
Exercise 2 • Fn= Fn-1+2Fn-2 with F0=2 and F1=7 Characteristic equation?
Exercise 3 • Fn= Fn-1+2Fn-2 with F0=2 and F1=7 Characteristic equation: x2-x-2=0
Exercise 4 • Fn= Fn-1+2Fn-2 with F0=2 and F1=7 Characteristic equation: x2-x-2=0 Roots? x1,2=(1±sqrt(1-(-8)))/2
Exercise 5 • Fn= Fn-1+2Fn-2 with F0=2 and F1=7 Characteristic equation: x2-x-2=0 Roots: r1=2 r2=-1
Exercise 6 • Fn= Fn-1+2Fn-2 with F0=2 and F1=7 General Solution?
Exercise 7 • Fn= Fn-1+2Fn-2 with F0=2 and F1=7 General Solution: Fn=A12n+A2(-1)n
Exercise 8 • Fn= Fn-1+2Fn-2 with F0=2 and F1=7 Specific Solution? Find A1 and A2 using initial values
Exercise 9 • Fn= Fn-1+2Fn-2 with F0=2 and F1=7 Specific Solution: F0=2=A1+A2 F1=7=A1.2+A2.(-1) A1=3 A2=-1 Fn=3.2n-(-1)n
Exercise 10 • Fn= Fn-1+2Fn-2 with F0=2 and F1=7 Specific Solution: F0=2=A1+A2 F1=7=A1.2+A2.(-1) A1=3 A2=-1 Fn=3.2n-(-1)n DONE???
Exercise 11 • Fn= Fn-1+2Fn-2 with F0=2 and F1=7 Specific Solution: F0=2=A1+A2 F1=7=A1.2+A2.(-1) A1=3 A2=-1 Fn=3.2n-(-1)n NO! Check your answer
Exercise 11 • Fn= Fn-1+2Fn-2 with F0=2 and F1=7 Specific Solution: F0=2=A1+A2 F1=7=A1.2+A2.(-1) A1=3 A2=-1 Fn=3.2n-(-1)n Check F0 F1 F2 F3
Linear INhomogeneous recurrences Find the homogeneous solution Suppose pn is a particular solution Then the general solution is constant*homogeneous solution + particular solution
Linear Inhomogeneous Simple case an = c1.an-1 + f(n) happens most often • Very simple, special case: c1 = 1 • an = an-1 + f(n) = ... = a0 + f(1) +..+ f(n) • General case: • Solve homogeneous part: hn = A.c1n • if *n is a particular solution then an= A.c1n + *n is the general solution • Particular solution “mimics” f(n) f(n): c, d.n , d.n2 , dn *n: b, a.n + b, a.n2+b.n+c, b.dn or b.n.dn (dc1) or (d=c1)
Some particular solutions for An = CAn-1 + f(n) linear → linear, quadratic → quadratic, etc. Let’s try it on Mn= 2 Mn-1 +1, M1= 1
Example: Hanoi Mn=2Mn-1+1 M1=1 Homogeneous solution: A.2n Particular solution: B B obeys the recurrence relation so B=2B+1 -> B=-1 General solution: Mn=A.2n-1 M1=1 so A.2-1=1 -> A=1 Specific solution: Mn=2n-1
Another example An=2An-1+n A0=0 A1=1 A2=4 A3=11 ... 1. homogeneous solution?
Another example 1 An=2An-1+n A0=0 A1=1 A2=4 A3=11 A4=26 1. homogeneous solution: An=2An-1 An=2n
Another example 2 An=2An-1+n A0=0 A1=1 A2=4 A3=11 A4=26 1. homogeneous solution: An=2An-1 An=2n 2. particular solution?
Another example 3 An=2An-1+n A0=0 A1=1 A2=4 A3=11 A4=26 1. homogeneous solution: An=2An-1 An=2n 2. particular solution .... has form a.n+b and fits the recurrence