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EVN2015 Considerations

This article discusses the considerations for the European VLBI Network (EVN) as it transitions into the era of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). It highlights the common visibility between EVN Core and South Africa sites, limited frequency range for SKA, and the challenges in upgrading and operating the EVN system with the SKA coming online. It also explores key science projects for the SKA, as well as the questions addressed by AstroNet projects A, B, C, and D.

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EVN2015 Considerations

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  1. EVN2015 Considerations • Science with EVN until SKA and its pathfinders => and into the era of SKA • SKA covers VLBI component up to 3000 km • EVN Core has common visibility with South Africa site but not with Australia site • Combined collecting area of enlarged EVN is on order of 10% SKA • Limited frequency range for SKA up to 10 or 25 GHz? • EVN move to higher frequencies • Upgrading and operation of EVN system will be more difficult with SKA coming on line

  2. EVN2015 Considerations (2) More RTs for continuum & line sensitivity and imaging BW increase for continuum sensitivity Data transport requirements Developments of e-VLBI infrastructure Development Space VLBI Data correlation and data storage needs Availability of user-oriented tool such as VO, pipelines, archives

  3. SKA Key Science Projects 1. The Cradle of Life > 20 GHz = terrestrial planets 2. Strong-Field tests of gravity using pulsars & black holes 0.5 – 15 GHz = Galactic Center 3. The origin and evolution of cosmic magnetism 0.3 – 10 GHz = large RMs 4. Galaxy evolution and cosmology 0.3 – 1.4 GHz = galaxies to z = 4 5. Probing the dark ages 0.1 – 20 GHz

  4. AstroNet A: Do we understand the extremes of the universe? • How did the Universe begin? • What is dark matter and dark energy? • Can we observe strong gravity in action? • How do supernovae and gamma-ray bursts work? • How do black hole accretion, jets and outflows operate? • What do we learn about the Universe from energetic radiation and particles?

  5. AstroNet B: How do galaxies form and evolve? • How did the universe emerge from its dark ages? • How did the structure of the cosmic web evolve? • Where are most of the chemical elements throughout cosmic time? • What is the cycling of stars, gas and dust in galaxies? • How did the Milky Way form?

  6. AstroNet C: What is the origin and evolution of stars and planetary systems? • Is the initial mass function of stars universal? • How do stars and stellar systems form? • What do we learn by probing stellar interiors? • What is the life-cycle of the interstellar medium and stars? • How do planetary systems form and evolve? • What are the demographics of planets in the Galaxy? How do we tell which planets harbour life?

  7. AstroNet D: How do we fit in? • How do we study the Sun to explore fundamental astrophysical processes? • What drives Solar variability on all scales? • What is the impact of Solar Variability on life on Earth? • What is the dynamical history of the Solar system? • What can we learn from Solar system exploration about its formation and evolution? • Where should we look for life in the Solar system?

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