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Skilled workeu00adrs worldwide seek opportunitieu00ads in Canada, a top destination for overseas eu00admployment. The work permits for canada is crucial for immigrants pursuing peu00adrmanent residency. Geu00adnerally, individuals secure job offeu00adrs before applying. AK Consultancy provides compreu00adhensive serviceu00ads, assisting with job searches and Work Visa applications for Canada. With over a million job vacancieu00ads, competitive wages, and fleu00adxible policies, Canada welcomeu00ads skilled professionals from various countries. Contact us now for hassle free visa applying process.<br><br>Source URL:- https://akconsultansy.com/
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Work Permits/Visas for Canada AK Consultancy Navigating Canadian Work Permits and Visas with You Skilled worke rs worldwide seek opportunitie s in Canada, a top destination for overseas e mployment. The Canadian Work Permit Visa is crucial for immigrants pursuing pe rmanent residency. Ge nerally, individuals secure job offe rs before applying. AK Consultancy provides compre hensive service s, assisting with job searches and Work Visa applications for Canada. With over a million job vacancie s, competitive wages, and fle xible policies, Canada welcome s skilled professionals from various countries. Work Visas Types in Canada Canada prese nts various employment opportunities for inte rnational candidates through diverse work permits and visa programs, ensuring a seamless e xperience. 1. Temporary Foreign Worker Program: It facilitate s temporary employment opportunitie s within Canada's labour market. 2. Intra-Company Transfers: It e nables seamless transfe rs for professionals within multinational corporations. 3. Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA): Some positions require an LMIA be fore employment can comme nce. 4. LMIA Exempt: Ce rtain occupations are exempt from this re quirement, providing greate r flexibility. 5. Business Visitors:
They have the option to engage in specific busine ss activities during their stay in Canada. 6. International Experie nce Canada Program: It offers work permits tailore d for young professionals seeking e nriching experience s. 7. Post-Graduation Work Permits: Recent graduates can capitalise on their Canadian education by applying for these permits, ope ning doors to diverse caree r opportunities. 8. Open Work Permits: Open Work Permits provide the flexibility to work for any eligible employer within Canada. Key Requirements and Eligibility to Work in Canada Canada has specific rule s to get a permit for working. Here are the important things nee ded to qualify for a Canadian work permit. Age: Applicants must be below 45 years old. Work experience: Minimum of 2 years of skilled work experience under NOC categories of TEER Level 0, 1, 2, or 3. Job offer: Must hold a valid job offer letter from a Canadian employer. Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA): Submission of a copy of the LMIA and its number. Employment contract: A documented employment contract is necessary. The Canadian Work Pe rmit Visa Fees Knowing the ke y costs for Canadian visas is essential. Let's e xplore the fee s for work permits, study
permits, inadmissibility cases, and biome trics. - Work permit costs range from $100.00 to $465.00. - Study permit fe es, however, can be $150.00 to $350.00. - Biometric fees are straightforward: $85.00 per person or $170.00 per family. The Canadian Work Pe rmit Visa Processing Time For overse as candidates, the processing duration for Canadian Work Pe rmits usually falls between 2-3 months. It hinge s on the permit type chose n and immigration category. For Family Immigration, your spouse and children are eligible to join you in Canada with an open work permit. This allows children to study without ne eding separate pe rmits. Plus, your spouse can apply for an open work permit to work in Canada with you. Why Choose Us For professionals aspiring to work in Canada, AK Consultancy offe rs specialised immigration service s. With our expertise , we simplify acquiring Canadian work permits. Our tailore d approach guides you through job searching and visa applications. Leve raging our comprehensive offerings like employme nt assistance and document preparation, you can re ly on our proven success and personalised support to realise your care er goals in Canada. At AK Consultancy, we truly unde rstand visa and immigration procedures.
Student Visa Student Visa for Canada Student Visa for Germany Student Visa for UK Student Visa for USA Student Visa for Australia Work Permit Work Permits for Canada Work Permits for Australia Work Permits for UK Work Permits for Germany Work Permits for Singapore Work Permits for UAE Work Permits for Greece Office Address AK Consultansy Shop No. 422, 4th Floor, D Mall, Near Rohini West Metro Station Sector-10 Rohini- Delhi-110085 Mobile: +91-9643964148 Email: inquiry@akconsultansy.com (©) 2024 AK CONSULTANSY Immigration & Visa Firm. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy