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Diseño Curricular de 6to Año Escuela Secundaria. Capacitador: Oscar Marino Julio 2012. My Portfolio Prof. M. Marta Ottaviano Distrito:Navarro . Let´s start from the very beginning …. Diseño Curricular :
Diseño Curricularde 6to AñoEscuela Secundaria Capacitador: Oscar Marino Julio 2012
My Portfolio Prof. M. Marta Ottaviano Distrito:Navarro.
Let´sstartfromtheverybeginning … Diseño Curricular: “Dentro del marco de los fines de la Escuela Secundaria – la formación de ciudadanos, la preparación para el mundo del trabajo y para la continuación de estudios superiores – debemos tener en cuenta los distintos contextos de cada escuela, las particularidades y condiciones en las que los docentes enseñan, las biografías personales de los alumnos para tomar decisiones curriculares que promuevan una escuela para todos.” A new society … A new school…
Inglés y su Enseñanza en el Ciclo Superior de la Escuela Secundaria. Las clases de lenguas extranjeras deben servir no solo para aprender la lengua sino también para brindar la oportunidad de usarla en contextos dados, además de conocer las distintas partes y elementos de que se compone una lengua, sean capaces de ensamblarlos, de construir con ellos mensajes reales y útiles. AICLE ofrece a los alumnos un contextonatural para el desarrollo de la lengua extranjera, que se construye sobre la base de aprendizajes previos. Como consecuencia de un uso más espontáneo y natural, los alumnos están más motivados y predispuestos hacia el aprendizaje de otras lenguas. A new approach
And … How are wegoingto achieveallthat? Allyouneedis … Bloom´staxonomy of LearningDomains!
My reflection Onthe light of thisproposal, CLIL has come totherescue of bothteachers and students. Throughthe 4-Cs principles CLIL ensuresflexibility and adaptabilityto a widerange of contexts, as well as progression in languageusage and learning, skillsdevelopment and andselflearningconstructwhich in turnresults in aneffective, highlymotivatinglearningprocessforalltheactorsalike.
Before CLIL … WRITING SPEAKING verbs Simple orcontinuous? LISTENING READING adjectives gaps functions auxiliaries Correctform projects
After CLIL … Identity citizenship “self/other” awareness understanding New knowledge skills Learningto use thelanguage Use thelanguagetolearn Problem-solving applying reflecting
CULTURE • Multimedia Prsesentations • *Products • *Employees • *History of theplant • *HumanResources • *Export • CONTENT • *Thefarming and farmtimelinemachinery • *Wheat: fromsoiltoship • *Video”Theflourmillingprocess” • *Machinery • *TheHistory of Agro.machineryfactories in Argentina • *Advertisement - Leaflets The Project • LAGOMARSINO • FLOUR MILLING PROCESS • COMMUNICATION • CONGNITION • *Describingprocesses • *Identifyingmachinery • *Visual rpresentation • *Investigation • *Analizing and Organizing ideas • *Creating multimedia presentations, leaflets Language of learning Languageforlearning Languagethroughlearning Key vocabulary Phrases Passivevoice Connectors Lang. Of leaflets Reading strategiesfordifferentestypes of texts. Writingleaflets Dictionaryskills Describingprocesses and parts Usingfeedback
A new approachtoteachingeventuallymakesusreflectabout a new and widerview of assessment
So ... Bettersafethansorry! CLIL Assessment Principles
Washbacks Positive Washback NegativeWashback Refers to the unexpected, harmful consequences of a test. For example, instruction may focus too heavily on test preparation at the expense of other activities. Refers to expected test effects. For example, a test may encourage students to study more or may promote a connection between standards and instruction
Excerpt by Glenn Fulcher (2010) “Teachers… have to respond to the demands made by testing regimes and students´ desire to pass tests. It is therefore about evaluating the impact that test use may have on teaching and learning, in the broadest sense. The effects of the use of language tests are measure of the meaning of the test in practice. If the test has been well designed, with its purpose and effect in mind, we might expect to see many positive effects …”
My point of view Assessment has evolvedalongsidewithteachingtobecomepart of thelearningcycle and notitsaim. Forassessmenttobeeffective, itmustbe “ecologicallysensitive” as it has toservethe local needs of bothteacher and leaners. Whateverpurposeorformatitmayhave, it has tomirrortheteachingprocess and classroompractice. By selecting a test that reflects your instructional and program goals, you can more closely align testing with instruction. Have I evolvedorjustgotold?, I wonder…
A final word . . . Thegreatestsign of successfor a teacher … istobeabletosay: “Thechildren are nowworking as if I didnotexist” María Montessori, ItalianEducator. 1870-1952
… thanks! I´veselectedthiswisequotebecauseitperfectlyreflects my ownfeelings. Havingcompletedthecourse (successfully I hope!) I feelconfidentenoughtogoonworkingon my own. I´vealwaysconsideredassessment as one of thehardestaspects of teaching . Butnow, bearing in mindthe CLIL principles, thedifferenttypes of assessment and methods and aboveallthankstoanoutstandingteacher, I can honestlysaythat I can work as if he didnotexist!
“Theimportantthingisnotto stop questioning” Albert Einstein