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DwarkaExpresswayistheHighwayto Fortune- Part1 November 22, 2016Real Estatedwarka expressway latest update, dwarka expressway map, dwarka expressway status, projects in dwarka expressway SrishtiChandola Dwarka Expressway is an 18 km long expressway which has been declared as the national highway and has begun gaining huge prominence among the buyers. It includes sectors 84, 85, 88,89,90,99,99A,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,110A,111,112,113, 114 and115. Present Status ofCorridor The NPR or Northern Peripheral Road is commonly known as Dwarka Expressway which is 18 km long and 150 meter wide which connects Kherki Dhaula on NH 8 to Dwarka in Delhi on National Highway 8 in Gurgaon. The project was finalized in 2007 and most of the projects have been completed on the 14 km out of the total 18 km. It has however not been completed since some of the patches of alignment are stuck in thelitigation. The future of corridor is connected to National Peripheral Road that is being operational as it is presently lacking acceptable level of theconnectivity. Here, we present you some key points which summarizes the present scenario with respect to pdfcrowd.com Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDFAPI
the National Peripheral Road and the highlights of key challenges holding up to the completion of theroad. Ministry of road transport, shipping and highways has lately declared that Northern Peripheral Road should get the status of National Highway. When did this actually happen? The construction, land acquisition and management of the road will undertake by National highway Authority of India i.e. NHAI. This is expected to gear up and take speed in clearance of the rest over hurdles. National Highway Authority of India is undertaking detailed project report of highway timeline, however, for final notification as well as the takeover by National Highway Authority of India is not strong atpresent. Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) is planning to make a 13.5 km stretch of the Dwarka Expressway operational pretty soon. This stretch is free of process and most of the work has been completed. This will connect to National Highway 8 at Kherki Dhaula through a flyover or an underpass. This provides the most required connectivity between sectors as well as other areas of Gurgaon through national Highway 2 and the existing accessroads. HUDA reached a settlement with the residents in Kherki Dhaula and New Palam Vihar whose names were acquired for the implementation of Northern Peripheral Road. The litigation had been holding up the construction activity of road in Sector 110, towards Kherki Dhaula and Delhi near National Highway 8. As a part of the settlement plan, HUDA will allot alternative plots to almost 700 families in sectors 110A and 37C. This process, however, has been yet completed due to the difference of opinions between HUDA and litigants on numerous aspects of the allotment plan of land. Thus, construction of activity on the incomplete stretches that has not yetstarted. pdfcrowd.com Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDFAPI
The final 1.3 km of Dwarka Expressway which connects to Delhi which actually falls in Delhi and the development of the stretch is the responsibility do Delhi Development Authority. DDA, however, has yet not acquired the land for implementing the road’s stretch. There are no clear timelines available on when this will be completed. Even if HUDA completes, thus, it’s part of Dwarka Expressway’s connectivity to Delhi might not beavailable. The demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee would also have an adverse effect on the proeprties situated across. This would make it a bit difficult to invest in the real estate market and only with some time period this would move to normal and then only people might again show invest in the real estatemarket. ← Bangalore’s UpcomingCorridor! Dwarka Expressway is the Highway to Fortune- Part 2→ Leave aReply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked* Comment pdfcrowd.com Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDFAPI
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