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2. 2. Ending Veteran HomelessnessIntroduction to SSVF ProgramProgram Overview BackgroundOperationsParticipant EligibilitySupportive ServicesApplication SelectionApplicant EligibilityThreshold RequirementsNotice of Fund Availability (NOFA) OverviewApplication Available FundingUses of SSV
1. Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program
Overview of Program, Notice of Fund Availability & Application
December 2010
2. 2 Ending Veteran Homelessness
Introduction to SSVF Program
Program Overview
Participant Eligibility
Supportive Services
Application Selection
Applicant Eligibility
Threshold Requirements
Notice of Fund Availability (NOFA) Overview
Available Funding
Uses of SSVF Grant Funds
VA’s Goals and Objectives
Payments of SSVF Grants
Application Overview and Grant Writing Best Practices
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5 Federal Strategic Plan VA Five-Year Plan
6. 6
7. 7
8. 8
9. 9
10. 10
11. 11
12. 12
13. 13
14. 14
15. 15
16. 16
17. 17
18. 18 Application Availability
Application package is posted on the SSVF website (http://www1.va.gov/homeless/SSVF.asp)
Application is also available on http://www.grants.gov
Technical Assistance
VA and Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) will host 5 regional grant-writing workshops in January 2011
Workshops will help applicants better understand the SSVF Program and provide grant-writing application tips
Workshops will take place in Chicago, IL; Los Angeles, CA; Seattle, WA; Houston, TX; and New York, NY
More information on available Technical Assistance can be found on the SSVF website: http://www1.va.gov/homeless/SSVF.asp
19. 19 Allocation (Section E of NOFA)
Approx. $50 million available for SSVF grants this year
Maximum allowable grant size is $1 million per year per grantee
Supportive Services Grant Award Period (Section F of NOFA)
SSVF grant awarded this year will be for a one-year period
If funding allows, a future NOFA may be issued to enable grantees to renew their grant through a simplified application process
20. 20 Requirements for the Use of SSVF Grant Funds (NOFA Section G)
21. 21 Goals and Objectives for Awards under NOFA (NOFA Section J)
Enhance the housing stability and independent living skills of very low-income Veteran families occupying permanent housing across geographic regions
Rapidly re-house or prevent homelessness among the following target populations who also meet all requirements for being part of a very low-income Veteran family occupying permanent housing:
Veteran families earning less than 30% of area median income (AMI) as most recently published by HUD (http://www.huduser.org)
Veterans with at least one dependent family member
Chronically homeless Veteran families
Formerly chronically homeless Veteran families
22. 22 Payments of Supportive Services Grant Funds (NOFA Section L)
Payments will be made to grantees electronically via the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Payment Management System
Grantees may request payments as frequently as they choose, subject to the following limitations:
23. 23
24. Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program: Overview of Application and Grant Writing Best Practices
25. Application Overview
Section A: Background, Qualifications, Experience, & Past Performance of Applicant and Any Identified Subcontractors
Section B: Program Concept & Supportive Services Plan
Section C: Quality Assurance & Evaluation Plan
Section D: Financial Capability & Plan
Section E: Area or Community Linkages and Relations
Section F: Certifications
Grant Writing Best Practices
Next Steps
26. I. Application Overview
27. Application Requirements
29. Attachment A: Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISNs) Map
Attachment B: Applicant Budget Template (Microsoft Excel File)
Exhibit I: Eligible Entity Legal Authority
Exhibit II: Applicant Organizational Chart
Exhibit III: Evidence of Relationship between Applicant and Subcontractors
Exhibit IV: Articles of Incorporation, Corporate Resolutions, Certified Partnership, Joint Venture, or LLC Agreement
Exhibit V: Key Personnel Resumes
Exhibit VI: Reference Contact Information
Exhibit VII: Map of Program Area or Community
Exhibit VIII: Previous Year’s Audited Financial Statements
Exhibit IX: One Year Program Budget (Complete Attachment B)
Exhibit X: (Optional) Documentation of Financing
30. II. Section A: Background, Qualifications, Experience, & Past Performance of Applicant and Any Identified Subcontractors
31. Section A1: Background and Organizational History Scoring Criteria
Applicant’s, and any identified subcontractors’, background and organizational history are relevant to the program.
