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A history of oil disasters. Presented by. Arthur Le Gal. Olivier Dubrocard. Marcel Venturino. A history of Oil Disasters. 1- Introduction. 2- A history of oil disasters. A- Chronology. B- Examples. 3- Consequences. 4- Conclusion. Introduction.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A history of oildisasters Presented by • Arthur • Le Gal • Olivier • Dubrocard • Marcel • Venturino

  2. A history of OilDisasters 1- Introduction 2- A history of oildisasters A- Chronology B- Examples 3- Consequences 4- Conclusion

  3. Introduction Key words & Key numbers Begins in 1859 Drilling = forage Increase = l’augmentation Tremendous = énorme 70.000 types of use Income = revenus 1.500 bilion euro market

  4. Chronology

  5. Exemple 1 Key words & Key numbers Tanker = pétrolier Waste = déchets December 8, 1999 25 000 tons of oil

  6. Exemple 2 Key words & Key numbers crude = brut congealed = Congelé 9 million barrels

  7. Exemple 3 Key words & Key numbers Oil platform = Plateformepétrolière 20 April 2010 780 millions litres of oil pose a threat to = menacer 400 spicies Whale = baleine

  8. Consequences Slick : nappe de pétrole Expenditure : dépense ______________________ Ecologicdisaster Irreparable damages Hugeexpenditure

  9. Conclusion

  10. Debate Would you be ready to clean Marseilles’ beaches if there was an oil disaster? Do you have an idea to make us less dependent in our every day life?

  11. Wethankyou for your attention, and if youwant more information youcan go on our Websitewhichis: http://oildisasters.free.fr

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