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旅游英语. 电子教案. Unit 6. Agenda. Part 2 Reading Passage. Agenda. Part 1 Listening and Speaking Activities. Exercises. Part 1 Listening and Speaking Activities. Lead-in Listening Practice: Listen and fill in the blanks Dialogue 1 Tour guiding ( Climbing Mount Tai )
旅游英语 电子教案 Unit 6
Agenda Part 2 Reading Passage Agenda Part 1 Listening and Speaking Activities Exercises
Part 1 Listening and Speaking Activities • Lead-in • Listening Practice: Listen and fill in the • blanks • Dialogue 1 Tour guiding(Climbing Mount Tai) • Dialogue 2 Tour guiding(Visiting the Confucius Temple)
Lead-in Natural Scenic spots in China Brainstorming
Listen and fill in the blanks. Listening Practice • Guilin • Guilin is a living canvas of China’s charming ______, romantic landscape and is a spiritual of peace! • When you see Guilin, you will totally understand what has ______ thousands of Chinese artists over the ages to ______ such beautiful paintings! “I often sent pictures of the hills of Guilin which I painted to friends back home, but few believed what they saw.” The writer of this was the Song Dynasty scholar Fan Chengda and his ________show that the scenery of Guilin has been attracting and__________ visitors for many_________. Guilin is the very________of the classical Chinese ________ paintings with fantastically shaped ______with pines and ________ pavilions, partly shrouded in the mist. scenery inspired draw comments astonishing centuries essence landscape peaks delicate
Tour guiding(Climbing Mount Tai) Dialogue 1
(G: Guide T: Tourist) • G: Mount Tai is one of the greatest mountains in China. It is famous not only for its scenery but for its cultural contents as well. Many famous people in Chinese history have climbed Mount Tai. • T: I hope we can find some trails they’ve left. How far do you think we are from the top? • G: We’re just about at Zhongtianmen, which means we’re almost halfway up. • T: Really? Then let’s forget about a break and just climb up at one go . • G: Ok. And I will continue with my story.Tianmen means gate to heaven. • T: Does it mean a gate that goes all the way up to heaven? • G: Hmm, that’s possible. Maybe our ancestors felt the mountain was so high that it was almost connected to heaven. • T: Well, I’m going to find out just how high this heaven—connected mountain is. Let’s go!
G: No rush! Look, over there are the Wudafu Pines. Dafu was an official title in ancient times. These pines have the same status as officials. • T: Ha, that’s interesting. But who would appoint pine trees as officials. • G: Emperor Qin Shi Huang! • T: Really? He’d been to Mount Tai as well? • G: Yes.Once he came to Mount Tai to offer sacrifice to heaven, but there was a sudden dowmpour. He took shelter under the five pines and didn’t get wet. Later he gave them the title of Dafu in gratitude. • T: Looks like Mount Tai is full of stories. • G: Sure, and they are all very interesting. Oh, we’re finally at the top. Look, that’s Nantianmen. • T: Now I really need a break.
Zhongtianmen • 中天门 • 这里正处泰山半腰,亦称“二天门”,此处为登顶半程,上下必经之地。中天门是泰山中、西路交汇处,也是泰山客运索道的起点站。有清代建的中天门石坊一座,大门在题有“中天门”三字。
Wudafu Pines • 五大夫松 • 又名大夫松,位于泰山云步桥北侧的五松亭旁。登山盘路至此,有石坊赫然而立,额题“五大夫松”。坊西古松既为五大夫松,又称“秦松”。“秦松挺秀”为泰安八景之一。
sacrifice • v. n. 献祭,供奉 • Offer sacrifice to heaven 祭天 • The ancient Greeks sacrificed lambs or calves before engaging in battle. • 古希腊人在打仗前用羊和小牛作祭品。
Dialogue 2 Tour guiding(Visiting the Confucius Temple)
(On the bus the next day) • G: You must have been very tired yesterday after climbing Mount Tai. • T: Hmm, yes, but the view from the top was well worth it! The feeling that all the mountains were below where I was standing was just the best. • G: You feel proud of yourself, right? It’s like “scaling mount tai makes one feel superior to the whole world”. These were words of Mencius, who was describing Confucius’s visit to the top of Mount Tai. • T: Oh yes. But, didn’t you say you were taking me to the Confucius Temple today? • G: In fact, we are now nearing the Confucius Temple. • T: Oh, good. • G: I’ve noticed that you’re very interested in Confucius. Is Confucius well known in the US as well?
T: That’s basically true. I read some articles about him at the university. • G: Here we are. Let’s get off. • T: Ok. They say that Confucius was the first teacher in Chinese history. Is it true? • G: Yes, that’s the common belief. As early as 2,500 years ago, Confucius was a very famous teacher, and his thinking had a major impact on Chinese culture. So Chinese people have a great deal of respect for him. Now I’m taking you to Dacheng Hall. • T: Dacheng Hall? • G: That’s right, Dacheng Hall is where people burn incense to commemorate Confucius. • T: Then let’s burn some incense as well. • G: Ok.
