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T he N ew WI Computer Science Academic Standards and Cybersecurity

Discover recent CyberSecurity issues and events, job opportunities, and importance of cybersecurity in the educational framework and standards. Learn about the demand for cybersecurity professionals and the role of computational thinking.

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T he N ew WI Computer Science Academic Standards and Cybersecurity

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  1. The New WI Computer Science Academic Standards and Cybersecurity Joe Kmoch joe@jkmoch.com WMC, May 4, 2018-8:00am http://csitresources.pbworks.com

  2. Can you ID recent examples? Let’s name some CyberSecurity Issues and Events

  3. Cybersecurity Problems Growing • Cyber crime continues to be a significant and growing problem, both in the US and around the world. • For example a record 79% of respondents to a recent Price Waterhouse Cooper study reported that they had detected a security incident within the past 12 months

  4. Cybersecurity News • Can the Law Stop Ransomware? • Data Stolen from Saks Customers • Hackers Demand Bitcoin in Cyberattack • Report: Little Progress on Voting Security • Report: Russia Will Meddle in 2018 Elections • Readying for the Next (Cyber) War • …some recent headlines from one news publication

  5. Employment Needs • With increasing cyberattacks on industries across the globe, the demand for cybersecurity and cybercrime professionals has never been higher. • It’s hard to find a professional career that outpaces cyber security. • US BLS, job growth from 2012-2022 for information Security Analysis is projected to be 37% compared with 18% for all computer occupations and 11 percent for all occupations

  6. Careers in Cybersecurity

  7. Issues in Cybersecurity Hiring • #1 IT Career currently • Hard to find people trained in dealing with Cybersecurity • On the top of the hiring list of nearly every company • NSA (aka No Such Agency, National Security Agency) • openly recruiting; even appearing at HS events • eequire US citizens

  8. How are we in WI Dealing with CyberSecurity in our Schools?

  9. During this session • Basics of WI Computer Science Standards • Cybersecurity existence in the CS Framework • WI CS Standards structure • Strand  Standard  Learning Priority  Learning Indicators • Where Cybersecurity fits into WI CS Standards • Computational Thinking • Resources

  10. Basics of WI CS Standards • Informed by the K-12 CS Framework (rel 9/2016) • http://k12cs.org • 5 Core Concepts – what students should know • Major content areas in CS • 7 Core Practices – what students should do • Behaviors computationally literate use to engage with the core concepts

  11. Themes Interwoven throughout the Framework • Equity inclusion and diversity • Powerful ideas to solve real world problems • Computational thinking • Breadth of application

  12. Cybersecurity? • Why Cybersecurity in the Framework and our Standards? • to strengthen national security, • to deliver innovative STEM education, and • to provide preparation for good, well-paying jobs

  13. Cybersecurity? • How does Cybersecurity fit in? • Explicitly addressed in concepts (strands) • Networking and the Internet • Impacts of Computing • Implicitly addressed in all five strands • Studying issues in cybersecurity at a high level • Requires much CS

  14. Framework to Standards The K–12 ComputerScience Framework informs standards and curriculum, professional development, and the implementation of computer science pathways.

  15. WI Academic CS Standards • Adopted June, 2017 • Informed by the Framework • Five FW core concepts become five strands • Practices inform all of the indicators

  16. Overall Org of WI CS Stds • Five Strands • Inside each Strand there are 2 or more Standards • Within each Standard there are 2 or more Learning Priorities • Within each Learning Priority there are between 3 and 22 Indicators divided over 4 grade bands • The goal in our CS courses is for students to know, understand and be able to do the Learning Priorities. • The Indicators are measurable and written so that teachers can measure them. These are written appropriate to grade bands

  17. Cybersecurity and CS • Framework identifies knowledge and behaviors by grade band (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) • Authentication, info privacy, backup, piracy, encryption, social engineering, legal issues, algorithms • These are reflected in the WI CS Standards

