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Explore the haunted history of London with stories of ghosts at the Tower of London, the House on Berckley Square, and eerie occurrences in London's Metro.
. The Tower of London was built in 11th century, during the rule of Vilgelm –conqueror. The tower was a king palace, a mint (монетный двор), a prison, a zoo and a observatory. While in 16-17 centuries there was a prison, solders of the tower cruelly scoffed at prisoners.
After several thousands there were several cases, when people saw the ghosts. The most popular ghost is Anna Boleyn. She was married on Generic VIII, but had a lover, so she was put to death. She was buried in chapel of st. Peter in Tower. Since than her ghost had visited the tower. The most known her visit was in 1864. At night the watchmaker saw white silhouette of woman without head, but in bonnet (чепчик). When the ghost came to him, the watchmaker tried to stab (заколоть) it, but he was so shocked, that lose consciousness. After this he was sentenced to the court, as nobody believed him and blamed his for sleeping at the post. But he was justified, as other solders saw this ghost too.
Another mysterious story connects with the countess Solsbery. She was 70 years old, when was put to death in 1541. The executioner cut off her head only after the third try. And since her death guards had seen her ghost.
Another place in London, where you can see a horrible ghost is the house on Berckley- square. This ghost scared a lot of people. One person said the ghost was a little boy, who was scared to death in this house. Another person said it was a ghost of women, who was living there with prurient (похотливый) uncle. One day she decided to stop all harassments and jumped out the window. Some people said they saw her ghost at the roof. In third story they say the ghost is a crazy husband.
During the Victorian ages, this house was the most popular place of tourists. There died 3 people. the first was a maid. After that incidence one man wanted to stay there to understand what had happened. Unfortunately, in the morning he was founded death with open eyes from fear. Several years later there was one man, who slept there. He even had a gun and was shooting in ghost, when it lumped on him at night.
The London`s Metro • Now the underground of the British capital is most interesting under several factors:The oldest in the world;A lot of the closed stations (40 "stations - ghosts");For so long history the London`s underground has acquired set of legends and horror stories.
Londoners frighten each other of stories about undergrounders which live deeply under Northern line and don't leave almost on a surface. They have forgotten a native language, and eat mice, pigeons, rats, scraps. Sometimes regale on the fallen asleep passengers. Believe that undergrounders - ancestors of beggars, vagabonds and the other doubtful persons who have located in the underground still in a last century.
The train ghost. • One of the most known ghosts in London`s Metro is the train at the station Eldgejt on a ring line. The abnormal phenomena happens regularly. To the passengers passing a stop Southern Kinsington, the train – aghost which was gone there in 1982 under mysterious seems. The trainwent to depot. But then nobody saw the train. However, people think that the artful machinist has handed over structure in scrap metal and has left to live to the Bahamas.Those who has returned recently from London, tell about ghosts - victims acts of terrorism last time. They ask for cars on a stage of Oldgejt - Edzhver – roud.
Ann Nejlor • One of the most popular story tells about Ann Nejlor, who was killed in 1758 . • She visits station Farringdon everynight. People assert that heard its shouts, responding an echo on all station.