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Actionable Market Segmentation. 한우석 한국리서치. 번호 / 총페이지. 시장 세분화. 현재 기업체의 마케팅 방향은 1970 년대의 Mass Marketing 에서 1980~1990 년대의 Segment Marketing 을 거쳐 , 2000 년대에는 고객과 1 대 1 대응을 근간으로 하는 Relationship Marketing 으로 변화 하고 있음. Mass Marketing. Segment Marketing. Relationship Marketing. 2000 년대.
Actionable Market Segmentation 한우석 한국리서치 번호/총페이지 KOSOMAR 세미나
시장 세분화 현재 기업체의 마케팅 방향은 1970년대의 Mass Marketing에서 1980~1990년대의 Segment Marketing을 거쳐, 2000년대에는 고객과 1대1 대응을 근간으로 하는 Relationship Marketing으로 변화하고 있음 MassMarketing SegmentMarketing RelationshipMarketing 2000년대 1970년대 1980~90년대 번호/총페이지 KOSOMAR 세미나
시장 세분화 시장 세분화란 ‘전체 시장을 일정한 기준에 의거하여 몇 개의 동질적인 시장으로 나누는 작업’ 특정 제품의 세분 시장의 기준들을 결정 시장 세분화의 실행 세분 시장에 대한 평가 타겟 시장의 선정 번호/총페이지 KOSOMAR 세미나
소비자 대상 정성조사를 통해 16개의 Emotional Benefits을 도출함 요인 분석을 통해6개의 factors를 도출함 군집 분석을 통해5개의 Micro-Segments를 확인함 Curiosity (.839) Stimulating (.741) Creativity (.723) Stress reduction (.789) Taking a rest (.729) Escapism & adventure (.670) Humor (.614) Family interaction (.805) Keeping up with cultural trends (.686) Vicarious experience (.505) Information collection (.835) Varieties (.750) Social status (.869) Enhancing home décor (.840) Killing time (.835) Companionship (.723) 자극이나 정보를 수집하기 위한 수단이 아니라 휴식을 취하는 수단으로서의 TV STIMULATION Relaxation 새롭고 Exciting한 경험을 통해 현실의 스트레스를 잊도록 도와주는 TV RELAXATION Stimulation 주위에 일어나는 일을 포함하여 다양한 정보를 제공해주는 TV SOCIAL BOND Information INFORMATIONGATHERING 주위의 사람들에게 뒤떨어지지 않고 자신의 품격을 높여주는 TV Social Status SOCIAL STATUS 혼자 있을 때 옆에 누군가가 있는 듯한 느낌으로 외로움을 달래주는 TV Friendship FRIENDSHIP Positive Relationship Negative Relationship 시장 세분화 ILLUSTRATIVES ONLY KOSOMAR 세미나
시장 세분화 시장 세분화의 multi-facet 측면: 소비자들은 제품에 대해 가지는 니즈 (needs)에서 차이를 보일 뿐만 아니라, 그들의 제품 구입 시 보이는 행동들 - 예, 정보의 수집, 채널의 결정 - 및 브랜드에 대해 가지는 태도에 있어서도 차이를 보이며, 시장 세분화는 이러한 다양한 요인들에서의 차이를 포괄하는 방식으로 이루어져야 함 시장 세분화의 actionability 측면: 시장 세분화의 결과는 향후 마케팅 전략 구축에 응용 가능하도록 구체적이어야 함 KOSOMAR 세미나
시장 세분화 A (Upper Middle Class) Purchase Power (SEC) B (Middle Class) – Extraversion vs. Introversion – Sensing vs. Intuition – Thinking vs. Feeling – Judging vs. Perceiving C1 (Lower Middle Class) C2 (Skilled Working Class) D (Working Class) E (Subsistence Level) Innovator Individual (MBTI) Household (Family Lifecycle) Early adaptor Bachelor Split into dependants Newly married Full nest with young kids Full nest with grown-ups Full nest with grown-ups Single parents Empty nesters Elderly single Early majority Late majority Laggards Innovation (Innovation) KOSOMAR 세미나
시장 세분화 24% x 35% x 38% = 3% 세그먼트1 (27%) 세그먼트2 (24%) 세그먼트3 (35%) 세그먼트a (6%) 세그먼트b (22%) 세그먼트c (38%) 세그먼트4 (16%) 세그먼트d (34%) 세그먼트’라’ (23%) 세그먼트’가’ (17%) 세그먼트’나’ (35%) 세그먼트’다’ (25%) KOSOMAR 세미나
시장 세분화 한가지 해결책은 시장 세분화를2단계로 진행하는 것 Micro segments를Input을 한최종 시장 세분화 다양한 차원 속성 요인 분석을 통해 차원별 Factor를 도출 군집 분석을 통해 차원별 Micro- Segments 도출 FSN1 MS1 MS2 MSk FunctionalEmotionalBenefits f1 f2 … fN … FSN2 MS가 MS나 MSl PurchaseProcess f1 f2 … fN … FSN3 MSa MSb MSm Brand Attitude f1 f2 … fN … FSN4 MSα MSβ MSθ Demographics f1 f2 … fN … 세분시장별 profile 및 제품 관련 Requirement 도출 KOSOMAR 세미나
시장 세분화 Lazarsfeld는 survey로부터 나온 태도 변인 분석을 위해 Latent Structure Analysis라는 용어를 도입함 관찰된 변인 (input variable) 잠재 변인 (output variable) KOSOMAR 세미나
시장 세분화 변인 1 변인 1 변인 2 변인 2 변인 1 변인 2 KOSOMAR 세미나
2SAS Approach - 개요 시장 세분화는 ① 시장을 다각적으로 분석할 수 있어야 (multi-facet) 하며,② 분석 결과가 실제 시장에 적용 가능해야 (actionable) 함 • 시장 세분화의 multi-facet 측면: 소비자들은 제품에 대해 가지는 니즈 (needs)에서 차이를 보일 뿐만 아니라, 그들의 제품 구입 시 보이는 행동들 - 예, 정보의 수집, 채널의 결정 - 및 브랜드에 대해 가지는 태도에 있어서도 차이를 보이며, 시장 세분화는 이러한 다양한 요인들에서의 차이를 포괄하는 방식으로 이루어져야 함 • 시장 세분화의 actionability 측면: 시장 세분화의 결과는 향후 마케팅 전략 구축에 응용 가능하도록 구체적이어야 함 Multi-facet Market Segmentation Actionable Market Segmentation • 제품 benefits에 기초한 segmentation • 제품 구입 과정에 기초한 segmentation • 브랜드 태도에 기초한 segmentation • 제품에 대한 소비자의 니즈를 제품의 features로 환원 (VOC --> VOE) • 니즈에 기초한 세분시장을 데모정보로 확인 가능 2 Stage ActionableSegmentation KOSOMAR 세미나
2SAS Approach - The Whole Procedure 1단계로 시장의 이해를 통해 multi-facet micro-segmentation을 하고,2 단계에서 이들 micro-segmentation을 하는 2 Stage Model Step 2 Whobuys? Step 1 Phase 1 MarketDefinition MultipleMicroSegmentation Whatis bought? UnderstandingMarkets Howit is bought? Step 3 Phase 2 BuildingFinalSegments Who buys what & how? Segmenting Step 7 Product& Pricing Step 6 Step 5 Phase 3 Targeting& Positioning Understanding Market(me & enemies) Communication Targeting& Positioning Channel KOSOMAR 세미나
Needs-BasedIdentifiableSegmentation Functional Benefits App.BenefitsEmotional Benefits High Value Segmentation Identification of Value What does customers get? Benefits Actionable Segmentation What does it? Advantages Psychographics Household Income Family Lifecycle Innovation Stage What is it? KDFs Low Demographic Segmentation Product Low High Identification of Customer 2SAS Approach - 개요 2SAS는 제품에 대한 소비자의 니즈를 제품의 features로 환원 가능하며니즈에 기초한 세분시장을 데모정보로 확인 가능한 Actionable Model <Actionable Segmentation Approach> KOSOMAR 세미나
KDFs Advantages Benefits RealBenefits CPIs Which means… Because… So what??? What does customers get? Prioritizing benefits by micro-segments What is it? What does it? 2SAS Approach - Value to Product Features Deriving CPI (Critical Purchase Influences) from KDF, based on micro-segments’ benefit priority KOSOMAR 세미나
2SAS Approach - Value to Product Features Value Proposition CPI Segment TV is one of symbol for showing their current highlevel of socio-economic class StatusEnjoyers TV is a friend who soothe their loneliness, and the complicated function just scare them LonelyPerson There is no big difference between TV models except for some lower levels, and so the price isthe most important factor ValueSeekers TV should have all functions for home theatre,therefore TV needs big screen and surround sound. Videophile TV is a furniture which can provide an additional interior value to the house, thus the design & color should match the interior of the house Decorators KOSOMAR 세미나
2SAS Approach - Value to Product Features KDF CPI Segment DisplayType ProductFeatures CurrentModels PDP TV over 42 in. 16:9 wide format, Digital upgradeable SD grade Home Theater - stereophonic sound StatusEnjoyers PDP Compact & Slim Design CRT fLCD Multimedia monitor TV XGA grade PC input LonelyPerson CRT Digital Mutimedia flat-screen TV Ultra-thin design :57cm->45cm(ZEUS) Digital Multimedia TV 32W High-definition & : XGA (ZEUS) 34/29 SVGA PC input (HERA) ValueSeekers CRT Projection TV over 50 in. 16:9 wide format, Digital upgradeable PC input Home Theater – stereophonic sound Videophile PJT PDP TV over 42 in. Wireless input & output HD grade Decorators PJT ??? KOSOMAR 세미나
By Emotional Benefit By Family Lifecycle Relaxation Single Friendship Newly Married Stimulation Family with young kids Information Family with Juveniles Social Status Family with grown-ups Silver By Functional Benefit By Tech. Adaptation Educational Innovator Home Theatre Early Adopter High-Tech Economy Majority Premium Design Laggard By Household Income By DTV Benefit Low Basic Application Middle Low Interactive Service Middle High High Indifferent 2SAS Approach - Combining Value & Demographics Final Actionable Segmentation Final Actionable Segmentation ValueSegmentation DemographicSegmentation (From Clustering Analysis) (From 2nd Data Analysis) KOSOMAR 세미나
