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Greek Drama = Tragedy

Greek Drama = Tragedy. Terms to Recall. ACT: long section of a play/drama SCENE: division of acts at key transitions in location or action. Main Character Types. PROTAGONIST: main character must face primary conflict ANTAGONIST: one who acts against protagonist creates conflict

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Greek Drama = Tragedy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Greek Drama = Tragedy

  2. Terms to Recall ACT: long section of a play/drama SCENE: division of acts at key transitions in location or action

  3. Main Character Types • PROTAGONIST: • main character • must face primary conflict • ANTAGONIST: • one who acts against protagonist • creates conflict • not always a “villain”

  4. Round vs. Flat Round Flat lacks dimension only see one main aspect of personality • multi-dimensional • variable personality

  5. Dynamic Dynamic v. Static • Changes throughout the course of the narration • Shows significant effects of conflicts

  6. Static • Does not significantly change during the narration • Seems to not be affected much by the conflicts

  7. Foils • highlight each other’s differences • not necessarily enemies • a “love/hate” or “can’t live with you/can’t live without you” kind of relationship • basis of partnerships in literature/film Sherlock and Watson bickering

  8. Greek Amphitheater Layout

  9. GREEK DRAMA TERMS • Chorus: group sings/chants during the performance to represent the feelings of the general public • Choragos: chorus leader

  10. GREEK DRAMA TERMS • Parados: chorus comes on stage to signal the start • Exodus: chorus signals the conclusion and moves off stage

  11. Strophe: chorus moves right-to-left and summarizes the main action of the scene • Antistrophe: chorus immediately moves opposite direction and leads into next scene

  12. Literary Terms: • Ode: chorus pays tribute to idea or person; express deep thoughts • Paean: chorus invokes the intervention of the gods to help

  13. Tragic Flaw • Personality trait that causes the protagonist to make a poor decision, usually with a fatal consequence

  14. Hubris • = excessive pride • often the tragic flaw in Greek tragedies

  15. Catharsis • The release of emotional tension following the acceptance of a traumatic event • Usually brought on by art, music, a ceremony (funeral), etc.

  16. So, do you remember that story about Oedipus…? The family photo album will never be the same.

  17. Key Details • Curse on Thebes’ royal baby  taken to die in wilderness  adopted by shepherd  as adult, challenges Sphinx  saves Thebes  kills man who insulted him along journey (dad/king)  Thebes views a hero  marries widowed Queen (mom)  4 children (Antigone, Ismene, Eteocles, Polyneices)  Oedipus learns true identity from Tieresias (prophet)  exiles himself  Creon takes over  Polyneices fights against Thebes  not buried properly (traitor)  the play ANTIGONE begins.

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