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A Money Management Program. Treasury. Purpose . Introduction. To track changes in bank accounts without compromising valuable personal information. Intended audience . Introduction. The program is designed so that the average person with a computer will be able to use Treasury.

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  1. A Money Management Program Treasury

  2. Purpose Introduction • To track changes in bank accounts without compromising valuable personal information

  3. Intended audience Introduction • The program is designed so that the average person with a computer will be able to use Treasury

  4. Treasury team members Introduction • The team working on this project consists of four people: • Kyle Warnock • Matthew Salley • Mitch Martin • Shiva Srivastava

  5. References Introduction The template as well as advice on documenting requirements was taken from the work, “Writing Software Requirements Specifications” by Donn Le Vie, Jr. This document can be found on the website: ttp://www.techwr-l.com/techwhirl/magazine/writing/softwarerequirementspecs.html

  6. Product functions Overall Description • Treasury is an application-based program that will provide an intuitive graphic user interface for a single user to easily access functions

  7. Operating environment Overall Description • Treasury will be compatible with Microsoft Windows • Other operating systems’ compatibility will be determined after further research

  8. User environment Overall Description • Treasury is intended to be run on a private working station • Data will be password protected and encrypted

  9. Quick and Easy buttons System Features • Convenient buttons for common functions will be readily available to the user • Buttons will be easy to distinguish from each other • Buttons will be organized in an intuitive fashion

  10. Automatic Transactions System Features • The user will be able to schedule transactions • Scheduled transactions will be applied to their respective account the first time Treasury is run after their scheduled date • The user will be notified (for approval purposes) of the transactions before they are processed

  11. Methods of payment System Features • The user will be able to specify a method of payment for each transaction (Cash, debit, check, etc) • Check transactions will also keep track of check numbers

  12. Knowledge of account types System Features • Treasury will have a number of default account types • Checking • Credit • Savings • Etc… • Account types will also be configurable by the user

  13. Editing Transactions System Features • All transactions currently entered into Treasury will be modifiable by the user • Treasury will make any necessary calculations on-the-fly when any modifications are made

  14. Account Files System Features • Accounts will be stored in a format unique to Treasury • Account files will be encrypted so that files are not readable in plain-text

  15. Adjustable Statement Periods System Features • Accounts will have configurable statement periods • The user will be able to review transactions for a specific statement period • Use for keeping tabs on bank statements • Period reviews will be displayed in an easy to read format • Transactions will be able to be ‘checked-off’ to reflect the user’s bank account

  16. Balance Watcher System Features • At run-time, Treasury will simulate any scheduled transactions for the current period • If these transactions will put the accounts balance in debt, the user will be alerted

  17. Performance requirements Other Nonfunctional Requirements • Calculations will be mathematically correct • Treasury should start up properly every time launched • Accounts should be saved automatically at user-defined intervals • Accounts should be automatically backed-up at user-defined intervals • All text is displayed in a legible manner • All text is clear on what the program expects as input and what it displays as output • Informative and concise error reports should appear if the program runs into anything it doesn’t expect. Should also recover from such an event

  18. Safety and Security requirements Other Nonfunctional Requirements • No personal information should be stored in the application • All account files should be encrypted so they cannot be read in plain-text • Accounts should be (optionally) password protected

  19. Software quality attributes Other Nonfunctional Requirements • The GUI should be professional and intuitive in design • GUI should have easily navigable menus and intuitive buttons for all functions of the program

  20. Treasury Concept Screenshot

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