Premiumdesign Seg2 Seg5 interior dataservice Seg4 adolescent educational optimistic low child economy firm hometheatre Seg6 impetus laggard mid/low early adopter information innovator adult majority logical Seg7 mid/high cautious single high home network friendship newly married indifferent relax-ation stimulation basicservice picturequality silver Seg1 Seg3 2SAS Approach - Combining Value & Demographics 각 세그먼트는 그들이 추구하는 Value와 Demographics을 바탕으로단일 field에서 최종 확인 ILLUSTRATIVES ONLY (From Latent Class Clustering Analysis) KOSOMAR 세미나
2SAS Approach - 라인업 분석 StatusEnjoyers ValueSeekers Videophile Decorators LonelyPerson 자사 경쟁사 Long-term Target Long-term Target Short-term Target KOSOMAR 세미나
Final Deliverables - 세그먼트 요약 ILLUSTRATIVE ONLY • 40대 기혼 부부(18세 이상 자녀) • 가구 소득 USD 75,000 이상 • 대졸 이상 학력 • 신기술에 대한 innovator • 기업체 간부직 근무 • 디지털 TV 보유율 및 시청률 높음 Premium • 부부만 사는 50대 active senior • High society class • 가구소득 $100,000+ • 대졸 이상 학력 • 신기술에 대한 Majority • 전문직 종사자 Dandy(11%) • 20대 부부(자녀 없음) 및 독신 남자 • 가구 소득 $75,000 이상 • 대졸 이상 학력 • 신기술에 대한 innovator • 화이트 칼라 및 전문직 종사 TONK(16%) Cinephile(21%) Basic Viewers(23%) Basic High-tech • 미취학 아동을 자녀로 둔 20~30대 직업을 가진 주부 • 대졸 이상 학력 • 신기술에 대한 Majority 집단 • 디지털 TV 보유 율 낮음 Bluffers(9%) • 30대 남녀 (남:정규직, 여:전업주부) • 가구 소득은 전 계층에 널리 분포 • 전문대 재학 이상 학력 • Manager, Supervisor, Service업 종사 • 디지털 TV 보유율 높음 • 케이블 디지털 방송 시청률 높음 Strivers(10%) HomeMakers(9%) • 취학 아동이 있는 30~40대 전업주부 • 전문대졸 • 신기술에 Laggard • 집에서 TV를 보는 시간이 가장 많은 집단 • 30대 기혼 부부(초등학생 자녀) • 부부 모두 full-time job • 가구 소득 $50,000 – 99,900 • 신기술에 대한 innovator • 대졸 이상 학력 Bargain KOSOMAR 세미나
Final Deliverables - Value Proposition DANDY • Married couple in their 40s with adult children • Average household income: over USD 75,000 • Graduated from university • innovators for new technology • Executive members • High ownership of digital TV • High rate of subscribing to digital broadcasting ILLUSTRATIVES ONLY EmotionalBenefits FunctionalBenefits DTV Benefits TV is for representing socialstatus High interest in Design (Overall design, Weight, Color, Big screen size, Wide screen) and High-Tech features (Various terminals) Interested in ‘Interactive service’‘ such as Internet application, Online Shopping, etc KOSOMAR 세미나
Final Deliverables - Decision Making Process DANDY • Married couple in their 40s with adult children • Average household income: over USD 75,000 • Graduated from university • innovators for new technology • Executive members • High ownership of digital TV • High rate of subscribing to digital broadcasting ILLUSTRATIVES ONLY • Channel Decision Information Gathering Evaluation • Origination High Financial, performance, social, psychological risk. High interest in TV and broadcasting technology. Active searcher. Search Information such as price, performance, design, home theater system and digital broadcasting Information source: Internet, consumer report, TV advertisement Very dissatisfied with various property of previous TV such as poor picture & sound quality, small screen size, analog broadcasting reception system, few features, etc Main selection criteria: Screen size, brand, display type/ design/ digital compatibility Price range : $1,500 -4,000 Screen size : 40”~59” Brand : Sony, Mitsubishi, Panasonic Prefer large A/V specialty stores such as National electronics chain store, Best Buy , Local electronic retailer Influenced by A/S, Rebate, recommendation of sales person, displayed products in the store. KOSOMAR 세미나
