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The 2012 CTIF Network

A new exciting Edition (the 10 th !!!!) of M.Sc - II level on “ Advanced Communications and Navigation Satellite Systems ”. Aalborg Copenhagen. CTIF (Denmark). Roma. CTIF-Italy. CTIF-USA. CTIF-Japan. Kolkata Mumbai. CTIF-India. Tokyo. Princeton. The 2012 CTIF Network. NEWS (1/2).

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The 2012 CTIF Network

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  1. A new exciting Edition (the 10th!!!!) ofM.Sc - II level on“Advanced Communications and Navigation Satellite Systems”

  2. Aalborg Copenhagen CTIF (Denmark) Roma CTIF-Italy CTIF-USA CTIF-Japan Kolkata Mumbai CTIF-India Tokyo Princeton The 2012 CTIF Network

  3. NEWS (1/2) SPONSORSHIP: new possibilities for our Industrial Partners to participate to the X Edition of Masterspazio • Fellowship to a selected M.Sc student (Euro 6500,00) (C-sponsor) •Co-fund a CTIF_Italy Project (any amount)(A-sponsor) •Start a CTIF_Italy Project (any amount)(B-sponsor) Please contact ruggieri@uniroma2.it and cianca@ing.uniroma2.it Students in our Integrated NavCom Prototypes Development (HASCON Lab) with mini-tasks in: • Hardware • Software • Algorithms • Integration and Testing

  4. NEWS (2/2) NEW TRACKS IN THE X EDITION: •Cyber •Integrated Comms+Nav+Sensing •Interdisciplinary applications of ICT INTERNATIONAL: •CONASENSE* foundation – Delft (NL)+Aalborg (DK)+Tor Vergata (I) Universities – just created(November 2012) *(integrated COmmunications, NAvigation, SENsing and SErvices) • IEEE closer thanks to Masterspazio Director’s 2012 election to IEEE DIVISION IX Director (2013 elect; 2014-2015 active)

  5. IEEE BOD IEEE Staff IEEE ExCom Other IEEE committees Technical Activities Board (TAB) Membership Geographic Activities (MGA) IEEE USA lots of others AESS

  6. Division IX Societies • Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society • Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society • Information Theory Society • Intelligent Transportation Systems Society • Oceanic Engineering Society • Signal Processing Society • Vehicular Technology Society

  7. DO with us! M.Sc (II level) in Advanced Communications and Navigation Satellite Systems Cermet Quality Certification UNI EN ISA 9004:2000 X Edition (2012-2013) www.masterspazio.it ruggieri@uniroma2.it cianca@ing.uniroma2.it Thank you

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