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The role of social statistics in MfDR: Experiences in Gender Equality-the case of Ethiopia . Tamirat Yacob ( tamiratyc@gmail.com ) Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED), Ethiopia www.mofaed.gov.et Nov. 20, 2008 Stockholm, Sweden. MfDR: M&E and Statistics .
The role of social statistics in MfDR: Experiences in Gender Equality-the case of Ethiopia Tamirat Yacob (tamiratyc@gmail.com) Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED), Ethiopia www.mofaed.gov.et Nov. 20, 2008 Stockholm, Sweden
MfDR: M&E and Statistics • 2002 Monterrey statement on results: greater support for improved public sector management, statistical development, and M&E systems. • One of the most crucial aspects of managing for results is the ability to collect and use statistics at the national level to feed in to the M&E system. • M&E involves the systematic collection of performance information about progress towards results- used in management decision making • M&E on publicly agreed indicators, using reliable statistics, are a core part of Poverty Reduction Strategies/National Development Plans/MDGS and facilitates the process of mutual accountability in a country. To achieve this we need better use of reliable and timely data.
M&E system & Statistics in Ethiopia • Well structured M&E system is critical for assessing the effectiveness or lack thereof measures to eradicate hunger and poverty. • The Gov’t of Ethiopia put in place a well structured, institutionalized, comprehensive and complementary M&E system since 1996. • The system encompasses both survey-based and administratively generated socio-economic data supported by the development of matrix of indicators to track progress on inputs, outputs and outcomes. Three major actors in the M&E system: • Ministry of Finance & Econ’c Deve’t (MoFED) prepares implementation assessment reports and report to the Parliament, Minister’s council and Non governmental bodies • The Central Statistical Agency (CSA) serves to generate gender disaggregated social statistics, for outcome and impact indicators (www.csa.gov.et) • Federal line ministries annual implementation, M&E reports serve in generating data on input and out put indicators.
National Statistical System in Ethiopia • Transition to evidence-based policy making, the February 2004 Second International Roundtable on MfDR held in Marrakech called on countries to implement strategic planning activities to develop their statistical systems • Why better statistics and national statistical systems? For better and strong M&E systems and thus contribute to sustainable development • How good is the national statistics system for the production and use of Social Statistics in Ethiopia? • CSA well resourced by government over period of years; long tradition of quality data production; • Well managed and disciplined organisation at centre of the statistical system; • Well established inter-agency statistical & monitoring groups which can be developed for the NSS; • Development partners poised to support the implementation of the statistical strategy. • Political will to build a stronger statistical system; Results focus from Government • A recent activity on the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) to address the issues in the NSS
PASDEP ... • A Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty (PASDEP) - an extensive consultative process • Nationwide consultations on the performance of the Sustainable Dev’t & Poverty Reduction Program(SDPRP) across all regional states and city admins with citizens, civil society, PVT sector, chambers of commerce & donors (Focusing the dialogue on results at all levels of the development process) • Cabinet chaired by the Prime minister & Parliament discussed and debated on it for two weeks • Set of Indicators have been consulted, agreed and set: PASDEP Policy Matrix- measures an annual quantitative targets and it is a living document (Keeping measurement and reporting simple; Aligning programming, M&E with results) • Seeking results through learning- a new emphasis on evaluation: evaluation of effectiveness, learning from experience & results and make evidence-based policy adjustment (Using results information for learning and decision making)
Gender Policy and Programme in Ethiopia • Unleashing the Potentials of Ethiopian Women- one of the Eight pillars of PASDEP - an MDG based Five-Year Development Plan • Gender Needs Assessment to achieve the MDGs carried out • National Action Plan (NAP) on Gender-the core of the gender strategy under the PASDEP, as well as analytical initiatives such as mainstreaming of gender in to the budgeting process, and strengthening gender-disaggregated data reporting to better inform policy • Goals and objectives of the NAP: • Enhance rapid economic growth • Improved human development • Democratization and Governance • Improved public institutional performance
To review and strengthen the gender dimensions of data collection & analysis in the NSS: • Surveys will cover questions like how consumption & poverty is distributed with in HHs between men and women • To what extent women benefit from extension programmes and services or irrigation schemes • Analysis of the budget to estimate what the distribution of the benefits of public spending is by gender
Selected existing indicators for Gender Dev’t in the M&E of PASDEP
Recent achievements in Gender and Development Policies and Programmes in Ethiopia • Progress has been made in the adoption of a new penal code-Female Genital Mutilation(FGM), rape and trafficking have been treated as a crime; • Family law has been revised-age at marriage, divorce procedures being addressed; • To eliminate traditional harmful practices (violence against women) awareness creation undertaken at community level; • Protective legislations have been passed of women’s access to land, credit facilities, and productive resources as well; • The Gov’t has continued emphasizing gender equality in the process of decentralization and empowerment.
Recent achievements cont’d... • Education and Training of women and girls:- Parents’ and Teachers association- monitor girl’s educational progress in school; gender sensitive education package in pastoral areas; gender focal points has been institutionalized in higher education; • Gender and Health:- The Primary Health Care accorded special attention to the health needs of family, particularly women and children; • Women’s participation in decision making: for e.g., women representative in the House of Peoples Representatives from both ruling party and the opposition reached 117. And the number of elected women at regional level has increased to 40% and 3.2% in relatively developed and under developed regions, respectively; • Civil Service Reform Program and Civil Servant’s proclamation: laws against gender based violence formulated to protect women from violence at work place; HIV/AIDS prevention guideline w/c gives more attention to women formulated and implemented at work place; and, studies initiated to promote women’s participation in decision making.
Conclusion • Growing focus on MDGs and on MfDR, policy makers in developing countries and the international development community have become increasingly aware of the importance of statistics in informing development interventions and measuring achievements • Better statistics and national statistical systems for better and strong M&E systems hence ensure sustainable development • NSDS: a process for coordinating quality improvements among all data producers; agreeing data priorities with users; and, providing better service to data users • Enhanced production and use of gender-disaggregated data for policy and decision making and surveys and census should address emerging needs in Gender development • Unleash the potentials of Women for sustained economic growth and poverty reduction and hence ensure the well being of the society • Focus and holistic approach in national development plans and strategies to address the issue of gender equality