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Nutrient Management Protocol for Increased Yield of Rapeseed/Mustard

Nutrient Management Protocol for Increased Yield of Rapeseed/Mustard. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Dr. M. Z. ABDIN Head Centre for Transgenic Plant Development Department of Biotechnology Faculty of Science Hamdard University New Delhi-110 062. 1. 2. 25.14. 24.15. 16.32. 10.41. 3.

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Nutrient Management Protocol for Increased Yield of Rapeseed/Mustard

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  1. Nutrient Management Protocol for Increased Yield of Rapeseed/Mustard PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Dr. M. Z. ABDIN Head Centre for Transgenic Plant Development Department of Biotechnology Faculty of Science Hamdard University New Delhi-110 062 1

  2. 2

  3. 25.14 24.15 16.32 10.41 3

  4. Source: Directorate of economics and statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation, Govt. of India 4

  5. Strategies for Increasing Production of Rapeseed/Mustard • Area expansion: Limited scope • High yielding varieties: Already available and limited scope for further improvement • GM Varieties: No clear policy of the Government till now • Package of practices and nutrient management: Scope in view of the deficiency of mineral nutrients due to intensive agriculture 5

  6. Our Approach for Increasing Production of Rapeseed/Mustard Synergize use of high yielding varieties with balanced and split application of N&S at appropriate phenological stages along with phosphorus and potassium 6

  7. OBJECTIVE   To Increase the Yield and Production of Rapeseed/Mustard through Improved Nutrient Management Protocol at Farmers’ Fields. 7

  8. Improved Nutrient Management Package (Rapeseed/Mustard) 8

  9. Experimental Design • Three states namely Haryana, Rajasthan and Utter Pradesh out of the major rapeseed/mustard growing states were selected. In Delhi, we had used experimental plots at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi – 110062. • Farmers in these states were identified who agreed to participate in the programme. Farmers’ field size varied from 1Acre to 1 Hectare. • Soil samples were collected for the analysis of available N &S before sowing. • In each farmers’ field one control plot was maintained. • In control plot the rapeseed/mustard crop was cultivated using conventional nutrient management package. • In rest of the field the crop was cultivated using improved nutrient management protocol. • Yield components and productivity of the crop were analyzed after harvesting the crop from both the plots and the data were compared. 9

  10. States Covered = 03 (Haryana, Rajasthan and UP) No. of Experimental Sites = 24 Area Covered = 15.0 ha Production Tech. Tested = Conventional and Improved Nutrient Management Protocols 10

  11. 11

  12. Sulphur Deficiency in Soil The major factors responsible for S deficiency in the soil are:  1.  Increasing depletion of S through higher yield and cropping intensity.  2.  Large scale shift towards S free product in the fertilizer use pattern.  3.  Losses of S through leaching and soil erosion.  4.  Microbial transformations in the soil. 12

  13. 13

  14. Effect of Improved Nutrient Management Protocol over Conventional Agronomic Package on Yield Components of Brassica juncea cv. Pusa Jai Kisan 14

  15. Effect of Improved Nutrient Management Protocol over Conventional Agronomic Package on Seed and Oil Yield of Brassica juncea cv. Pusa Jai Kisan 15

  16. Effect of Improved Nutrient Management Protocol over Conventional Agronomic Package on Yield Components of Brassica campestris cv. Pusa Gold 16

  17. Effect of Improved Nutrient Management Protocol over Conventional Agronomic Package on Seed and Oil Yield of Brassica campestris cv. Pusa Gold 17

  18. Metabolic Coupling between Nitrogen and Sulphur in Relation to Photosynthesis 18

  19. The Relationship between Photosynthesis and Leaf-N as well as Leaf-S content as Influenced by S and N Application 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Pn rate (mmol CO2 m-2 s-1) +N +N +N +N 19

  20. Discussion • Increase in productivity of rapeseed/mustard reported is a result of the following contributing factors: • -Impact of using seeds of improved varieties (Pusa Gold and Pusa Jai Kisan) • -Impact of following improved nutrient management package incorporating N,P,K & S and their application in split dosage at appropriate phenological stages of crop. • Increase in no. of pods per plant and weight of 1000 seeds in pods is attributed to increased photosynthesis as a result of adopting improved nutrient management package. • 3. Magnitude of increase in yield in response to the improved nutrient management package depends on the severity of sulphur deficiency 20

  21. 21

  22. Conclusion The yield of rapeseed/mustard can be increased with the application of sulphur and nitrogen in balanced and split doses at appropriate phenological stages along with phosphorus and potassium with very high benefit:cost ratio. 22

  23. N50+50 K40 P40 S20+20 N50+50 K40 P40 23

  24. N50+25+25 P40 K40 S20+10+10 N50+25+25 P40 K40 Brassica campestris cv. Pusa Gold 24

  25. N50+50 P40 K40 S20+20 N50+50 P40 K40 Impact of Improved Nutrient Management Protocol on Brassica juncea cv. Pusa Jai Kisan 25

  26. Brassica juncea cv. Pusa Jai Kisan 26

  27. Programme for 2004-05 The programme is proposed to be implemented in Haryana, Rajasthan and Utter Pradesh through NGOs in 200 farmers field in each state. 27

  28. Scientists from ICAR Institutes Apprised/Consulted Dr. J. S. Yadav (Former Director): National Research Centre for Rapeseed/Mustard, Sewer, Bharatpur (Rajasthan) Dr. Manoj (Soil Scientist): National Research Centre for Rapeseed/Mustard, Sewer, Bharatpur (Rajasthan) Dr. R. C. Katiyar (Plant Breeder): Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi Dr. S. K. Prasad (Entomologist): Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi Dr. S. C. Chatterji (Plant Pathologist): Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi Dr. S. R. Chatterji (Principal Scientist): Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi Dr. Dheeraj Singh (Plant Breeder): C.C.S.A.T.U, Hissar Prof. S. Kalra (Microbiologists): C.C.S.A.T.U, Hissar 28

  29. Project Staff Principal Investigator: Dr. M. Z. Abdin, Ph.D from Indian Agricultural Research Institute Research Associate: Dr. A. Ahmad, Ph.D in Botany Dr. M. Israr, Ph.D in Biotechnology Senior Research Fellows: Dr. Ishrat Khan (Ph.D Biotech), Dr. Nuzhat Khan (Ph.D Biotech) Dr. M. Irfan Qureshi (Ph.D. Botany), Dr. Arshad Jamal (Ph.D Biotech) and Mr. Rajeev Kumar Dwiwedi (M.Sc. Ag in Agronomy) Project Fellows: Mrs. Rashmi Rekha Sharma (M.Sc. Ag. in Soil Science) Technical Assistant: Mr. Nizamuddin Khan (B.Sc. Ag) Computer Assistant: Mr. Nizamuddin (P.G.D.C.A) 29

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  34. THANKS! 34

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