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2. hydronephrosis www.similima.com 2
3. definition An aseptic dilatation of the kidney due to a partial or complete obstruction to the outflow of urine
Two types www.similima.com 3
4. www.similima.com 4
5. Unilateral hydronephrosis By some form of ureteric obstruction, with the ureter above the obstruction being dilated
1) Intraluminal
2) Intramural ( in the
3) Extramural
obstruction www.similima.com 5
- stones & papillary necrosis in DM, analgesic nephropathy
1) Congenital
- PUJ dyskinesia/ Achalasia of PUJ
- due to failure of trasmission of
neuromuscular impulses through the narrow
- male:female= 2:1
- common in males on left side www.similima.com 6
7. 2) Ureterocoele
- congenital narrow ureteric orifice
3) Physioslogical narrowing of the PUJ leading to PUJ obstruction
4) Inflammatory stricture following removal of a calculus, repair of a damaged ureteric segment or tuberculous infection
5) Neoplasm of the ureter or bladder cancer involving ureteric orifice www.similima.com 7
Tumor from adjacent structures
Eg: CA cervix, prostate, rectum,
colon, caecum
Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis
Retrocaval ureter
Obstruction by aberrant vessels
Retrocaval ureter
Horse shoe kidney
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10. Clinical features
Insidious onset of mild pain or dull aching in the loin
Attacks of renal colic
Intermittent hydronephrosis
- after an attack of acute renal pain, a swelling in the loin is found. Some hours later, following the passage of a large volume of urine, the pain is relieved & the swelling disappear “DIETL’S CRISIS”; common in hydronephrosis www.similima.com 10
11. Bilateral hydronephrosis/ ormond’s disease Result of urethral obstruction; but may also be caused by one of the lesions described above occuring on both sides
In children
- phimosis
- meatal stenosis
- posterial urethral valve
- bilateral vesico ureteric reflex www.similima.com 11
12. In young adults
- stricture urethra- due to gonococcal
- bilateral aberrant vessels- a branch of
renal artery & veins which cross the
Middle ages & above
- BHP (common cause)
- Contracture of the bladder neck
- Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis
- pregnancy due to growing foetus & partly
due to progesterone www.similima.com 12
13. Pathogenesis
In a kidney with an extra renal pelvis
- the dilatation first affects the pelvis alone( pelvic hydronephrosis) if the obstruction is not relieved the calyces become increasingly dilated & the renal parenchyma is progressively destroyed by atrophy
In a kidney with an intra renal pelvis
- destruction of parenchyma occurs more rapidly
If the disease progresses, leads to a non functional kidney
If the disease is bilateral- uraemia www.similima.com 13
14. www.similima.com 14
15. Clinical features
From lower UT obstruction
- dull loin ache
- symptoms of bladder outflow obstruction
From upper UT obstruction
- although both systems are obstructed,
symptoms may be referred to one side only
From pregnancy
- dialatation of ureter & renal pelvis occurs
early in pregnancy & becomes more marked
until 20 th week
- results from high levels of circulating
progesterone on ureteric smooth muscles
- ureters returns to their normal size within 12
weeks of delivery www.similima.com 15
16. www.similima.com 16
17. investigations Plain X ray KUB
CT scan
Intra venous pyelography
Isotope renography
Retrograde pyelography(RGP)
Blood urea
www.similima.com 17
18. treatment Indications for operation :
1) bouts of renal pain
2) increasing hydronephrosis
3) evidence of parenchymal damage
4) obstruction www.similima.com 18
19. Principles of surgery
Non inflammatory kidney with thinned out cortex with hydronephrosis
(pyonephrosis- nephrectomy)
If the cortical thickness is adequate by US, even though it is non inflammatory kidney, a preliminary nephrostomy to decompress the system has to be done www.similima.com 19
20. Grades of renal pelvic diameter & management Grade 1 mild 11-20 mm
- Conservative / non operative
Grade 2 moderate 21-35 mm
- Conservative management
Grade 3 severe >35 mm
- Operated early
- Anderson-Hyner Pyeloplasty to prevent
permanent damage to kidney www.similima.com 20
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