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EIPA European Instituto of Public Administration. 11 December 2012. European Territorial Cooperation Sustainability Transferability Capitalisation. Pietro Celotti. Project sustainability.
EIPA European Instituto of Public Administration 11 December 2012 EuropeanTerritorialCooperation Sustainability Transferability Capitalisation Pietro Celotti
Project sustainability A project is sustainable when it continues to deliver benefits to the project beneficiaries and/or other constituencies for an extended period after the Commission’s financial assistance has been terminated. Source: European Commission (2006) Directorate-General Education and Culture http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/doc/sustainhandbook.pdf
Project sustainability • Sustainableproblemswith the classicaldonor-controlled project approachhavebecomeincreasinglyevident: • Inadequatelocalownershipofprojects, with negative implicationsforsustainablebenefits • .. • Source: EuropeanCommission (2004) • PCM Guidelineshttp://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/multimedia/publications/documents/tools/europeaid_adm_pcm_guidelines_2004_en.pdf
Transferability • Transferring project results and solutionstootherbodies/organisationsexternalto the partnership isoneof the keysforsustainability • Thisimplies a sophisticated analysisof the externalneedfor project results and solutions • The analysismustbeprojected in a future time frame
Transferability • Transferabilityprocessis a natural follow-up for a pilotproject • Transferabilityisbased on the ‘production and distribution’ oftoolsthatallowto share the approachexperimented in the pilot project • Itisparticularlydifficultto monitor the actualuseof the project results and solutionsafter the end of the project
Transferability Communication Web-based Online tutor Web2.o Website Workshops Mailinglist Events, exhibitions “Traditional” Press coverage
Capitalisation In the area ofTerritorialcooperationtheseissues are dramaticallyemphasised. “Capitalisation” is a termusedto stress the necessitytoconsider the link of the project withotherprojects and with the programmeas a whole.
Why territorial cooperation • Solutionof common problems • Throughjoinedactions • Within a wide area ofcooperation • Withlimitedresources(ifcomparedtootherprogrammmes) • Withspecificfinancialrules(risksof low localownershipof the projects, costsgeneratedby separate management/financing/monitoringarrangements)
Territorial cooperation • Territorialcooperationeffects can notbecomparedtothosegeneratedbyotherprogrammesbelongingto the cohesion policy • They are strictlyrelatedto the intangibleassetsof the players • Intangibleassets do notbelongto a uniquelead partner or to a individual partnership – itisnecessarytoconsider the whole policy cycle
Capitalisation • MAIN STEPS • Awarenessof project effects and relevant policy cyclephase • Involvementof the policy players • Impact on the policy (identification of a new problem, formulation of a pilot model of intervention...)
Alpine Space Programme (ASP) It is the EU transnational cooperation programme for the Alps. Partners from the seven Alpine countries work together to promote regional development in a sustainable way. During the period 2007-2013, the programme is investing 130 Million € in impact-oriented projects in which key actors develop shared solutions on specific Alpine issues.
ASP conclusions • The main impacts of ASP concern the support to the policy cycle evolution • Specifically ASP provides an important support to the formulation phase (piloting actions – experimentation) • Capitalisation is the process of making the project effects (mainly intangible) impact the policy cycle
ASP conclusions • All projects shall embody and develop a capitalisation process • In ASP capitalisation process follows 3 main steps: awareness and sharing of the results among partners, communication and dissemination outside the project, integration with other policy tools
ASP conclusions • A project focused on policy identification should be promoted by centres of research, SMEs/workers/volunteers associations, chambers of commerce... • A project focused on policy formulationshouldbepromotedbyministries, regional/localcouncils… • A project focused on policy implementationshouldbepromotedbylocalauthorities, regionalagencies…
Politicaldecisionmakers Relevantactor Civilservants Growinginfluence on the policy Politicalelectedrepresentatives Policy action International organisations Universities and research Non profit organisations Stakeholder Representativesofothergroups Business Volunteersassociations Target group
A recent paradox! • In 2012 Alpine SpaceProgrammeiscarrying out a complexstakeholderdialogueprocess • Italianstakeholders (about 160) tend to stress the necessity to “capitalise” the projectseven more than the urgency to solve problemsregistered on the field • Howtointerpretthisevidence? Seeyouagainsomewhere in 2013…
ASP guide on capitalisationisavailable http://www.alpine-space.eu/fileadmin/media/National/Italy/Capitalization_Guide_IT.pdf www.t33.it p.celotti@t33.it