  18. Cybersecurity & CS • Mostly the Framework and Standards focus on the user – assuring the user understands enough to protect her/himself • Learning details about security in systems involves much CS but is beyond the scope of the Framework and Standards

  19. Computational Thinking (CT) • CT is a cornerstone of Computer Science • Concepts and Practices • Data collection, analysis, visualization • Decomposition, patterns, algorithm, abstraction, automation • Modeling/simulation, parallelization • Dispositions (similar to Math Practices) • Deal with open ended problems, ambiguity, complexity, persistence, communication & collaboration

  20. Resources for Cybersecurity– focus on CS standards and beyond • Cybersecurity Unit for APCS Principles • Bob Juranitch • What students/teachers will learn:. • Students will recognize the importance of cybersecurity and the vulnerabilities that are inherent in the design of the Internet. • Students will recall cybersecurity attack terminology and their definitions. • Students will differentiate the various cyber-attacks when given contextual examples. • Students will identify the best defense for each cybersecurity attack vector. • Students will deconstruct cyber incidents into case studies. • Students will research cyber incidents and correctly apply new cybersecurity terminology when appropriate. • Students will collaborate with their classmates to prepare a presentation. • Students will explain to others the various terminology and scenarios in cybersecurity incidents.

  21. Other Cybersecurity resources • APCS-P includes cybersecurity objectives • Beauty and Joy of Computing • Code.org • Mobile-based NSF course • PLTW Software Engineering • …others • CSUnplugged.org activities

  22. Other Cybersecurity resources • High School & Middle School Programs • CyberPatriot Competition • National Youth Cyber Education Program • http://uscyberpatriot.org • NSA Day of Cyber • Job shadow a real cyber professional at NSA • https://www.nsadayofcyber.com

  23. Other Cybersecurity resources • Cisco Network Academy Intro to Cybersecurityand Essentials Courses • Some of the security benchmarks include • Identify basic security threats and solutions for both small and large networks. • Explain why security measures are necessary on network devices. • Identify security vulnerabilities. • Identify general security mitigation techniques. • Configure network devices with device hardening features to mitigate security threats. • https://www.netacad.com/courses/intro-cybersecurity/ • https://www.netacad.com/courses/cybersecurity-ess/

  24. Other Cybersecurity resources • National Cyber League • Cybersecurity competitions and coursware • Hands on preparation for Security+ and Certified Ethical Hacker certifications • Including lab exercises and game play • https://www.nationalcyberleague.org

  25. In depth certification • Security+ course and certification • Aimed at two year colleges and other certification programs • Some high schools offer this • Mark Ciampa book is extensive

  26. NCL Security+ SupplementalSyllabus Topics • Based on Mark Ciampa’s text • Introduction to Security • Malware and Social Engineering Attacks • Application and Networking-Based Attacks • Host, Application, and Data Security • Cryptography • Network Security • Administering a Secure Network • Mobile Security • Access Control Fundamentals • Authentication and Account Management • Business Continuity • Risk Mitigation • Vulnerability Assessment and Third Party Integration

  27. NCL Certified Ethical HackerSupplemental Syllabus Topics • Based on several texts • Background knowledge needed for CEHTMv8 • Analysis and Assessment • Security • Tools/Systems/Programs • Procedures/Methodology • Regulation/Policy • Ethics

  28. Other Cybersecurity resources • SEED Labs • Hands-on Labs for Security Education • Over 30 Labs • Free workshops • Textbook • http://www.cis.syr.edu/~wedu/seed/book.html

  29. Other Cybersecurity resources • Cybrary • Free and Open Source Learning for Cyber Security • https://www.cybrary.it/ • CyberAce.org– Advanced Cyberforensics Education – camps, clubs, curricula in SE US • CyberAces.org– SANS adult online curriculm Fundamentals of Cybersecurity • Segments on Operating Systems, Networking, System Administration

  30. Discussion? Questions? Thank You! Joe Kmoch joe@jkmoch.com Presentation available at http://csitresources.pbworks.com 4/29/2018

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