Applicant, and any identified subcontractors, maintain organizational structures with clear lines of reporting and defined responsibilities.
Applicant, and any identified subcontractors, have a history of complying with agreements and not defaulting on financial obligations.
Application Subsection Summary
Organizational structure
Applicant incorporation documents
Applicant overview
Any convictions, judgments, etc. against applicant
32. Key Considerations ???
Alignment between mission, services/programs, expertise, target groups and SSVF Program
Partnerships and use of Memorandums of Understanding
Enhancing your application by partnering with subcontractors with specific expertise
Outline roles and responsibilities of subcontractors
Include guiding principles, responsibilities and scope of services for subcontractors
If applicant would like VA to consider any subcontractors, along with the applicant, in evaluation of application, list as “identified subcontractors”
Note: Applicant is not required to have selected subcontractors at time of application
Be specific in terms of current and past programs/services: cite number of clients served, measurable outcomes, specific services provided, communities/neighborhoods served
Mention any awards or mentions that your organization/program/services have received
Mention who funds programs/services, contract performance, and repeat funders
33. Scoring Criteria
Applicant’s staff, and any identified subcontractors’ staff, have experience working with very low-income families.
Applicant’s staff, and any identified subcontractors’ staff, have experience administering programs similar to the SSVF Program.
Application Subsection Summary
Staff experience providing supportive services to very low-income families
Staff experience administering programs similar to proposed program
Staff resumes
34. Key Considerations ???
Be specific about staff roles in programs/projects, timeframe for projects, outputs and outcomes, funding sources, target populations, services provided, and collaboration with other nonprofit and public agencies
Highlight staff roles in program success and/or oversight
Applicant and subcontractor staff experience providing services to very low-income families, highlight any experience with HUD’s Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) or similar programs
Applicant and subcontractor staff experience administering programs similar in size and scope to the proposed program, any experience with HPRP or similar programs
Distinguish between staff experience and organizational experience
Attach resumes for key personnel in Exhibit V
35. Scoring Criteria
Applicant, and any identified subcontractors, have organizational experience providing supportive services to very low-income families.
Applicant, and any identified subcontractors, have organizational experience coordinating services for very low-income families among multiple organizations, Federal, State, local and tribal governmental entities.
Applicant, and any identified subcontractors, have organizational experience administering a program similar in type and scale to the SSVF Program to very low-income families.
Application Subsection Summary
Organizational experience providing supportive services to very low-income families
Organizational experience coordinating services for very low-income families among multiple organizations
Organizational experience administering programs similar to proposed program – provide 3 examples
37. Scoring Criteria
Applicant’s staff, and any identified subcontractors’ staff, have experience working with Veterans.
Applicant, and any identified subcontractors, have organizational experience providing supportive services to Veterans.
Applicant, and any identified subcontractors, have organizational experience coordinating services for Veterans among multiple organizations, Federal, State, local and tribal governmental entities.
Application Subsection Summary
Staff experience working with Veterans
Organizational experience providing supportive services to Veterans
Organizational experience coordinating services for Veterans among multiple organizations
38. Key Considerations ???
Define collaboration with other nonprofit and public agencies (e.g. level of formality, monitoring, timeframe, measures for success, goals, successes, challenges)
Highlight any relationship with VA or other public service entity
Applicant and any identified subcontractor staff experience working with Veterans
Applicant and any identified subcontractor organizational experience providing supportive services to Veterans
Applicant and any identified subcontractor organizational experience coordinating services for Veterans among multiple agencies, including VA
Demonstrate your understanding of the unique issues that face Veteran population
39. III. Section B: Program Concept & Supportive Services Plan
40. Scoring Criteria
Applicant has shown a need amongst very low-income Veteran families occupying permanent housing in the area or community where the program will be based.
Applicant understands the unique needs for supportive services of very low-income Veteran families.
