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Learn about geometric space, points, lines, planes, and basic drawing techniques in this lesson. Essential tools and methods are covered for accurate technical drawings in the field of photonics.
Technical Drawing in Photonics • Lesson 2 • Primitive notions of geometric space. Base techniques of drawing. Dr. Zsolt István Benkő TAMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0005 project „Preparation of the concerned sectors for educational and R&D activities related to the Hungarian ELI project”
Lesson 2 P • The primitive notions of geometric space are: • points, • lines, • planes. All are undefined terms. The point is the most fundamental object: it has zero dimension (no size), it is represented by a dot and named by a capital letter. point P Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 A e B line segment AB The line consists of infinitely many points. It is a one dimensional object. It has infinite length but has no width and height. It extends to infinitely far in two opposite directions. It is named usually by a small letter. A line segment may be named by the letters of the two endpoints. line e Every two distinct points denote a line and a line segment as well. If a third point fits to the line denoted by two points, then the points are called collinear. Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 A plane is an infinite set of points forming a connected flat surface. It extends infinitely far in all directions. It is a two dimensional object: it has infinite length and infinite width but no height. It is represented usually by a four sided figure and named by a capital letter. plane S A plane can be denoted by two intersecting lines or by a line and a non-fitting point or by three not collinear points. Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Some tools are needed for drawing : • two square rulers (preferably a 45o and a 30o) Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 • a pair of compasses • a mechanical pencil (0.5 mm) – for the thin line • a pencil (B or 2B; blunt) – for the thick line • (ideally a pair of corresponding mechanical pencils should be used, e.g. 0.35 mm and 0.7 mm) Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing parallel lines Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing parallel lines Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing parallel lines Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing parallel lines Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing parallel lines Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing parallel lines Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing perpendicular lines Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing perpendicular lines Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing perpendicular lines Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing perpendicular lines Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing perpendicular lines Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing perpendicular lines Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Of course there are other methods to draw parallel and perpendicular lines. The methods shown previously are accepted in technical drawing and they are fast. Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Bisecting a linesegment Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Bisecting a linesegment Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Bisecting an angle a Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 a/2 a/2 Bisecting an angle Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Dividing a line segment to N equal parts Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Dividing a line segment to N equal parts Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Dividing a line segment to N equal parts Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Dividing a line segment to N equal parts Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Dividing a line segment ingiven ratio Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 3 2 Dividing a line segment ingiven ratio Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 3 2 3 2 Dividing a line segment ingiven ratio Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing a 60o angle. Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing a 60o angle. Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 Drawing a 60o angle. 60o Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 2 • References • Ocskó Gy., Seres F.: Gépipari szakrajz, Skandi-Wald Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2004 • Lőrincz P., Petrich G.: Ábrázoló geometria, Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó Rt., Budapest, 1998 • Pintér M.: AutoCAD tankönyv és példatár, ComputerBooks, Budapest, 2006 Technical drawing in Photonics