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Spectrum-Generating Algebra for Charged Strings on D2-brane

Explore the quantization of charged open strings on a D-brane with a magnetic field, introducing a new spectrum-generating algebra with cyclotron frequency. Construct physical states using the operators.

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Spectrum-Generating Algebra for Charged Strings on D2-brane

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  1. Charged Strings andSpectrum-Generating Algebra Akira Kokado*, Gaku Konisi ** and Takesi Saito** *Kobe International Univ., Kobe 658-0032, Japan **Dept. of Phys., Kwansei Gakuin Univ., Sanda 669-1337, Japan (Ref. hep-th/0608090)

  2. The Hall Effect for Charged Strings on D2-brane.

  3. A quantization of the charged open string is not so well known, compared with that of the neutral open string, when both ends are attached on a D-brane with background magnetic field. • Here, especially we construct a new type of spectrum-generating algebra (SGA) for charged strings, related with the no-ghost theorem. This SGA includes the cyclotron frequency.

  4. Charged strings

  5. TotalLagrangian

  6. Normal mode expansion

  7. Virasoro algebra

  8. Spectrum-generating algebra for charged strings

  9. Summary

  10. Conclusion • We have constructed SGA for the charged open string, which ends on D-brane with B field. • Any physical state can be constructed by using the spectrum-generating operators, if

  11. More blocks

  12. Application to Hall Effect for Charged Strings

  13. Calculation of Hall Conductivity

  14. Concluding remarks 2. We have constructed the modified spectrum-generating algebra for the charged string, which assure the no-ghost theorem for charged string states. 3. Future problem: Quantum Hall effect for charged strings ?

  15. References 1. A. Abouelsaood, C.G.Callan, C.R.Nappi and S.A.Yost, Nucl. Phys. B280, 599 (1987). 2. C.-S.Chu, hep-th/0001144. 3. A. Kokado, G. Konisi and T. Saito, Prog. Theor. Phys. 104, 1289(2000). 4. A. Kokado, G. Konisi and T. Saito, hep-th/0608090

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