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Explore the production, utilisation, and standardisation of calcareous ash in Europe, including technologies, quantities, European standards, long-term experience in road construction, and conclusions. Learn about Coal Combustion Products, production of CCPs, utilisation, and European standards requirements.
CalcareousAsh in Europe - Production, UtilisationandStandardisation Joachim Feuerborn European Coal Combustion Products Association
ECOBA mission ECOBA was founded in 1990 to deal with matters related to the use of construction raw materials from coal. Members are generators of electricity, related companies and associations from across Europe. ECOBA members consider coal ashes and desulphurisation products generated in coal-fired power plants to be valuable raw and construction materials which can be utilised in various environmentally compatible ways. It is the task of ECOBA to propagate this message especially amongst legislative and standardising institutions and to communicate the economic and ecological benefits of CCP utilisation.
Content • 1. Introduction • Production of calcareous ash (technologies, quantities, …) • Utilisation of calcareous ash in Europe • 4. European Standards (requirements, revision) • 5. Long term experience in road construction • 6. Conclusions
1. Introduction Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) cover ashes and FGD products from coal-fired power plants (Ashes and Slags) Fly Ash Bottom Ash Boiler Slag FBC Ash Desulphurisation Products FGD Gypsum SDA Product Coal ash
1. Introduction • Production of CCPs in Europe (EU15) was 52 million tonnes in 2013, slightly reduced over the years (in EU 15) • Out of this about 40 million tonnes of coal ash (12 million tonnes flue gas desulphurisation products) • Out of this about 34 million tonnes of fly ash • Out of this 17 million tonnes of calcareous fly ash • Total production of CCPs in EU 28 is estimated to be more than 105 million tonnes annually in EU 28
1. Introduction Oil shalein energy production Hard coal + Lignite Hard coal
2. Production of calcareous ash (Technologies) Dry Bottom Boiler Technology Furnace 1100 – 1400°C Chimney NH 3 DENOX FGD ESP Coal Lime Bottom Ash Fly Ash FGD Gypsum hard coal / bituminous coal Lignite / subbitminous coal Siliceous ash Siliceous or Calcareous ash
Chimney FGD Lime FGD Gypsum 2. Production of calcareous ash (Technologies) hard coal / bituminous coal Calcareous ash Siliceous ash Lignite / subbituminous coal Calcareous ash Siliceous or Calcareous ash
2. Production of coal ash (quantities) Development offly ash productionfromhardcoalandlignite in Europe (EU 15) from 1993 to 2013
2. Production of calcareous ash (quantities) Estimated amount of calcareous ash in Europe in 2010(calculation based on coal comsumption)
2. Production of coal ash (quantities/qualities) Chemical composition of fly ashes from coal and lignite
2. Production of coal ash (quantities/qualities) Constituents of burnt oil shale – Germany/Dotternhausen
3. Utilisation of calcareous ash in Europe (EU 15) Reclamation of Opencast Mines Source: Vattenfall
3. Utilisation of calcareous ash in Europe (EU 15) Cement and Concrete Utilisation of Lignite Fly Ash - Platanovryssi Dam - RCC Source: PPC
3. Utilisation of calcareous ash in Europe (EU 15) Cement and Concrete 3000 m² concrete plate produced with CEM II/32.5 B-M (W-LL) at a site of Mitteldeut-sche Umwelt und Entsorgung (MUEG) in midth Germany Source: MUEG
3. Utilisation of calcareous ash in Europe (EU 15) Road construction (soil beneficiation) 4-way highway A72 from Rathendorf to Frohburg (north of Germany) 1.3 M m³ earth movement 2 M m³ qual. soil beneficiation 120.000 t of calcareous ash Source: Heilit&Woener
National standards/regulations ►Germany: FGSV Guidelines for calcareous fly ash for use in road construction, national certificate for use in concrete ►Greece: Hellenic National Specification Greek Fly Ashes ►Poland: National certificates for use in concrete and in road construction 4. European Standards – Requirements, Revision European Standards are – once prepared - subject of revision in a five year term. Selected standards recently revised or under revision are: ► EN 197-1 Cement ► EN 450-1 Fly ash for concrete ► EN 13282-1/-2 Hydraulic road binder ► EN 14227-4 Hydraulically bound mixtures ► EN 206 Concrete ► EN 13055 Lightweight aggregates ► EN 12620 Aggregates for concrete Definitionsfor siliceous and calcareous ash
4. European Standards – Requirements, Revision Requirements for siliceous and calcareous fly ash in EN 197-1 Burnedshale ≥ 25 N/mm² 1) CaOreactiv = total CaO reduced by the fractions calculated as CaCO3 and CaSO4 2) CaOfree = amount up to 2,5 % by mass accepted when soundness is given (see 5)) 3) SiO2reactiv = fraction of SiO2 which is soluble after treatment with HCl and boiling KOH-solution 4) mortars with ground fly ash as binder, amount < 40µm between 10 and 30 % by mass 5) mixture of 30 % by mass ground fly ash, 70 % by mass cement
4. European Standards – Requirements, Revision EN 13282-1/-2 Hydraulic Road Binders - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for rapid (part 1) and normal (part 2) hardening HRB Refers to EN 197-1 Definition EN 14227- 4 Hydraulically bound mixtures- Specifications - Part 4: Fly ash for hydraulically mixtures Siliceous Fly Ash Particle size Loss on Ignition Free calcium oxide/soundness water content pozzolanic activity Calcereous Fly Ash Particle size Soundness reactive calcium oxide water content hydraulic activity To be declared!