Application Subsection Summary
Describe the location where the Program will operate, name counties, parishes, municipalities and/or tribal lands to be targeted
List Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) for target area (see Attachment A)
Identify the geographic regions for the target area/community (e.g. urban, rural, tribal land, other)
Estimate total number of Veteran homeless families in the target area/community
Estimate total number of very low-income Veteran households who are at-risk of homelessness in the area
Describe needs and characteristics of the very low-income Veteran families who would be eligible for services under the proposed SSVF Program
42. Scoring Criteria
Applicant has a feasible outreach and referral plan to identify and assist very low-income Veteran families occupying permanent housing that may be eligible for supportive services and are most in need of supportive services.
Applicant has a plan to process and receive participant referrals.
Applicant has a plan to assess and accommodate the needs of incoming participants.
Application Subsection Summary
Narrative describing plan to identify and assist those very low-income Veteran families most in need
Processing and screening plan (including list of screening questions to be used)
Description of referral process for ineligible Veteran families
Explanation of needs assessment for incoming participants
44. Scoring Criteria
Applicant’s program concept, size, scope, and staffing plan are feasible.
Applicant’s program is designed to meet the needs of very low-income Veteran families occupying permanent housing.
Application Subsection Summary
Proposed program concept, size, scope and staffing
Narrative on 4 required supportive services to be provided (outreach, case management, VA benefits, other public benefits)
Narrative on optional supportive services (temporary financial assistance or other supportive services) to be provided (if any)
Staffing plan
Housing model in which services are provided
Describe frequency of engagement of services
Housing and service coordination
Safety protocols and procedures
Individual goal setting/service philosophy
45. Key Considerations ???
Answer the who, what, where, when and how for all program components
Potential service models (HPRP, Critical Time Intervention, Permanent Supportive Housing Service Enhancements)
Evidence-based practices and service approaches (service needs assessments, motivational interviewing, peer mentoring, PTSD screening, trauma-informed practices)
Connecting to VA benefits
Connecting to mainstream benefits
Complete and include check box responses contained in application in response
Consideration of different types of program settings (single site vs. scattered site, etc.)
Consideration of whether and how to provide direct temporary financial assistance
How confidentiality and safety of participants will be assured
46. Scoring Criteria
Applicant’s program will be implemented in a timely manner and supportive services will be delivered to participants as quickly as possible and within a specified timeline.
Applicant has a hiring plan in place to meet the applicant’s program timeline or has existing staff to meet such timeline.
Application Subsection Summary
Table describing program’s implementation timeline
Implementation Plan (narrative)
Narrative around potential implementation obstacles
Key Considerations ???
Note services you already provide and would leverage for the SSVF Program
Adhere to VA guidance on timeline for program implementation (begin outreach within 30 days of grant execution; program fully operational within 60 days)
Be ambitious but realistic; don’t over-promise and set yourself up for failure
Note other program/projects that you were able to set up and/or operationalize within a similar timeframe
47. Scoring Criteria
Applicant is committed to ensuring that its program meets VA’s requirements, goals and objectives for the SSVF Program as identified in the Final Rule and the NOFA.
Applicant has sufficient capacity, including staff resources, to undertake the program.
Application Subsection Summary
Include plan for coordination and communication with local VA facility
Describe how the program’s design, implementation and evaluation will meet the goals, requirements & objectives outlined in the NOFA & Final Rule
Estimate percent of Veteran participants who are homeless and transitioning to permanent housing
Specify what percentages of participants served will comprise the target populations set out in NOFA
Describe applicant team’s ongoing project/program commitments
48. Key Considerations ???
Have you already worked with VA? Will your SSVF Program build on that working relationship?
If not, have you reached out to VA to gain their support for the proposed program? [Note: Section E requests letter of support from local VA]
Be specific, show your knowledge of local VA services and processes
Target populations and percentages should line up with needs identified in Section B1
Specify any competing programs/projects that may consume the proposed team’s time and explain how these competing priorities will be balanced to ensure proposed SSVF outcomes can be achieved
49. IV. Section C: Quality Assurance & Evaluation Plan
50. Scoring Criteria
Applicant has created clear, realistic, and measurable goals that reflect the SSVF Program’s aim of reducing and preventing homelessness among very low-income Veteran families against which the applicant’s program performance can be evaluated.
Applicant plans to continually assess the program.
Applicant has adequate controls in place to regularly monitor the program, including any subcontractors, for compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines.
