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3 rd Beatitude

3 rd Beatitude. 3rd Beatitude- Happy are the meek, for they will inherit the land. The meek are people who are unselfish, and who think more of others than themselves. they don’t brag or act smart. They will inherit the land means, they can control themselves and lead other people.

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3 rd Beatitude

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 3rd Beatitude

  2. 3rd Beatitude- Happy are the meek, for they will inherit the land • The meek are people who are unselfish, and who think more of others than themselves. • they don’t brag or act smart. • They will inherit the land means, they can control themselves and lead other people. • they are good leaders and show others what is right.

  3. Meek-patient, gentlehumble- meek, gentle, not proud or boastful. 5. Meek people are strong, but they do not try to force people to act in a certain way. 6. They speak calmly even when they are angry or upset. 7. They make good leaders because people like kind and gentle words and actions so much that they want to do what gentle and kind people ask them to do.

  4. St. Francis de Sales • A bishop who decided to do something about his quick temper. • he asked for Jesus’ help when he felt himself getting angry and upset. • He would do something kind for the people he hurt when he was angry, or impatient. • St. Francis taught us: “you can catch more flies with a spoon full of honey than with a barrel of vinegar”.

  5. 4. What do you think St. Francis meant by this? Part 1- why will the flies be attracted to the honey and not the vinegar? Part 2- relate it to our words and actions. The honey is sweet. People go to people who are sweet and nice not selfish or mean.

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