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After 5000 h, it was found that the average 350 mA EL intensity (output power) values decreased from:. In other words, the EL intensity decreased by 24%, 30% and 55% for LED-I, II,and III, respectively. LED III :. LED II :. LED I:. 14. Conclusion.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. After 5000 h, it was found that the average 350 mAEL intensity (output power) values decreased from: In other words, the EL intensity decreased by 24%, 30% and 55% for LED-I, II,and III, respectively. LED III : LED II : LEDI: 14

  2. Conclusion • In summary, nitride-based power FC LEDs with rou-ghened sapphire backside surface were proposed and prepared. It was also found that we can simultaneously enhance output power and improve device reliability by roughening sapphire backside surface of the power FC LEDs. 15

  3. References • S. Nakamura, M. Senoh, N. Iwasa, and S. Nagahama, “High-power InGaN single-quantum-well-structure blue and violet light-emitting diodes,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 67, pp. 1868–1870, 1995. • C. E. Lee, H. C. Kuo, Y. C. Lee, M. R. Tsai, T. C. Lu, S. C. Wang, and C. T. Kuo, “Luminance enhancement of flip-chip light-emitting diodes by geometric sapphire shaping structure,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett.,vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 184–186, Feb. 2008. • D. S. Han, J. Y. Kim, S. I. Na, S. H. Kim, K. D. Lee, B. Kim, and S. J. Park, “Improvement of light extraction efficiency of flip-chip light- emitting diode by texturing the bottom side-surface of sapphire sub-strate,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 18, no. 13, pp. 1406–1408,Jul. 2006. • S. J. Chang, W. S. Chen, S. C. Shei, T. K. Ko, C. F. Shen, Y. P. Hsu, C.S. Chang, J. M. Tsai, W. C. Lai, and A. J. Lin, “Highly reliable high-brightness GaN-based flip chip LEDs,” IEEE Tran. Adv. Packaging,vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 752–757, Nov. 2007. 16

  4. Thank you for your attention! 17

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