Applicant has adequate financial and operational controls in place to ensure the proper use of supportive services grant funds.
Applicant has a plan for ensuring that the applicant’s staff and any subcontractors are appropriately trained and stays informed of industry trends and the requirements of the SSVF Program.
Applicant has a plan to establish a system to remediate non-compliant aspects of the program if and when they are identified.
Applicant’s program management team has the capability and a system in place to provide to VA timely and accurate reports at the frequency set by VA.
51. Application Section Summary
Narrative on goals and outcomes
Explanation of how qualitative and quantitative outcomes will be measured
Frequency of evaluations
Plan for monitoring quality of service delivery and compliance with program requirements
Performance evaluations for staff and subcontractors
Plan for staff training
Operational and finance controls to ensure compliance
Explain how non-compliant aspects of program will be fixed
Role of management team in reporting activities
Plan to ensure data accuracy in web-based HMIS system
52. Key Considerations ???
Make goals and outcomes as tangible and quantifiable as possible
Propose only those goals or outcomes that are measurable
Be specific: who, what, where, when and how for collecting numerical data & qualitative information (e.g., what data will be collected, who will collect it, what systems will be used for tracking, how often will it be collected and reviewed?)
Reference any familiarity with, knowledge of, or experience with HMIS or comparable data systems
Describe applicant’s record of monitoring delivery of quality services for comparable programs
Provide overview of internal performance review processes
Identify specific staff training certification opportunities
Discuss fiscal control system that will allow applicant to adequately track temporary financial assistance spending (if any)
Be specific: who, what, where, when and how for collecting data, creating reports & online data submission
Mention other programs funded with government grants/contracts or with similar reporting requirements
53. V. Section D: Financial Capability & Plan
54. Scoring Criteria
Applicant, and any identified subcontractors, are financially stable.
Application Subsection Summary
Provide summary of financial health of applicant and any identified subcontractors (sources and uses)
Attach previous year’s audited financials
Provide in narrative format any additional information the VA should consider around financials
Key Considerations ???
Explain negative net income or gross fluctuations, if any, for current or previous year
Highlight diversity of funding sources and/or categories (e.g. individual donors, events, foundation grants, government contracts)
Draw attention to multi-year funding sources and funding agencies
Include previous year’s financial statement for applicant and any identified subcontractors as Exhibit VIII
55. Scoring Criteria
Applicant has a realistic plan for obtaining all funding required to operate the program for the time period of the supportive services grant.
Applicant’s program is cost-effective and can be effectively implemented on-budget.
Application Subsection Summary
Submit one year budget (complete Attachment B, see next slide)
Administrative Costs
Total supportive services grant request
Average estimated grant amount to be utilized per household
Percentage breakdown of costs by use (e.g., supportive services type, administrative, etc.)
Describe use of funds in proposed program and detail how funds spent will be tracked by participants’ occupying permanent housing category
Plan for delivering program on budget
58. Key Considerations ???
Budget should be for one-year period and include both SSVF-funded and non-SSVF-funded costs
Microsoft Excel template (Attachment B – see previous slide) must be used
Maximum percentages of funds that can be used for certain purposes can be found in NOFA:
10% administrative cost cap
60-75% of grant funds on participants who are homeless or scheduled to become residents of permanent housing within 90 days
20-35% of grant funds on participants who are residing in permanent housing but at-risk of becoming homeless
30% temporary financial assistance cap
61. VI. Section E: Area and Community Linkages and Relations
65. VII. Section F: Certifications
67. VIII. Grant Writing Best Practices
68. Grant Writing Best Practices:Make the reviewer's job easier!!
69. Grant Writing Best Practices:Show, don't tell!!
70. IX. Next Steps
71. Your Action Plan for Applying Identify the local need and your target population
Define a program model that responds to the need/unique issues faced by your target population
Assemble applicant team
Self-assess capacity to develop and operate program, identify potential roles & responsibilities to fill gaps
Outreach to partners and/or subcontractors and develop MOU(s)
Identify and develop skeleton of program / application response
Complete SSVF Application and submit by deadline listed in NOFA
Grant Awards estimated Summer 2011
72. For Further Assistance and Information