Most expensive Famous brand Best performance Game console Final Deliverables - Current Consumption Behavior DANDY • Married couple in their 40s with adult children • Average household income: over USD 75,000 • Graduated from university • innovators for new technology • Executive members • High ownership of digital TV • High rate of subscribing to digital broadcasting ILLUSTRATIVES ONLY • 1stTier (Sony, Mitsubishi) brand • Big screen(over 40’’) Projection TV • Average purchase price: $1,418 • OWER-SHIP • Request for delivery and installation • Connecting TV with various A/V product such as DVDP, CDP, Game console, etc • Favorite programs: sports and music • High audience rate of digital broadcasting • Usage • UnmetNeeds • Difficulty in connecting with other devices • Dissatisfaction with few digital broadcasting programs KOSOMAR 세미나
Final Deliverables - Product Requirements Dandy Cinephile TONK ILLUSTRATIVES ONLY • Not clear picture and narrow viewing angle (PJTV) 화질 및 음질 • Dim light 사용 • Difficult to use • Too many remote • Desire for simple and easy remote • Too many remote 디자인 • Not enough space between terminals • Desire for thin and flat TV just like PDP • Too heavy to move • Difficulties in finding remote in the dark 기타 • I wish it didn’t dim the lights in the house when I turn it on. • I have like eight remote controls on my couch. My dog steals one and I can’t turn on the TV. • They put them too close together I think. People with big hands and big fingers, it’s kind of hard to screw in some of them because they’re so close together. • No it(PJTV) doesn’t seem as clear to me. • I would like a simplified remote control • One that’s not so damn complicated. • I would go flat. Yeah. • Against the wall. Yeah. • I would definitely to that next time. • I don’t know if I need it or not but I can plug it in and it works. • Why can’t they just have one remote that operates everything? • Because they are so big they are also very heavy. It’s kind of difficult to get in behind and get everything plugged in so that was an issue with us when we first set it up. • It would be nice to have a remote to see when it’s dark. KOSOMAR 세미나
Premium HighQuality Dandy TONK Cinephile Strivers Small Large Basic Viewers Bluffers Home Makers LowQuality Bargain Final Deliverables - Product Requirements Product Category Requirements Enhancing social status with hi-tech premium design and high picture quality ILLUSTRATIVES ONLY PDP DigitalFlat Tube DigitalProjection Theater experiencewith big screen TV of high picture quality highest picture quality AnalogTube low priced TV AnalogProjection Experience big screen TV at low price KOSOMAR 세미나
1st product 1st product Cinephile 1st product Product Category 50” Wide Digital-Integrated PJ TV 30” Wide Digital-ready Flat CRT TV 30” Standard Digital-ready Flat CRT TV 2nd product 2nd product 2nd product 40” Wide Digital-integrated DLP PJ TV 50” Standard Digital-integrated PJ TV 40” Wide Digital-integrated PDP TONK Final Deliverables - Product Requirements Dandy Consumer Benefits High picture quality with extendibility Premium TV with ‘easy-to-use’ features Premium TV with updated features ILLUSTRATIVES ONLY Specs Specs Product Features Specs Easy connection/ Easy remote & universal remote/ Full features/ Dolby digital/ Various digital inputs/ wireless connection/ On-screen menu/ Less eye fatigue Easy connection/ Easy remote & universal remote/ Dolby digital/ Various digital inputs/ Various AV inputs/ On-screen menu/ Less eye fatigue Easy connection/ Easy remote & universal remote/ On-screen menu/ Good warranty & Service for delivery & Installation/ Less eye fatigue/ Demo function Design Design Design New age & Simple, Not big bottom Slim & Clean look,Not massive Not look cheap, Not bulky KOSOMAR 세미나