4. European Standards – Requirements, Revision Definition of calcareous fly ash in EN 197-1: General Fly ash is obtained by electrostatic or mechanical precipitation of dust-like particles from the flue gases from furnaces fired with pulverized coal. Ash obtained by other methods shall not be used in cement that conform to part of this European Standard. Calcareous fly ash (W) Calcareous fly ash is a fine powder, having hydraulic and/or pozzolanic properties. It consists essentially of reactive calcium oxide (CaO), reactive silicon dioxide (SiO2) and aluminium oxide (Al2O3). The remainder contains iron oxide (Fe2O3) and other compounds. The proportion of reactive calcium oxide shall not be less then 10 % by mass. Calcareous fly ash containing between 10 and 15 % by mass of reactive calcium shall contain not less than 25,0 % by mass of reactive silicon dioxide. In principle :(for all standards) calcareous ash is rich in lime/ reactice CaO
4. European Standards – Requirements, Revision Definition of burnt shale (T) in EN 197-1 Burnt shale, specifically burnt oil shale, is produced in a special kiln at temperatures of approximately 800 °C. Owing to the composition of the natural material and the production process, burnt shale contains clinker phases, mainly dicalcium silicate and monocalcium aluminate. It also contains, besides small amounts of free calcium oxide and calcium sulfate, larger proportions of pozzolanically reacting oxides, especially silicon dioxide. Consequently, in a finely ground state burnt shale shows pronounced hydraulic properties like Portland cement and in addition pozzolanic properties. Adequately ground burnt shale shall have a compressive strength of at least 25,0 MPa at 28 days when tested in accordance with EN 196-1. The test mortar shall be prepared with finely ground burnt shale only instead of cement. The mortar specimens shall be demoulded 48 h after preparation and cured in a moist atmosphere of relative humidity of at least 90 % until tested.
4. European Standards – Requirements, Revision CPR focus i.a.: Basic Requirements for “Construction Works for an economically reasonable working life” Mechanical resistance and stability Safety in case of fire Hygiene, health and the environment Safety and accessibility in use Protection against noise Energy economy and heat retention Sustainable use of natural resources Subject to extension mandates for product standards
5. Long term experience in road construction RESEARCH PROGRAMME FOR ROADS FE 08.0181/2004/NGB „Suitability of mixtures for hydraulically bound base courses according to European Standards for applications in Germany “ ordered by : Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen vertreten durch die Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (Federal Ministry for Traffic, Construction and Housing represented by Federal Authority for Road Constrcution) Research Institute 1: Anhalt University of Applied Science (FH) Dessau Department Architectur and Civil engineering Section Road Constrcution Technology Research Institute 2: Universität Kassel Department Civil Engineering Section Raw Materials for Construction
5. Long term experience in road construction Investigations for slow hardening base courses The bearing capacity of slowly hardening base courses was measured by Benkelman beam and Falling Weight Deflectometer in the years 2005 and 2006. Simultaneously with the field investigations, laboratory investigations of the base materials used for these construction projects were made. The approximation function {1} for the two-layer system, developed by WEINGART, was used for the iterative evaluation of the deflection moulds measured in the test routes with fly ash bound and slag bound base courses, providing sufficient coincidence with the BISAR calculation: with r = distance from the load centre a = radius of the loading plate wr = deflection at the distance r from the load centre
5. Long term experience in road construction List of the base courses produced with calcareous fly ash together with rounded layer module (Ebase course with binder modules of the bound mixtures produced with calcareous fly ash determined by the re-calculation of all FWD measuring results in comparison with the Ebase course without binder modules of base course mixtures without binder)
5. Long term experience in road construction Road construction (hydraulic road binders) • The main road to the power station Boxberg was built with the fly ash from the Jänschwalde power station in 1993. • total length of the road built with fly ash is approximately 70 m- constructed in 3 parallel lines with 3 m width each- HRB was covered with asphalt. Placing of HRB with calcareous fly ash Compaction of HRB with calcareous fly ash
5. Long term experience in road construction Conclusions drawn from project long term experience ► Within a research project in Germany different tests roads built with slag bound and fly ash bound base courses from 1985 to 1998 have been investigated regarding the bearing capacity by Benkelman beam and Falling Weight Deflectometer. Core samples were tested regarding compressive strength and durability. ► Aim of the research work was to evaluate whether the requirements in the European standards 14227 part 2 to 4 are sufficient to cover also the experience gained with the German regulations. ► It was verified that suitable slag bound and fly ash bound mixtures are sufficiently resistant against frost and have a high long-term durability under the prevailing climatic conditions in Germany, too. ► The load-bearing parameters of road pavements with widely varying rigidity and layer thicknesses, required for dimensioning, can be favourably determined by the Falling Weight Deflectometer.
► Every year more than 105 million tonnes of CCPs are produced in Europe (EU-28) ► 52 million tonnes of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) were produced in Europe (EU-15) in 2013, out of this about 17 million tonnes of calcareous fly ash in EU 15 ► Calcareous ashes are used as raw materials in cement and concrete as well as in road binders but mostly for reclamation ► The requirements are addressed in European and national product standards which are subject to regular revision. ER3 has to be considered in future revision of product standards ► Long term experience with use in reclamation, in cement and concrete (e.g. Platanovryssi dam) and in case of road construction show high durability ! 6. Conclusions
Thank you for your attention! European Coal Combustion Products Association phone: +49-201-8128-297 mobile: +49-151-18 24 8018 fax: +49-201-8128-364 email: info@ecoba.org Deilbachtal 173 45257 Essen Germany http://www.ecoba.org