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Depression in the Media: Strategies for Talking to Reporters U-M Depression Center Colloquium

Depression in the Media: Strategies for Talking to Reporters U-M Depression Center Colloquium. Kara Gavin, M.S. UMHS Public Relations. Why does it matter?.

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Depression in the Media: Strategies for Talking to Reporters U-M Depression Center Colloquium

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  1. Depression in the Media:Strategies for Talking to ReportersU-M Depression Center Colloquium Kara Gavin, M.S. UMHS Public Relations

  2. Why does it matter? In today’s information-saturated society, the news media and informal media influence public opinion, patient/parent/clinician behavior and public policy like never before.

  3. Who do we need to reach & how? • Journalists and editors • The undiagnosed and under-treated • “Empowered” patients, families & advocates • Publicity-conscious industry & government • Discerning donors hoping to make a difference • Clinicians and payors who need evidence-based aid in depression and related disorders

  4. All of these audiences need: • Information spoken/written in language they can understand & use • Credible, independent sources • Context and lack of “hype” • Information readily available via accessible channels, especially Web • Constant stream of “newness”

  5. Depression in the News: Good News • Clinical trial recruitment and results • Rx, behavioral, combined, wellness, complementary • Genetic findings – differences in “vulnerability” • Neuroscience – differences in “chemistry” • Outcomes & economics - better understanding • Celebrities who use fame to bring attention • “Teachable moments” linked to news events • Public-service pieces on depressive disorders

  6. The Oprah Winfrey Show, 4/5: Depressed, Mentally Ill & Famous Therapy Said Good as Drugs for Some Depression Hollywood.com Shields Reveals Depression Hell Steroid addiction a risk for young athletes Withdrawal can cause depression, suicidal behavior Contents under pressure: Academic communities pay increased attention to graduate students' mental health Newer Antidepressants Work 2 Ways SSRIs boost serotonin levels on two fronts, study shows

  7. Depression in the News: Bad News • Medication backlash • Adolescent SSRI controversy • Vague or conflicting data • General mistrust of mental health profession • High-profile crime/tragic events • “Prozac defense” • Suicides • Lack of progress on parity policies • Individual patients’ “horror stories”

  8. Red Lake teen wasn't alone in his despair Shooter's family wonders about medication effect Weise's aunt says Prozac dose recently upped Compromise mental health bill advances Issaquah schools grapple with suicide Legislature rejects mental health bill: Lawmakers cite budgetary concerns SSRI Data Continue To Confound Researchers

  9. Depression in the News: No News • Wary researchers and clinicians • Lack of willing first-person spokespeople • Lack of visual appeal limits TV news • Missed opportunities to use natural “news pegs”

  10. Recent UMDC Newsmakers • Michelle Riba: April Health Minute video & press release on cancer depression, APA lead spokesperson • Reg Williams & Bonnie Hagerty: Arch. Psych. Nursing paper (U-M news release) • John Greden: US News & World Report grad school mental health • Dan Maixner: TV interviews on TMS trial • Huda Akil: FGF Pritzker Consortium paper in PNAS (UMHS press release)

  11. The Players MEDIA • Newspapers • TV & radio • Magazines • Health web sites • Trade publications UMDC • Clinicians • Researchers • Administration • Outreach staff • Affiliates PR staff

  12. U-M Depression Center’s Roles • First, best, only – national leadership • Reliable, credible, responsive source of experts for reporters • Top-of-mind, top-of-Rolodex (or Google) • Continuous stream of research results • Useful web site & programs for the public • Clinical guidance and training for providers • Evidence & advice for payors & policymakers

  13. Special Challenges • Finding patients who will “tell their story” is difficult because of stigma • Media & public perceptions and preconceptionsget in the way • Retaining credibility means disclosing ties to pharma, and being careful about what you allow in your name • Other usual risks and challenges: • Talking to reporters takes time • Responsiveness and agility in communications are hard work – especially with breaking news

  14. Aren’t there risks to media exposure? Yes.But we risk moreif we don’t work with the media! • Missed patient care & trial recruitment opportunities • Lost chance to reach clinicians & gov’t • Incomplete/incorrect public perception of key issues • Lack of recognition for U-M achievements

