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CLA S1 2 S oft wa re U se r E n v i r on me nt. I n tr oduc ti on: S o ft w a r e t ask s , use r s , p r o j ec t s . T oo l s . Si m u l a ti on. R econs t r uc ti on. Vi sua li za ti on P h ys i cs A na l ys i s . S umma r y. I n t r odu c t i o n - T asks a n d U se r s.
CLAS12SoftwareUser Environment Introduction:Softwaretasks,users,projects. Tools. Simulation. Reconstruction. Visualization Physics Analysis. Summary.
Introduction-Tasksand Users SoftwareCategories: Calibration(notdiscussedhere) Simulation Reconstruction Visualization Physicsanalysis User Categories A-environmentdevelopers. B-servicedevelopers. C - physicsusers. Focusonoff-sitephysicsusers. Access,ease-of-use,extentofuse, support.
Introduction-PhysicsProjects 0.14 NeutronDetectionEfficiency E = 11 GeV, gemc simulation 0.12 NDE with P1Bremoved 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 Blue - gemc results Black - CLAS6 measurement 0.02 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 p (GeV/c) n NormalizedCounts 1 CLAS12 simulation 11 GeV disgen event generator Black filled squares - panel 1a Red open circles - panel 1b 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 -5 10 10-6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Nadj
SoftwareTools General Locally Developed
Simulation EventGenerators pythia localprograms:disgen,ppgen,genev,... Use -Pythiaisa mature,widely-usedprogram.Othercodesvaryin easeof use. Support-PythiawellsupportedbyLundand CERN.Variedsupportforothers. SingleJLabstaffmember(H.Avakian). CLAS12Simulation-gemc JLabprogramforCLAS12and others. Useseviodataformatcommonamongthe halls. Use -Scriptsusedforbuildingoffsite - time-consuming,butreliable. Support-Completeweb-page, bugreporting. SingleJLabstaffmember(M. Ungaro). SeeVeroniqueZiegler’stalk.
Reconstruction Socrat(SOftwareforClas12 ReconstructionAnd Tracking) Local,generationone, C++codeforelectrons in forward detector(author - SebastienProcureur). Use -Compiledwith Root libraries(ACLiC), complexcode. Support-CLAS-NOTE2008-015,limited Collaborationsupport. TRAC (TrackReconstructionApplicationforCLAS12) Currentfocusofmaindevelopmenteffortonfull CLAS12 reconstruction. SeeVeroniqueZiegler’stalk. Use -Appliedto otherreconstructionprojects-Forward tagger-R.De Vita, BarrelSiliconTracker-Y.Gotra. Support-CLAS-NOTEin preparation. SingleJLabstaffmember(V.Ziegler).
Visualization -ced12 ced12(cLASeVENTdISPLAY) is the12GeVversionof the 6 GeVapplication. Use - Builton top ofthebCNU libraries.Easy to use. Support- Single Collaboration member (D.Heddle).
PhysicsAnalysis The evio data formatiscommonto allhalls. Differentgroupshavetheirown analysis codes. evio2root Convertsevio data into rootntuples. Generation2 versionindevelopment. Use - Generation 1 is easytobuild,butcumbersome to adaptto newbanks. Support-Generation2 being developedbyone JLabstaffmember(M.Ungaro). Generation 1 no longersupported.
Summary Eventgenerators-pythia,ppgen,disgen,and other locallydevelopedones. Simulation-gemcis complete,mature andinwide use. Reconstruction -generation3 developmentfaralong. Visualization-ced12eventdisplay welldevelopedand widelyused. Physics analysis-commondataformatamongallhalls withmanytoolsunderdevelopment. Use -Many packagesaccessibletooffsiteusers.TRAC juststarting to spreadoffsite. Support-single Collaboration orJLab staffsupportfor eachsoftware subsystem(often the originalauthor).