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Local Business Listing

Marketing through local listing (also known as local citation)

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Local Business Listing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Local Business Listing The Ultimate Guide

  2. What is a Local Business Listing? Local Business Listings are online portfolios that contain information about your business such as name, address, hours, and other data . The goal of business listing is to make your business more accurate and searchable online.

  3. How doLocal Business Listings Impact my Marketing? Local Business Listing is an easy way to increase your reach online and for clients to find you. By providing information across many platforms and sites, you can improve your SEO and credibility in your business. Hereare some of the steps to optimize your business listing: • UpdateEvery Detail Make sure to update every bit of information that changes. • Be Meticulously Consistent Be sure to make every bit of information in your business listingidentical.

  4. Use Categories Always categorize your products/services • Optimize Descriptions Write a brief description of your business and keep them concise. • Monitor and Update Your Listings Monitor your performance by making a list of your listings and then systematically work on making them accurate as possible.

  5. It’s Affordable • Protect Your Business Identity • Prominent Placement In SERPs • Enhanced Reputation • Seamless Integration With Other Online Marketing Efforts • Enables Your Business To Show Up On Google Maps • One Of The Easiest Way Towards Local Visibility And Business Profitability Advantages of Local Business Listing


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