Mencius • 孟子 • 孟子(前372年~前289年),战国时期鲁国人(今山东邹城人),是中国古代伟大的思想家,教育家。战国时期儒家代表人物之一。著有《孟子》一书,属语录体散文集。《孟子》一书是孟子的言论汇编,由孟子及其弟子共同编写而成,记录了孟子的语言、政治观点(仁政、兼爱、非攻,主张和平,反对战争)和政治行动的儒家经典著作。
Confucius Temple • 孔庙 • 孔庙是我国历代封建王朝祭祀春秋时期思想家、政治家、教育家孔子的庙宇,位于山东省曲阜市南门内。初建于公元前478年,以孔子的故居为庙,以皇宫的规格而建,是一组具有东方建筑特色、规模宏大、气势雄伟的古代建筑群,也是我国三大古建筑群之一,它在世界建筑史上占有重要地位。
Part 2 Reading Passage Natural Scenery (1) Songshan Mountain
Songshan Mountain lies in Dengfeng city, in the heart of Henan province and about 80 kilometers of its capital, Zhengzhou. Songshan Mountain, which is also known as Zhongyue (the Middle Mountain), is one of the five famous mountains of china. • Songshan Mountain has fine natural scenery. Its 72 mountains, grouped around the peaks of mount Shaoshi and Mount Taishi, extend for about 70 kilometers from east to west. Besides these mountains, there are many valleys, caves, pools and waterfalls, each of which provides the visitor with a unique and wonderful experience. The landscape is so unique that it has been given the title of “International Geological Park” by UNESCO. • The history of Songshan Mountain is as rich and interesting as its landscape. It is not far from Luoyang, the ancient capital city of nine different dynasties, making it an essential place for emperors to offer sacrifices to their ancestors and the gods. This has left many sites of historic and cultural interest in this area.
The beauty of the area’s scenery also led many famous scholars, monks and Taoists to choose this area as an important place to give lectures, explain Buddhist sutras and develop the teachings of different religions. Practitioners of the three faiths of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism absorbed ideas from each other, which led to these three beliefs growing closer together. • Songshan Mountain is the birthplace of China Zen Buddhism, and is the home of many wondrous temples, including Shaolin Temple, the largest pagoda forest in China Ta Lin (meaning pagoda forest) and the most ancient pagoda in China, Songyue Temple pagoda. A visitor can also visit the oldest cypress, as well as the earliest star observation platform in China. • What makes Songshan Mountain different from the rest of the Five Mountains is its rich and extensive cultural history. For this reason, a visit to Songshan Mountain will be greatly rewarding for scholars of region, physical culture, archaeology, geology, art, and architecture, as well as for travelers with a passion for beauty and history.
mount Shaoshi • 少室山 • 又名“季室山”,东距太室山约10千米。据说,夏禹王的第二个妻子,涂山氏之妹栖于此,人于山下建少姨庙敬之,故山名谓“少室”。少室山山势陡峭峻拔,也含有三十六峰。诸峰簇拥起伏,如旌旗环围,似剑戟罗列,颇为壮观。
Mount Taishi • 太室山 • 位于河南省登封县北,为嵩山之东峰,海拔1440米。据传,禹王的第一个妻子涂山氏生启于此,山下建有启母庙,故称之为“太室”(室:妻也。)。太室山共有三十六峰,岩幛苍翠相间,峰壁环向攒耸,恍若芙蓉之姿。
Zen Buddhism • 禅宗 • 中国佛教宗派之一。禅是禅那的简称,汉译为静虑,是静中思虑的意思,一般叫做禅定。此法是将心专注在一法境上一心参究,以期证悟本自心性,这叫参禅,所以名为禅宗。
pagoda forest • 塔林 • 在许多历史悠久的寺院旁边,有成群的古塔,密集如林,被称为塔林。这些古塔是这一寺院中历代高僧和尚们的墓塔,有的几座,有的几十座,甚至多达几百座。寺院的历史越久,规模越大,塔林也越大,塔的数量也越多。”
Songyue Temple pagoda • 嵩岳寺塔 • 嵩岳寺塔属全国重点文物保护单位,位于郑州登封市城西北5公里处嵩山南麓峻极峰下嵩岳寺内,初建于北魏正光四年(公元523年),塔顶重修于唐。该塔历经1400多年风雨侵蚀,仍巍然屹立,是中国现存最早的砖塔,也是全国古塔中的孤例。
Role-play the above dialogues Exercises
Complete the dialogue by translating the Chinese into English. • (G: Guide T: Tourtist) • G:Look, this is the Xingtan Pavilion • T:Xingtan Pavilion? What’s that? • G:Xingtan Pavilion is 1.____________________________(孔子讲课的地方) • T:Oh, I see. But, I don’t think this is big enough for his three thousand students. • G:This Xingtan Pavilion 2.____________________________________ (宋朝时为纪念孔子而建造的). Back in those days Confucius sat right here and taught while stroking the zither. His students would be gathered around him listening to his lessons. the place where Confucius taught was built in the Song dynasty in memory of Confucius
the earliest and the greatest phylosopher and educator in Chinese history. • T:Oh, I can image. He was 3.______________________________ ________________________(中国历史上最早的、也是最伟大的哲学家和教育家). • G:Right. Do you know what this is for? • T:I’ve noticed lots of birds in this courtyard. Could this be bird-bath? • G:Very imaginative, but this is no bird-bath. Nowadays people know it’s the end of class when they hear the bell, but in 4._______________________(春秋战国时期), Confucius would 5.____________________(点三柱香)here, and when the incense burnt out it was the end of the lesson. • T:Interesting! the Spring and Autumn Period light three sticks of incense
Translation The history of Songshan Mountain is as rich and interesting as its landscape. It is not far from Luoyang, the ancient capital city of nine different dynasties, making it an essential place for emperors to offer sacrifices to their ancestors and the gods. This has left many sites of historic and cultural interest in this area. The beauty of the area’s scenery also led many famous scholars, monks and Taoists to choose this area as an important place to give lectures, explain Buddhist sutras and develop the teachings of different religions. Practitioners of the three faiths of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism absorbed ideas from each other, which led to these three beliefs growing closer together.