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JEOPARDY Russia #4

JEOPARDY Russia #4. BY THE NUMBERS - 100. the number of Five Year Plans it took for Stalin to achieve industrialization of the Soviet Union. BY THE NUMBERS - 100. What is 3?. BY THE NUMBERS - 200. Number of seats in the DUMA and the percentage which are PR and which are SMD.

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JEOPARDY Russia #4

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  1. JEOPARDYRussia #4

  2. BY THE NUMBERS - 100 the number of Five Year Plans it took for Stalin to achieve industrialization of the Soviet Union

  3. BY THE NUMBERS - 100 What is 3?

  4. BY THE NUMBERS - 200 Number of seats in the DUMA and the percentage which are PR and which are SMD

  5. BY THE NUMBERS - 200 What is 450 and ALL are PR since 2007!

  6. BY THE NUMBERS - 300 Number of Prime ministers who served under Yeltsin


  8. BY THE NUMBERS - 400 143rd

  9. BY THE NUMBERS - 400 What is the Russian Federation’s rank on Transparency International’s (2011) Corruption Perceptions Index

  10. BY THE NUMBERS - 500 • fraction of Duma votes required for formal accusation to impeach the Russian president • fraction of FEDERATION COUNCIL votes required to remove the president from office

  11. BY THE NUMBERS - 500 What is 2/3 and 2/3?

  12. OH, THE PLACES 2 GO! - 100 Where Russia fought and lost at asymmetrical warfare (their Vietnam)

  13. OH, THE PLACES 2 GO! - 100 What is Afghanistan?

  14. OH, THE PLACES 2 GO! - 200 • 1.) First Soviet satellite and 2.) First three Soviet republics to say “Bye, ya’ll” to the Soviet Union

  15. OH, THE PLACES 2 GO! - 200 What are • Poland & • The Baltics – Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia?

  16. OH, THE PLACES 2 GO! - 300 Under President Viktor Yushchenko, this former Soviet Republic has persistently irritated the Kremlin with its ORANGE REVOLUTION and its efforts to move out of Russia's sphere of influence and to become more closely integrated with the West, including seeking to join Nato.

  17. OH, THE PLACES 2 GO! +- 300 What is the Ukraine?

  18. OH, THE PLACES 2 GO! - 400 Three former Soviet Republics which joined the EU and NATO in 2004

  19. OH, THE PLACES 2 GO! - 400 What are Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia?

  20. OH, THE PLACES 2 GO! - 500 • Former Soviet Republic where Russians have CIS peacekeeping troops & • where they have interfered with a separatist movement in this region

  21. OH, THE PLACES 2 GO! - 500 What are • Georgia and • Abkhazia?

  22. CURIOUS or SPURIOUS? - 100 • Stalin’s PURGES were the biggest cause of the leadership problem faced by the Red army at the outset of WWII.

  23. CURIOUS or SPURIOUS? - 100 What is CURIOUS?

  24. Big Names - 200 • The OCTOBER REVOLUTION (the Bolshevik takeover) actually took place on Nov. 17, 1917.

  25. CURIOUS or SPURIOUS? - 200 What is CURIOUS?

  26. CURIOUS or SPURIOUS? - 300 • Ownership of PRIVATE PROPERTY was a criminal offense in Soviet Russia.

  27. CURIOUS or SPURIOUS? - 300 What is CURIOUS?

  28. CURIOUS or SPURIOUS? - 400 Russia’s main parties have failed to open their policy-making & candidate selection process to ordinary citizens; parties are vehicles designed to serve the interests of party leaders or actual “cults of personality.”

  29. Big Names - 400 What is CURIOUS?

  30. CURIOUS or SPURIOUS? - 500 Russia cut gas supplies to the United States by 20%; Gazprom called the dispute as strictly commercial, but it’s probably political.

  31. CURIOUS or SPURIOUS? - 500 What is SPURIOUS?

  32. BIG NAMES - 100 He first wrote about history as class warfare and communism as the wave of the future in THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO in 1848.

  33. This BIG NAMES - 100 Who is Karl Marx?

  34. BIG NAMES - 200 The Polish labor union movement which arose in the shipyards and led the way out of Communism

  35. BIG NAMES - 200 What is SOLIDARITY?

  36. BIG NAMES - 300 Religious leader (from Poland) who helped ease the Soviet Union on down the road to oblivion

  37. BIG NAMES - 300 Who is Pope John Paul II

  38. BIG NAMES - 400 controlled by the state and its chairman, Dmitry Medvedev, is Russia's president-elect.

  39. BIG NAMES - 400 What is GAZPROM?

  40. BIG NAMES - 500 the belief that history is the product of class struggle; and obeys the Hegelian philoos. of history which views truth as the product of history (class struggle NOT Zeitgeist — the "Spirit of the Time"), thus truth passes through various moments, including the moment of error, which shapes it


  42. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? - 100 40 million

  43. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? - 100 What is the number who died in order for Stalin to complete industrialization?

  44. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? - 200 The media and the oligarchs

  45. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? - 200 What are two groups which Putin has “cracked down” on in order to solidify his power?

  46. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? - 300 It exacerbated the Brezhnev regime’s most pressing problem – the economy!

  47. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? - 300 The arms race – Nuclear and conventional


  49. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? - 400 What is NTV’s popular satirical puppet show which Putin yanked off the air?

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