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ADULTERATION OF CRUDE DRUGS. DE F INA T I O N. Adulteration is a practice of substituting original crude drug partially or whole with other similar looking substances but the latter is either free from or inferior in chemical and therapeutic properties. OR.
DEFINATION Adulteration is a practice of substituting original crude drug partially or whole with other similar looking substances but the latter is either free from or inferior in chemical and therapeuticproperties. OR
Adulteration in simple words is the debasement of an article. OR Adulteration is broadly defined as admixture or substitution of original or genuine article/ drug with inferior, defective or otherwise useless or harmfulsubstances.
ADULTRANT: • The adulterant must be some material which in both cheap and available in fairly largeamounts. • Substitution is the addition of an entirely different article in place of that which is required e.g. Supply of cheap cottonseed oil in place of olive oil (Sweetoil).
TYPES OFADULTERATION Deliberate ( Intentional )adulteration Accidental ( In-deliberate)adulteration
1. DELIBERATE ADULTERATION ( INTENTIONAL) Deliberateadulteration–Arenormally commercialmainlywith theintentionof enhancement ofprofits .
2.IN-DELIBERATE ( ACCIDENTAL) ADULTERATION In - Deliberate adulteration– Are normally naturally occurring, accidental, careless or by ignorance and non harmful.
REASONS FORADULTERATION Scarcity of thedrug. The high price of the drug in themarket, eg: Clove, Cinnamon,Cardamom It is very common with the contraband drugs e.g.Opium
CONDITIONS OR STAGES OF ADULTERATION The term 'adulteration' or debasement of an article covers a number of conditions, which may be deliberate or In-deliberate. Inferiority, Spoilage, Deterioration, Admixture, Sophistication, Substitution
Inferiority Is anaturalsubstandardcondition(e.g. where a crop is taken whose natural constituent is below the minimum standard for that particulardrug)
Spoilage Is a substandard condition produced by microbial or other pest infestation, which makes a product unfit forconsumption.
Deterioration • Is the loss in the quality or value of an article due to destruction valuable constituents by bad treatment or aging or to the deliberate extraction of theconstituents.
Admixture • Is theadditionofonearticletoanother throughaccident, ignoranceor carelessness • e.g. Inclusionof soil on an underground organ or the co-collection of two similar species.
Sophistication • Is the deliberate addition of inferior material with intent to defraud ( cheat to get money ) ; such materials are carefully produced and may appear at first sight to begenuine. • E.g. Powder ginger may be diluted with starch with addition of little coloring material to give the correct shade of yellowcolour.
Substitution • Is the addition of an entirely different article in place of that which isrequired. • E.g. Supply of cheap cottonseed oil in place of olive oil (Sweetoil).
METHODS OF DRUGADULTERATION Substitution with Inferior/Sub- standard Commercial Varieties Adulteration by Artificially ManufacturedSubstitutes Substitution by ExhaustedDrugs Adulteration by Addition of Worthless Heavy Materials ( HarmfulAdulteration) Addition of SyntheticPrinciples Usage of Vegetative Matter from the SamePlant Adulteration ofPowders
1.S ubstitutionwith Inferior/Sub-standard CommercialVarieties Due to morphological resemblance to the authentic drugs, different inferior commercial varieties are used as adulterant which may or may not have any chemical or therapeutic potential as that original naturaldrug
This is the most common type ofadulteration Eg. Arabian Senna and Dog Senna have been used to adulterate Indian Senna (Cassia senna) Eg.MedicinalGinger(Zingiberofficinale)is replaced by Japanese ginger (Zingiber mioga)
2. Adulteration by ArtificiallyManufactured Substitutes Here the substances artificially prepared to resemble the original drug ( provide the general form and appearance i.e colour, shape, size) and are used as substitute of the originalone.
Generally , this practice is followed for much costlierdrugs Eg. Artificial invert sugar forHoney Eg.Paraffinwaxmade yellowcolorationand substituted for Beeswax. Eg. Compressed chicory in place ofCoffee
3. Substitution by Exhausted Drugs Inthistype the same plant drug isadmixedbut it is devoid of any medicinally activeconstituents as they are already extracted out. (no active medicinal components as they have already been extractedout).
This practice is most common in case of volatile oil containing materials like clove, fennel , cardamom, cinnamonetc., Eg. Exhausted Clove toClove Eg. Exhausted Ginger toGinger 24
5. AdulterationbyAdditionofWorthlessHeavy Materials ( HarmfulAdulteration) Here, the wastes from market arecollected and admixed with originaldrug. This is particularly noticed for liquids and unorganizeddrugs.
Eg. Limestonein Asafoetida Eg.Piecesofamber colored glassin Colophony Eg. Addition of rodent is a was tematter to cardamomseed adulteration very harmful Eg. White stones inrice
6. Addition of SyntheticPrinciples Sometimestofortifyinferior natural products, synthetic principles areadded Eg. Adding Citral to Oil ofLemon Eg. Benzyl benzoate to Balsam of Peruetc.
7. Usage of Vegetative Matter from the Same Plant Some times, the other plants growing along with medicinal plant are mixed due to their resembling colour, odour and in some casesconstituents.
Eg. The lowerplants like Moss,Liver warts andepiphytes growingonplant (bark) portionaremixedwith Cinchona or Cinnamon Eg: Stems portions are mixed along with leaf drugs like Lobelia, Senna, Daturaetc
8. ADULTERATION OFPOWDERS Besides the entire drugs, the powdered forms are frequently , found to beadulterated. Eg. Red Sanders wood inCapsicum Eg. Exhausted Ginger powder in powdered Ginger Eg. The powdered bark is frequently adulterated with Brickpowder
QUESTIONBANK Long Essays: 10Marks Explain in detail the various methods of adulteration of crude drugs withexamples. Explain the five different methods used for adulterationof crude drugs anddiscuss. Define adulteration. Explain the various methods of adulteration withexamples. What do you mean by deliberate andindeliberate adulteration give examples
Short Essays: 5Marks Define adulteration and explain the various methods of adulteration. Define adulteration and give the reasons for adulteration withexamples. What do you mean by deliberate andindeliberate adulteration withexamples? Discuss with examples on adulteration of powder and liquiddrugs. Explain in detail the methods of adulteration ofcrude drugs withexamples. Name five different methods used for adulteration of crude drugs and explain withexamples. What is adulteration? Explain in-deliberate adulteration of crude drugs withexamples
Name five different methods used for adulteration ofcrude drugs and explain withexamples. What is adulteration? Explain in-deliberate adulteration of crude drugs withexamples What is adulteration? Explain the deliberate adulteration of crude drugs withexamples. Short Answers: 2Marks Define Adulteration andSubstitution. What do you mean by deliberate andindeliberate adulteration? Give the various reasons ofadulteration Artificial adulteration withexamples. Name the different methods of adulteration of crudedrugs.
Define adulteration andsophistication. What are exhausted drugs? Giveexamples. What is harmful adulteration? Giveexamples. Give the difference between substitute and official drug withexample. What is substitution? Giveexamples. What is deterioration? Giveexample. Adulteration of crude drugs with artificialadulterants