  15. What kinds of interactions might you have with PR staff & reporters? • Press release & interviews on your latest research • Publicity for new clinical trial/clinical service • Expert opinion on a topic in your sub-specialty • Health Minute feature story: video & press release • Commenting on someone else’s research • Commenting on a societal event, issue or trend • Compelling stories about patients • Crisis/problem situations

  16. What makes a reporter tick? • Most reporters serve a general audience • Most have no (or basic) medical/scientific knowledge • Might ask “dumb questions” or seek better quotes • See themselves as serving the “public interest” • Audience: speaking to “ordinary people” • Reporters are on tight deadlines • Respond quickly to requests or tell PR you can’t do it • Reporters have little space/time to tell the story • Keep your answers short, especially with TV/radio • Reporters value their independence • You probably won’t see questions or stories ahead of time, but you can ask to verify quotes

  17. Timing is everything: The embargo system • Embargoes are designed to increase media coverage • “Scout’s honor” system: Reporter agrees that if given the news in advance, he/she will not publish it until set date • Increases newsworthiness and coverage of research news • Gives reporter time to prepare, increases accuracy • Journals/professional societies routinely use them • Only select reporters get embargoed news • Privilege can be revoked if embargo is “broken” • Activity permitted during embargo period: • Sharing paper/abstract with reporters, interviews by authors/outside experts, video/audio recording

  18. How to talk to a reporter • Work with PR office to anticipate questions and prepare for interview • Media training is available! • Have key messages and “sound bites” in mind • Avoid jargon, don’t assume knowledge, speak colloquially and at high school level • Except for liveTV/radio, it’s OK to repeat answers • Forget about “off the record” • Don’t play favorites or ignore “small” media requests

  19. The Role of UMHS PR Staff • Consult with leadership • Fill requests for expert sources & patients • Counsel patients & families, handle consents • Escort cameras in patient areas • Report PR results to UMHS community • Seek outnews ideas • Devise best publicity strategies for stories • Write accurate & readable materials • Release & “pitch” stories to media • Prepare for crisis and strategic communication …and it’s all free!

  20. For news media Press releases Health Minute series (TV, radio, print) Pitch calls or e-mails Response to inquiries UMHS, UMMS, UMDC web sites External web sites and e-mail lists For other audiences UMHS web sites Bulletin, Star, E-News, Applause!,M News Now University Record Medicine at Michigan Advertising, brochures(charges may apply) Referring MD fax (small charge) UMHS Publicity Vehicles

  21. When to contact PR staff • You have an interesting paper or abstract accepted • There’s breaking news on a topic in your specialty • You’re starting a unique or new clinical service • You need patients for a clinic or subjects for a trial • A company, journal, society, patient advocacy group or patient contacts you about publicity • A reporter calls your office or e-mails you directly • Let your support staff know they can run requests through PR first! • You have an idea for a Health Minute feature story on a topic important to public health

  22. How to handle bad news or crisis • First:Call or page PR staff for help and advice • Don’t panic or clam up (ask “Can I call you back?”) • Put the best face on information, but don’t distort or omit key facts • Try to understand reporter’s perspective, goals and time constraints • Empathize with any expressed concerns • Refer reporter to other sources and experts for context and balance

  23. The End Result:Talking to reporters can be good for you! • Better public/peer awareness of research results • Better public understanding of the importance of depression research • Increased chance that your findings will have an impact on future research or clinical practice • Visibility within UMHS, U-M & beyond • Clinical trial/patient recruitment • Funding agency/donor appreciation • Unexpected benefits!

  24. How to contact UMHS PR Call: 647-1154 (Kara Gavin direct) or 764-2220 (if it’s urgent, ask to speak with my colleagues) E-mail: kegavin@umich.edu (or Groupwise) Fax: 615-2169Page: 9554 (There’s a PR person on-call after hours & on weekends) Submit events at: www.med.umich.edu/prmc/subform.htm Fax broadcasts to referring MDs, and Telecare recordings for public calls: Lynn Bryant

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