Popularity TV ads Newspaperads Home Makers TONK ProductDisplay Bluffers OtherPeople ConsumerReport BasicViewers Dandy Image Information Strivers Salesmen Brochure Internet Cinephile A/V SpecialtyMagazine Professionality Final Deliverables - Information Source Low involvement in TV but strong needs for premium productsRelying on product displays at A/V specialty stores or sales persons Low involvement & insufficient knowledge in TVRelying on newspapers for price information and other people’s recommendation ILLUSTRATIVES ONLY Extended but not specialized knowledge and high involvement in TVRelying on Consumer Report, product displays and Brochures High involvement in TV but insufficient knowledgeRelying on TV, newspapers for price information, or other people’s recommendation High involvement in TV Relying on varieties of information sources including Consumer report, Brochure/catalog, and A/V magazines Low involvement in TV & insufficient time in information gatheringRelying on product display & salesperson High involvement and good knowledge in TV Relying on A/V magazine or internet for detailed information KOSOMAR 세미나
High-End Regional Chain Store(A/V) Regional Chain Store(A/V, IT, Game, Software) TONK PremiumProducts Dandy Cinephile National Chain Store(A/V, IT, Game, Software) Department Store(A/V, CE, Clothes, Mechanic tools) A/VNon-specialty A/V Specialty Strivers Warehouse Store(A/V, CE, Groceries, Warehousing type) National Chain Store(A/V, IT, Game, Software) Basic Viewers Low-EndProducts VariousPromotions Bluffer Home Maker Discount Department Store(A/V, CE, Groceries) (From store visiting analysis) Low-End Final Deliverables - Channel Selection ILLUSTRATIVES ONLY KOSOMAR 세미나
Final Deliverables - 4P Strategies DANDY As a innovators with the purchase power, this group want to buy newest premium TV suitable to their social position. So, they prefer to buy newest projection TVs with big screen size(over 40’’). Because they possess various A/V product, various connection terminals are very important to them. And, they have desire to own TV of top brand which is not inferior to other’s. So, they consider Sony, Mitsubishi, etc more than any other segments. Therefore, It seems difficult for Samsung to attack this segment in the near future Although they refer to Consumer report,internet, etc to gather information about TV, their final decision is made after listening to the recommen-dation of salesmen and after seeing the product displayed in the store. So, they tend to visit national or local electronic retailer where various high-end products are displayed, and tend to buy the most premium product under the constraint such as the space limit of planned location of TV. They are very interested in the digital broadcasting (including data service) and the advanced features such as 16:9 widescreen format, surround sound signal (Dolby Digital or AC-3), etc. In the short term, 50’’~59’’ digital integrated PJTV with wide screen format seems effective to this segment. But, it seems difficult to attack this segment with common features because main competitors in this market are ‘Sony’, ‘Mitsubishi’, etc If price of PDP fall under $5000, this segment would be the first group who start to buy PDP. It is necessary to prepare to attack this segment in the future early PDP market by enhancing Samsung brand status. Target Profile Size 11% in the potential big screen TV market 40-49 married couple with tendency of innovator Profile ILLUSTRATIVES ONLY Value Premium Big screen TV With advanced features Sony; Mitsubishi Competitors Product (S) 50’’~59’’Widescreen Digital-integrated PJTV 4P Strategies (L) 40’’~49’’WidescreenDigital-integrated PDP Placing National Electronic chine or Local A/V specialty Promtn Consumer report, Internet, Brochure Pricing B4K KOSOMAR 세미나