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The Bible Jesus Used

Explore the Old Testament through the lens of the Gospel as Jason S. DeRouchie, PhD, reveals how God saves, rules, and satisfies through Jesus. Discover the arrangement of Jesus' Bible and the NT witness to its structure based on Luke 24:44 and 11:50-51. Delve into the Old Covenant structure and understand its significance in biblical history.

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The Bible Jesus Used

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  1. The Bible Jesus Used A Gospel-Centered Glance at the Old Testament Bethlehem Baptist Church, sp 2013 Jason S. DeRouchie, PhD

  2. God’s Kingdom-Building Program God saves, rules, and satisfies through Jesus.

  3. God’s Kingdom-Building Program God saves, rules, and satisfies through Jesus.

  4. God’s Kingdom-Building Program God saves, rules, and satisfies through Jesus.

  5. God’s Kingdom-Building Program God saves, rules, and satisfies through Jesus.

  6. God’s Kingdom-Building Program God saves, rules, and satisfies through Jesus.

  7. God’s Kingdom-Building Program God saves, rules, and satisfies through Jesus.

  8. God’s Kingdom-Building Program God saves, rules, and satisfies through Jesus.

  9. God’s Kingdom-Building Program God saves, rules, and satisfies through Jesus.

  10. The Arrangement of Jesus’ Bible

  11. The Arrangement of Jesus’ Bible • NT Witness to the Structure of Jesus’ Bible. • Luke 24:44. These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled. • Luke 11:50–51. The blood of all the prophets, shed from the foundation of the world, may be charged against this generation, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah. (Cf. 2 Chr. 24:20–21 with Jer. 26:20–23.)

  12. The Old “Covenant” Structure

  13. The Old “Covenant” Structure

  14. The Old “Covenant” Structure

  15. The Old “Covenant” Structure

  16. The Old “Covenant” Structure

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