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Warm Up 8/30

Warm Up 8/30. What did Moses do to help the Hebrews? Where did Moses receive the 10 Commandments? Add to TOC Pg.70 Confucius and Qin Dynasty. A Dynasty is a series of rulers from the same family. Shang Dynasty-- lasted from around 1700 B.C. to 1027 B.C.

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Warm Up 8/30

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  1. Warm Up 8/30 What did Moses do to help the Hebrews? Where did Moses receive the 10 Commandments? Add to TOC Pg.70 Confucius and Qin Dynasty

  2. ADynasty is a series of rulers from the same family. Shang Dynasty--lasted from around 1700 B.C. to 1027 B.C. First family of Chinese rulers to leave written records Built walled cities for protection Zhou Dynasty -ruled from 1027 – 256 B.C. The Zhou overthrew the Shang and established their own dynasty justified overthrow of Shang with mandate of heaven generally peaceful and stable made improvements in technology (cast iron) and trade (coined money) Zhou rule eventually weakened in the period of warring states

  3. The mandate of heaven is based on the principle that the right to rule is granted by Heaven. The pattern of rise, decline, and replacement of dynasties is the dynastic cycle. –New dynasty gains power, restores peace and order, and claims to have mandate of heaven -Dynasty becomes strong, establishes peace and prosperity, considered to have mandate of heaven -In time, Dynasty declines and become corrupt, taxes are raised, and power grows weaker - Disasters occur (floods, famines, peasant revolts, and invasions) -Dynasty is seen as having lost mandate of heaven, rebellion is justified -Dynasty is overthrown through rebellion, new dynasty emerges • Feudalism is a political system in which lords are granted use of lands that belong to the king (or ruler). In return the lords owe loyalty and service to the king, and protection to the people that live on their estates.

  4. Identify Phoenicians • Appeared around 1100 B.C. • located in present day Lebanon, but had city-states around the Mediterranean • Powerful traders along the Mediterranean • remarkable shipbuilders and seafarers (travelers of the sea)

  5. Phoenicians Legacy The Phoenicians greatest legacy was the Phoenician alphabet. They developed a writing system that used symbols to represent sound. As they traded throughout the Mediterranean their writing system spread. The Greeks for example, adopted the Phoenician alphabet.

  6. Aryan Caste System The Aryan Caste system was organized into four groups based on occupation: 1. Brahmins (priests) 2. Warriors 3. Traders and landowners 4. Peasants. As the Aryans came into contact with non-Aryans they made the system more rigid and gradually the system grew more complex.

  7. Identify Hinduism –It is a blending of Aryan and non-Aryan beliefs -Developed slowly over a long period of time -Hindus see religion as a way of liberating the soul from everyday existence (mistakes, disappointments) -Upanishads are the oldest spiritual texts -Moksha (perfect understanding) is achieved through reincarnation (rebirth) -A soul’s karma – good or bad deeds – follows one from one reincarnation to another

  8. Identify Siddhartha Gautama –founder of Buddhism -born into a noble family, his father isolated him from the outside world -At 29 he wandered outside the palace and saw suffering (sickness, old age, and death) -Decides to spend his life searching for religious truth and an end to life’s suffering

  9. Enlightenment means wisdom. Siddhartha Gautama reached enlightenment once he meditated and understood the cause of suffering in this world. From then on he was known as the Buddha, meaning the “enlightened one.” Thefour main ideas of Buddhism are known as the Four Noble Truths and deal mainly with desire and suffering. The Eightfold Path was a guide to behavior. By following the Eightfold Path, anyone could reach nirvana, the Buddha’s word for release from selfishness and pain.

  10. How did Buddhism spread? Following the Buddha’s death, missionaries (promoter of a religion) were able to spread his faith over large parts of Asia. Trade, however, played a larger role in spreading Buddhism. Because of trade Buddhism became the most widespread religion of East Asia.

  11. Confucius • Born around 551 B.C. Confucius was China’s most influential scholar. Born when the Zhou dynasty was in decline he had a deep desire to restore the order and moral living of earlier times to his society. • Confucius believed that children should practice filial piety, or respect for their parents and ancestors. He thought children should devote themselves to their parents.

  12. Qin Dynasty • replaced the Zhou Dynasty in the third century B.C. • First Qin ruler took the name Shi Huangdi (means first emperor) • Shi Huangdi was a tyrant and established an autocracy – a single ruler that has unlimited power • To prevent criticism murdered hundreds of Confucian scholars • Shi Huangdi’s accomplishments include unifying China, although at the expense of human freedom, completing the Great Wall of China, and advances such as roads and irrigation systems.

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